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Drought in Africa - Children starving in Africa
July 25, 2011 1:45pm CST
People are dying of hunger in Africa because of a drought. What I cant understand is why its still happening when they are able to make rain now!!!! China did when they were going through a drought like year, they made rain, so why cant it be done for Africa so they could save all those lives? What I dont understand is why our government is sending millions of dollars when it would be so simple to make rain and solve all their problems. What do you think about this or would you rather not think about it?
6 responses
@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Jul 11
Not every country has the knowledge to make rain, you must have smart scientist in order to make that happen, may be if China can help them, then African will stand a chance. Their government is more interested in power struggle and take control of all the resources, civil war and always ignore the welfare of their own people. Even with so much helps from industrial nations, too much problem continue to infest Africa continent. The continent needs a good and smart government institution not another strong man to dictate and control all the wealth of Africa for his own benefit. It is so obvious that majority of African are dying with no food, no job,no money and poor but their leaders always live very well off in magnificant palace and mansion at a time his population is dying with starvation, before you can make rain in Africa, the leader may have order you kill instantly to prevent rain fall from sky.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Jul 11
The problem with U.S is government official here gave out tax payer money to all these one man dictatorship in Africa or as a matter of fact middle east or south asia without demanding accoutability and agreement, since the fund is obviously make up by American tax dolllar, U.S government doesn't think it needs to exercise prudent and hold those foreign leaders accountable in order to establish their friendship and relationship with these regimes. They do believe they can buy cosy diplomatic relationship by giving generously to these strong men in Africa without placing a condition for using the all mighty U.S relief fund, so at the end of the day, vast majority of the percentage go right into a few top level leaders deep pockets and Swissbank saving account, while a tiny portion go to community center as a show of responsibility on the part of African government, that is why you continue to see vast starvation, high level of poverty, massive number of impoverished people in Africa continent every year after U.S gave out massive relief fund.
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• Canada
26 Jul 11
You're right of course. But isnt it the same everywhere? All head of governments live in mansions while the population of the world is trying to make ends meet or live off the street. There are homeless people here in Canada and in the USA. We are giving millions to Africa right now while we should use this money to feed our own people. So in a way, Canada is giving money to the dictator in Africa so he can get richer while his people are dying. And nobody rebels against this. It makes me angry. Thanks. You sound like you know whats going on in the world!!
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Jul 11
By the way, it is not the same every where, Africa has famine and mass starvation, while western europe, China, Canada do not have such a disastrous cand tragic event in a century. European or Chinese people are living quite well off compare to people in Africa continent on average, there is famine there while none in China or Europe.
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@Dymo75 (340)
• New Zealand
26 Jul 11
First, someone said to teach them how to grow food. Well they do, or else a drought wouldn't be bothering them. Another thing is, we have to not only teach them agriculture, but also extreme agricuture, so they know how to survive in a drought with out someone sending rain every three years. Instead of altering the environment, altering ourselves are usually a bit easier.
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• Canada
26 Jul 11
Mmm thats interesting, so how could they manage to grow food when there is no rain? They would need greenhouses then. That might be more expensive than making rain. Unless you know of another way to grow food during a drought?
• Canada
28 Jul 11
Heres the link on how China made rain. They talk about China, but Im sure that all countries can do this now. I suspect they have been for a while now. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3893671.stm
@Dymo75 (340)
• New Zealand
28 Jul 11
One thing that's bugging me is, how would they actually make the rain? I would have thought that was pretty expensive. At least greenhouses would be a bit more permanent. Anyway, I've seen a video on Vimeo (go and search for 'How to Feed the World'. It's the one with the funny looking pseudo-stickmen on it.), and it was talking about compatible agriculture and stuff. Something about growing specific species of plants together, so they share resources well. And also, we can veer off meat, and go to plants, especially beans, as they give a good amount of protein without draining our water supplies.
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• United States
27 Jul 11
I've never heard of China being able to create rain. Though I hate to imagine the process of things to get that to happen. I don't like to see those people starving, they've had problems with drought and civil unrest for a very long time. My suggestion is that people would stay closer to areas where water is plentiful like on the coast lines or along rivers. I know it's probably an ignorant answer when many are probably nomadic still there. But people flock around water as it's an essential element in our lives so we can grow our own food as well as industry.
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• Canada
27 Jul 11
China making rain was on the news here and this is how Ive learned of it "officially". You'll find a link below so that you can read it for yourself. Yes it sounds like they should live close to the water but Im not there and I dont know if they CAN find such places. Dont forget that the politicians in Africa are corrupt and they seem to not care about their people. Canada spent a LOT of "my" money to drill wells in Africa.....Im not sure why they are dry now as Im not a specialist when it comes to drought. Maybe all those wells that cost a fortune, are all dry. Thanks for sharing and no its not an ignorant answer!!
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
25 Jul 11
I did not know they could make it rain, but if they can by all means let them do so. I feel the same way about hunger and starvation, not only in the other countries but in ours as well. There really should be no lack of food with all the things that people can grow. I was looking the other day at a packet of seeds that I paid 10 cent for and in the envelope there were enough seeds to feed this entire community. The reality is nobody needs to die from hunger and it's a shame people are dying every day.
• Canada
26 Jul 11
I know what you mean about the seeds and how cheap it would be to feed many people. But first, they need to have a space to plant the seeds, unless they could in pots, now that might be a good idea and then they could make it rain so that it can grow. So why is it that nobody else is thinking about this? Thanks for your good idea!!
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
That's a good idea. Citizens of donor countries should take this up with their respective governments. Don't expect smooth sailing and quick decisions though. There are vested interests attached to the present mode of giving. And you know, handling millions of dollars in cash and other forms of aid is more dramatic and headline capturing than an airplane flight that brings rain. So while your suggestion may be inexpensive and effective, it may not fly for the simple reason that politicians and vested interests in both donor and receiving countries also want to harvest other things from the state of starvation and act of giving. But keep trying.
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@TheDwarf (138)
• United States
28 Jul 11
I never really understood why our government spends money on what they spend it on. I'm sure they have their reasons, but we could be a little more generous. It's hard to know exactly what were capable of doing, but lives do need to be saved.
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• Canada
28 Jul 11
I agree with you that lives need to be saved, but if my country and your country send huge amount of money but that money goes to the Head of State there and NOT to the people, then what good does it do if that Head of State doesnt care to help his people but only buy himself a bigger car or bigger mansion?
• Canada
29 Jul 11
Yes it would. Now they're saying that they cant get to the people because of the fighting. So now Im not sure if those people running away from their homes are actually leaving because of a drought of because of fighting. So why cant they get the food to the shelters or the refugee camps where they are running to?
@TheDwarf (138)
• United States
29 Jul 11
That's a good point. Maybe sending resources instead of money would be the way to go. If only we could just get food and other things right to the people. That would be the best way to help.
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