Animals That Goes to Heaven

Marikina, Philippines
July 27, 2011 7:07am CST
Do cats and dogs have soul? If they died, are they all going to heaven? -- since they born here on earth without sin. Let us say all animals here on earth. I always heard that people died will either go to heaven or go to hell, then how about dogs, cats and animals? Is there any bible verse about them?
16 responses
@Shankerj (240)
• India
28 Jul 11
I believe all living being do have a soul, and the soul is immortal, it only changes the body. So based on the activities in this life they either meet the almighty or take rebirth.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
i believe that you are not a Christian Religion... you are just an open minded person....
• India
28 Jul 11
No dear there's no biblical verse mentioning about the souls of animals.We are human beings,we understand and we have the power to reason,judge from good to bad.Animals just don't have reasoning power.So they won't be able to judge from good or between bad or anything in particular.We have the power to judge and reason.We feel gulty when we do something bad and we feel happy if we have done anything done good.Animals don't.They don't know whether they live in heaven,earth.mars or moon.So unlike humans they don't expect for rewards.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
29 Jul 11
The first chapter of Genesis tells how God created the heavens and the earth and put green plants and both land and sea animals on the earth. Then, He created mankind in His own image (with a soul), and gave man dominion over all the animals. Nowhere is it written that animals have a soul. It is the soul that goes to heaven. Our bodies are returned to the earth from which it came.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
31 Jul 11
I don't believe in heaven or hell. Yes, the soul is emotion and animals clearly have feelings. They also have a spirit. I have always found it funny that humans think that they are higher than any other animal. I don't believe that the Bible mentions anything about animals on this topic, but the Bible was written concerning humans and assuming that they are the reason for the entire universe. I do not believe so.
• India
2 Jun 12
Every animal will certainlky go to heaven
• Canada
27 Jul 11
Do humans have a soul?
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
@Laylawhatever- YES May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Matthew 16:26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
When people die, their physical bodies die but their spirit goes to either heaven or hell. Now, when animals die, their spirits also die, they're not eternal, only men's spirits are eternal.
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
27 Jul 11
Christianity does not believe animals go to heaven or hell. I went to Sundays school and that is what we were taught. I don't have an exact Bible quote. The answer won't be found in The New Testament. The question is most likely answered in the Old Testament. Pets like dogs and cats are mostly a cultural thing. Some cultures eat them. God allowed us everything in the garden and allowed us to eat them. I think that is proof enough God doesn't consider them worthy of saving. That is if you believe in the Bible.
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
Nothing stated about animals having spirit. They are created like the plants who have no spirit to get back to God. What I know of is that God in His majesty has also created animals which does reside in heaven, but not the same here on earth since what is on earth are not living for eternity, all of us have our time, and so does pets or animals and plants, (nothing is immortal here on earth), even this planet will also be changed by God in His perfect time.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Jul 11
Animals are great. They are spiritual just like us. We are just a bit farther down the road.
• United States
28 Jul 11
The Bible says..'Let ALL things that have breath praise the Lord!' I can't believe that God would condemn anything that praises Him to be condemned to nonexistence or worse. If these innocent critters in our lives can't be heaven bound then how much worse would it be for us guilty critters? Personally I believe that that is the action of the Christ, to bring us into the innocence of the rest of creation. Enjoy!
• United States
27 Jul 11
I've heard it preached both ways: animals have no immortal soul or they all go to heaven, but I don't know of any Biblical reference to what becomes of our animall friends. I certainly hope all our pets are waiting for us, but it might be pretty crowded when I think back to all the pets I've had! And as a rat with strange beliefs, I certainly plan to be in Purgatory, hoping to work my way up!
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
and to take a note too that even this Cats and Dogs are a living creatures like us humans too.... if people claim that humans having a soul or spirit, therefore.... cats and dogs too have a soul or spirit too.... it just happens that we humans are in the higher form of animals(mammals)
28 Jul 11
I dont konw any bible verse about animals.since they came to this world,and will live together with us,must be treat it alright? XD
• Thailand
27 Jul 11
All Dogs Go To Heaven
• United States
27 Jul 11
I am not sure about a bible verse but when I was younger I went to my cousins church. I remember the preacher saying that animals do not go to heaven. I remember I was so mad! Why could I not share heaven with the animals I loved! The preacher said something about animals not having souls. I think that preacher was full of crap. I just can't comprehend animals not having souls! Maybe he misread or misinterpreted. I hope so because I think heaven would be great with animals! Why as humans should we hog something so good?