which is better to sell - look younger, look beautiful or look whiter?

@redphile (2264)
July 26, 2011 12:20am CST
It's just funny that there is a huge market out there for beauty products and they have their different slogans, on how to sell them. But what do you think is a best seller? Products that can make you look younger, those who can make you more beautiful or those that can make you more whitier skin? Your thoughts? Thanks!
5 responses
• United States
26 Jul 11
Products don't provide beauty. They are supposed to just enhance that. But I see that in USA, products that promise younger looking skin sell heavily. Most people wish to have wrinkle free skin. And they are ready to try out just about everything for it. I think I would go with a product that promises to take care of acne issues. This is another thing that sells like hot cake here. We do have acne problems. I do too. The only thing that really worked for me was turmeric. That is not even a cream.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
I do have it too! Face and back, and it sucks! :p What's turmeric? Never heard of that. And yeah you're right, majority of the improvements that we have in our lives are mostly due to being positive in life. And I definitely believe in that! A lot of products promises a lot of things and like what I said, some people will do whatever it takes, whatever money can buy they will buy it. Not even knowing if it will work or not.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Wow that is great! I maybe able to try that out to treat my acne. Hmm! Although I'm actually too lazy to put stuff in my face to be honest :) I just make sure that I wash my face before I go to bed, and that's it. No more, no less. It makes your face yellow? How come? Hmm. Maybe that's one of the effects, or could be something that its okay, or just fine with your skin.
• United States
27 Jul 11
Turmeric  - A great ingredient for getting rid of acne.
I know the feeling. Turmeric is actually a root. It is made into powder and sold in stores. I suppose you will find it at a very cheap price at Indian or Middle Eastern grocery stores. I am actually quite shocked by its antiseptic strength. It did not just heal my acne, but made my skin immune to it. I just mix a pinch of turmeric in water, stir it and then leave it on my face for 20 minutes. After that, I wash it off without using a soap. I actually use a face wash to clean my face before applying this mask. I used to this every night before going to sleep. But now that I don't have acne I do it just three times a week. I read that it takes care of many other skin problems also. That is why, I am continuing to use it. There is just one problem. It makes face yellow. But I noticed that when I wear makeup over it my skin glows.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Products that offer miracles for aging sell better. The share in the market is more since all women from age range of 16-78 will be the target market. At the same time, working women are within these brackets therefore the purchasing power is high compare to whitening where only young girls from 13-24 are the target market. Any products sell high if the targeted market is with long age range and as well as gender range, men, women ,young and old as the target consumers.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
And since you mentioned it, yes, mostly its women who are the target and those age ranges, I agree. It is tough for the women and girls to keep up with different kinds of trend that comes out everyday in the media. Why would people not want to become old? Or age with grace? Isnt that possible? instead of promoting miracles for aging. Duh. It cannot be prevented. but we can make the most out of our aging lives and be healthy and all. Ai bet a healthy and happy person will glow inside and out. Thanks for sharing!
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
And I think you are right, that's what sells mostly, I just think it is not true :) There are no quick results, there's time for everything. Thanks for sharing!
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Yes, you are right but people wants quick results and this is the reason why anti-aging products sell more!
27 Jul 11
see.....the first impression always comprises of whiter skin,this is the truth. bt as we tend to look someone more we ge attracted by their beauty.the beauty of a person may not reveal itself on the first look bt slowy try to strengthen its impact. it dosen't matter if you look younger or not(well not in all cases),the aged people may look beautiful and there are people in the world proving me right. So in todays world its more important to present yourself nicely and beautifully no matter if you are white,black,brown,60,80or16
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Being white is beautiful, well, at least that's what the media says. I don't actually believe that. I believe that black is beautiful. Because I am. LOL! I mean come on! Media says this and its the truth, which is a lot of crap. I know people wants to be whiter or, look younger. But I believe that presenting yourself in a good way and manner, that what makes a person beautiful.
• India
26 Jul 11
in my thinking the product that make people younger is less populer than products which make people beautiful & look white . because look younger products can only buy people who are getting aged but beauty & look whiter products can buy any body who want to look good.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
27 Jul 11
I think you also have a good point there, everyone wants to be beautiful! And some people will do whatever it takes and whatever money can buy :)
@Shankerj (241)
• India
26 Jul 11
Products that can make Look Younger and product that make you more beautiful should be the best seller; In fact products that make you beutiful also claim that as you look beautiful you look a year young as well.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
I know that it may all sound just alike and that it is just aiming towards one goal - that is to be perfect. Perhaps. Or maybe not. Or maybe, people just grab whatever they feel or see on tv that sells best.