Are you a mac or a windows person?

@bw0235 (53)
July 24, 2011 11:22am CST
I've never had a mac, but members of my family have a range of mac computers between them. There are a lot of positives to mac computers, they're so much faster and (in the case of mac books) their batteries last so much longer than other computers. The obstacle to me buying a mac, however, is the price. As a student I unfortunately do not have access to the riches that buying a mac requires. For this reason I stick to my funky Dell laptop (complete with the many faults windows brings, such as a multitude of errors and viruses (one that completely lodged itself in my system until I restored it back to factory settings). So I was wondering what the MyLot community think. What do you prefer, Mac, or Windows?
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15 responses
@abccba (1914)
• Denmark
25 Jul 11
Im a windows person., no doubt about that. I would never buy a mac, or any other apple device. Its not that their hardware isn't good enough. The problem is that 50% of the price is just the design and the brand name you are paying for, and i couldn't case less. The only important thing for of, is what i can do with it.. And the way apple wants to control everything no their devices, i can't always do the things i want to. Apple is for people who case more about brands and fashion than functionality.
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
25 Jul 11
Just to point out Apple is used in Hollywood in pretty much all of their Movies. Also Trent Reznor used Apple to make all of Nine Inch Nails songs and well this is where Apple targets artist in either Video, Drawing and Music.
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• United States
26 Jul 11
I have had bad history with Mac. I will always stay faithful to Windows despite the fact that it is slightly slow. Back in high school, when I was taking Multimedia class I had to use Apple computer. Our last assignment was to make music videos. I was making a nice one with my partner. I made the pictures and he was supposed to put them together. But then after a week, his Apple computer ate up all the things I made. We told the teacher and she said that it was too late for us, yet she made sure that it did not affect our grade. Another thing is that she had a Mac book which ate up our grades as it crashed in her house. She told us this. Because of all that, I stopped trusting Mac completely. But in a funny way, my sister sometimes gets her files corrupted at Windows. I am not sure why this happens. But I myself have never experienced anything like that. That is why, I am happy with the system.
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• Finland
25 Jul 11
I have macbook, but windows xpe installed in it. Previously i have used only windows on normal pc, but im thinking to give a try for mac as it should be. I also heard so many good things about mac. But thought that its not easy to fix macbook its not tempting. As i understood i should take it to shop were bought it or the closest place were is the mac factory.
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@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
i am currently using windows.. i can't afford a mac book.. but maybe in the future i could buy one.. now, i am into windows.. i'm using xp..
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@bmthepro (118)
• India
25 Jul 11
Entirely Windows person till now. Where I live a mac is very rare to be seen and everyone uses Windows products. Following the trends here I am using it as it helps working with everyone else easier. However I am bit curious about MAC plan to be using it in near future.
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
I have been a windows user since birth (haha not that I started using the computer when I was still an infant though :p). But when I bought my first ever Macbook Pro last year, I never touched a windows again. You know what they say, "Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!" haha! I think it's kinda true, at least it applies to me! I just love Mac! I really don't know why, but it just really is the kind of gadget for me :)
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
25 Jul 11
Well I am a Windows XP, Ubuntu Linux and a Mac OS X. I recently got my Mac OS X. Now yes they do cost a lot of money but Macs also retain their value a little longer than PCs because PC manufactures develop newer systems and there are tons of PCs out there that they aren't worth as much as a Mac because Mac is the only PC manufacture that installs Mac OS X on their system they are this way because it is illegal to install Mac OS X on anything but Mac Hardware. People have done this but don't go to Mac if something doesn't work right. Now to some of the issues besides price because well if the price didn't work Apple would lower it but it is the selling price of their systems even though they have a smaller number of users than Windows they have far less problems and this isn't just because they have a small number. Windows when you install something in Windows it places the installed program in a Registry this is how viruses can infect your whole system you install a virus and it places itself somewhere in the Registry and from here it can rewrite and infect every EXE that is installed and has things located in the Registry. This is how VIruses open up more than one internet connection service svchost.exe. Windows by design is open to a virus infection. Now Mac OS X is Unix based which doesn't allow for programs to cross over also if you are on a limited user account it won't let you install a program that wants to change or place itself in the Root Directory with out an Admin Password. Even if you are a system Administrator it will not let a program install in root without you retyping in your password. So Mac OS X because of its Unix based will always be more secure than a Windows PC period unless you are not a very smart user in which case you will suffer from IU Error. Which is by the way what most average computer users suffer from they download without thinking and they mess up their own machine I have ran Windows for months at a time with out any Virus Protection and when I finally did get it I had no viruses. Because I was smart and knew what I was doing. But Mac OS X is far better than Windows.
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@anurag3786 (6265)
• India
26 Jul 11
I am a windows person. Because I like to working on windows. I never used Mac Os. Because I think there is no operating system is better than windows operating system. Because this s very user friendly operating system. And any person can operate this very easily. And also there are many features are in windows operating system. So I always use windows operating system.
@kaylachan (75568)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Jul 11
While I grew up with Apple (literally) I'm and probably always be a windows person. I mean don't get me wrong. Apple (MAC) has it's good points, but it also has a lot of flaws. And, while it's fairly fast and generally virous-free, there's one thing (aside from price) that makes Mac not the computer for me. It was not, and barely has been designed with the blind in mind. What little software they do offer costs an arm and a leg, or you have to have the capability of running windows ON mac (which can be done, but at a price) to use the screen reading technology which in my honest opinion makes the computer nothing but colors with an Apple symbol on it instead of Dell, HP, etc. You see, MAc is exclussive to Apple, therefore their range is... limited in terms of brands. Whereas Windows is more unervisal.
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• United States
4 Aug 11
I'm used to Windows so it's what I prefer, but the Mac is nice too.
• Bulgaria
25 Jul 11
Well,Mac is strange to me so I use windows.But I use XP.XP is wayy better than 7 or Vista.ALot of my friends say the windows 7 version is great,but I think it sux.I should actually try mac some day.
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@kkarun (100)
• India
28 Jul 11
mac is the pro.the user interface and the perfomance it gives is awsome.mac is the os which has worlds most powerful graphical suppport. it also has a fan club around the world like me. even though lot of windows styles were orginated from windows. you have to give it to steve wozniaxk for the work he has done to develop the first macintosh computer.even bill gates said macintodsh is worlds best. now days i use leopard
@RK2002 (43)
• Singapore
27 Jul 11
I never had a Mac, but I am Windows-inclined, but it may partly be because I live in a Windows Environment. Windows and Macs both have their own multitude of problems, just like how a Windows computer is more prone to being attacked by virus and that it cannot create new iphone applications to sell in the App Store. Personally I have been thinking of getting a Mac to start learning how to make an iphone application and perhaps earn a few bucks for myself. But until then, its Windows for me!
@Jacruz25 (1124)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
I've been a windows user ever since we had our pc back around 2004. I've been used to windows since high school when it was still windows 98. Right now i'm using windows 7 and I really appreciate the new features of this operating system. As the same time I know how to format a computer and I believe windows is the most widely used operating system world wide and also the most user friendly.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
I'm a Mac user and probably until I die. Well I think that's good enough for saying about Macs are too expensive that only rich kids can have it. Because that can only proved that Mac users are more successful and more satisfied in life than MS Windows PC users. If you don't have money everything is expensive but if you have money everything is cheap. So, if always thinking Macs are expensive and you don't have money, then its time to challenge yourself . . . . make some money by using your MS Window PC . . . . so you can have or use a Mac computer also. Simple.