Saying I Love You for the first time

United States
July 25, 2011 10:05pm CST
Did you find it scary to say I love You for the first time to your partner? For me I was scared. I wasn't sure he would love me back. He had said it first but at the time I was still leery of all this love stuff. But I Had to take a chance. I said it and he didn't Leave! It was a leap of faith that I took and it was worth it. How about you? How did you feel about saying I Love You for the first time?
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17 responses
• South Korea
26 Jul 11
Well congrats it turn out good me.. uhhmm I am very poor at expressing my feelings.. its easier for me to say no in a nice way when dumping guys.. but my first time to say yes to a guy its really hard for me, I dont even know where did I get the guts to say yes and I love him too :) it was my first love and the first time I got my heart broken too.. but that ok no regrets for me^^
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• United States
26 Jul 11
That's what made it so scary. Before my guy I had a guy Say he Loved me and I Thought I loved him too but soon after saying the words he disappeared! So I was so scared that history was about to repeat itself.But it didn't!
• South Korea
27 Jul 11
may I ask why he disappear.. and my only advise is dont be afraid to love again and show what you really feel for someone.. even though you have a bad experience before..because doing it might bring you regrets.. and every decision in life is very important ans sometimes it could change your entire life :)
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• United States
27 Jul 11
I don't know why my ex disappeared. I was heart broken and so low . But I had a friend who help me heal . and when I said I was hoping for Real love , my guy found me. Because I had healed I fell for him. If I hadn't healed I would have been leery of a guy saying he loved me. But even though I felt this Was different I still was scared to say I love you. But my guy stayed with me. He said he loved me and he meant it!
• Canada
26 Jul 11
We actually both said it together. It was pretty sweet, and totally spontaneous, and we weren't scared at all. Hubby has been divorced three times, but still wasn't scared to say it to me. He told me he was scared to say it to past girlfriends, but not to me. I think you know what eventually happened to us. *grin*
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@GemmaR (8517)
26 Jul 11
I said it much to early in my relationship, and I didn't really mean for it to happen. We were just sat on a sofa and I was in his arms and I just got a huge urge to say it, so I did. He didn't say it back, but that didn't matter. I'd much prefer for people to say that they love me because they mean it rather than just as a reply to something I'd said. He said it a couple of weeks after I first said it, and I could tell that he meant it. We've now been together for over two years and everything is wonderful at the moment.
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• United States
27 Jul 11
Then it was worth the wait. My guy said I was worth the wait.
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
27 Jul 11
I remember the first time I said I love you, I was shaking in my shoes. But now when I look back, I wish I have never said it. But I can say this, the girl I am with now, I did not get scared saying it. We are completely compatible. She is the one I should have been with from back then.
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• United States
27 Jul 11
With my ex, I said it but looking back , I didn't even know what love was. Now I do. and I say it easily to my guy All the time.
• United States
27 Jul 11
My silver lining was that the guy disappeared . As soon as my heart was mended , my guy found me. All's well that ends well!
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
27 Jul 11
Well I did know what love was and I know now I made a big mistake. But the silver lining for me was running into the girl I loved the most all over again. See, now we are both happy.
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@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Hmmm.. my first I Love You? It was 2 or 3 years ago, if my memory doesn't fail me! I was scared to tell at first since I wasn't really sure about my feelings. When he told me he love you for the first time, I just replied back like "thanks", "same here".. But when we were on our 2nd monthsary, I was sure and brave enough to tell him I LOVE YOU. But still our relationship didn't last for years! It just lasted for 3 months though! But am happy he has been part of my life! :D
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@jiyeon21 (102)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
my first I LOVE YOU, i can still remember its still really fresh to my mind my boyfriend until now is my first bf so im still new to it even though i am in a relationship for 1 year and 6 months now so when i say my first I LOVE YOU my bf waited for it for about how many weeks after we became bf and gf because his my first and still don't know what to do even though i have idea and he always tell me i love you i didnt reply and he said he will wait until the day i say I LOVE YOU... so when that day comes he is really happy!!!
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• United States
26 Jul 11
My guy isn't my first boyfriend but he is my first Real love. He waited for me to say the words too. and when I did, it was so right. He said I was worth the wait. I want to wish you Every happiness.
• United States
28 Jul 11
@jiyeon21 (102)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
i see, will thats great its your first real love, thanks by the way how i wish it to that he is the one for me also... same to you have a great life and enjoy everyday that you spend your time with each other.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
26 Jul 11
I am a chicken. LIke you I waited to hear the words first before I put my heart out there to be broken. That was a long time ago....I haven't had anyone to tell I love you to in that situation for a long time! LOL
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• United States
27 Jul 11
But you are loved , by family and by this friend!. When my guy told me how he felt I was so surprised! It took me a while to figure out what I was feeling was more than mere friendship! That's when I finally said the words. But even then I was afraid he was going to disappear.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
26 Jul 11
Its really funny you know.Back during my time around 40 years ago, i was a very shy youth absolutely scared of girls,couldn`t even look them in the eye. In fact i was seduced by a girl who was younger to me but very much bold.She made the first overtures and i fell for her advances hook, line and sinker.We started meeting clandestinely and when i first held her hand an electric shock passed through my body. I just fell head over heels in love with her and she responded with alacrity. we had a torrid affair for 2 years without any physical relationship.Of course there was a lot of hugging and smooching but we had a ahrd time keeping it under wraps because both of us knew there would be opposition from our families.Then the inevitable happened and our folks came to know about it and that was the end of it.Her folks got her married off and i was left to mourn my intense and short lived affair.However i bounced back very quickly and was none the worse for it.
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• United States
26 Jul 11
Wow!What a love story.With my ex it wasn't that great. He said it first and then I said it but soon afterward he disappeared.I was heartbroken until I realized , it wasn't love , it was just desire. I was recovering when my guy found me. He fell for me months earlier but never said anything . He waited and waited for me to fall for him And Then he said the words. It took me a while longer but I Did say it and meant it . We are together now!
• United States
26 Jul 11
Actually that was something in the past I did feel nervous and scared about but then I met my boyfriend and somehow it was natural and easy to do. I wonder if it was because he allowed me to be me from the first time I met him. Where I really never felt nervous and or scared with him. Which is funny because he and I were suppose to only be friends and after a first date we somehow connected so well that we have been able to communicate and freely say I love you quite freely. We have been together and in love now for almost 8 years.
• United States
26 Jul 11
Wow! That's fantastic! My guy wants me Just the way I am too. We did start out as friends but it turned into love. He fell first and waited for me to return his feelings. All of this is still so new but I do feel comfortable saying I love you.
• China
26 Jul 11
It has been more than 30 years since we got married.To be honest,I have never said "I love you" to my better half.It doesn't mean that I don't love her, on the contrary,we are an affectionate couple.Perhaps we have different cultural background and lifestyle,most of us are implicit.
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Hi sarah! I don't remember the first time I said I love you, but i know the first time wasn't as intense as the last person I was saying. I think i said it first with my puppy love in high school, thinking that it was real love hahaha when in fact the feeling just disappeared. That is what teenagers do, you know. But the last person was my true love, and everytime i said I love you to him, it really comes from my heart. It is so lovely to use these words when the feeling is real. And also when the person you are speaking with feels the same way for you...
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• United States
26 Jul 11
I was like most guys when I was a teenager .I never thought I Needed the hear or say the words. But was I wrong. It feels so good to say it And hear it!
@diala84 (138)
• United States
26 Jul 11
When my current boyfriend told me he loved me the first time I was unsure how to reply back. I cared a lot for him but I wasn't ready to say the L word. At the time he was a bit more inexperienced with relationships than me and I had been burned several times in the past when I thought things were going well. I didn't want to get my hopes up or fall victim again. I told him that I really cared about him but I wasn't ready to say it yet. He was very understanding about the whole thing. A month or so later when we were laying together in his room I said it and it felt natural and it was the right time for me. We have been together 6 years now. My suggestions is to say it when you are ready to, don't force it or lie about it. Hopefully the person you are with will understand if you aren't ready at the same time they are ready to say it. I think lying about it by saying the L word and dumping the person soon after is much worse than just saying you don't know how you feel yet.
• United States
26 Jul 11
I agree. My guy fell for me months before he told me. We were just friends and I could tell him Anything, we were that comfortable. so he Knew I was just mending from a broken heart. He waited for the right time. When he said it I was surprised. It took me a while longer to say it but when I did I Meant it. I'm glad he thought I was worth the wait.I believe the L word should only be said when you Mean it. when my guy came into my life I was recovering from a guy who said he loved me but then disappeared.He said it first and I thought about it and then said it right back! Looking back , we both were wrong! It was just desire not Real love.
@pacrptc (231)
• United States
26 Jul 11
well my husband will say that i said it first but I can recall every detail of that moment when he whispered it into my ear...I was soo scared when i heard it that i am surprised I didn't pass out lol... hope this helps
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• United States
26 Jul 11
It does. Thank you.
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
I don't think it is scary. It would be more scary if he ask you to make love for the first time.
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• United States
26 Jul 11
Really? Ok.
@anurag3786 (6265)
• India
26 Jul 11
Yes me always scary to say I love you to any girl. Because I don’t know after this how she behaved to me. So I always scared about this. Yes this is really difficult to say anyone. But if you loved someone truly then you never feel any hesitation to saying these amazing 3 words.
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• United States
26 Jul 11
Once I Knew he loves me , I do say I love you easily and often!
@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Well, it is too weird for me. In the firs place how did you become partner if you didn't say I love you in the first place?. Anyway, as I remember it feels good in saying I love you for the first time. My heart pumps rapidly and I'm blushing on that day. It is always a gamble my friend. I did not expect that she loved and all I did was to let her know that I loved her.
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• India
26 Jul 11
this is the toughest thng to do..actually in my cse i always denied tht i dnt love that prsn bt actually it was one day i realised that i do love him..n finally one fyn day gatherng my ol courage n keepng faith in him..said him three golden wrds..:):)
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• United States
26 Jul 11
I wish you luck. It is wonderful when you two both say it And mean it.