Some Advice for ShellShockLive
By ShawnBoB
@ShawnBoB (215)
United States
July 27, 2011 2:22pm CST
Okay so I not long ago found a new online game I really enjoy playing. It is called Shell Shock Live and you can find it at Which you can play as either a guest, or you can create an account so you can level up as you gain XP.
The game is basically a simple turn based game. Ranging from 2-6 total players per game; which can be 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, or 3 vs 3. It is a multi-player online tank game. All you have to do is adjust your angle and power and shoot the opposing team.
Another great thing about the game. Is the fact that there is no death. Yes your sitting there shooting each other with a little mini tank, but the winner of the round is determined by which team has more points.
A few things come into factor as you make your shots and your points are earned.
First thing being your weapon. There are different kind of shots on the game, and as you play you will learn which ones give the best damage. If your starting out new in the game. You should learn to love Sniper seeing as it can get you 120 points for your team, but one you must hit directly on your target, and secondly to score the higher score with Sniper, you need to go for the longest shot.
Okay so now hopefully you have checked out the game, and maybe even already played a few rounds. So now I would like to move on to telling you two tricks you can do with some shots.
Cactus : This shot is pretty good when trying to hit a small group of players. Seeing as the shot will explode and more shots which look like a Cactus will spread out. Now for the secret with this shot.
If you are on the very bottom of the map with an enemy. Get as close as you can without getting on top of their tank. So close the barrel of your tank is about touching them. Aim full power about 4 degrees (or a little more) below the player your wishing to hit. When you fire instead of it shooting like normal. It should just explode every single shot on your target. Works even better when two enemy tanks have accidentally gotten on top of one another.
Crazy Nade : This shot comes in a weapon pack, which can be purchased for 50 tank coins. And this shot once again requires you to be level on the bottom of the map.
All you need to do here is get your Crazy Nade to lay perfectly on your target. Instead of exploding in its' usual pattern, which is all over the place. If done correctly the whole thing will explode and all shots will explode on your target.
Well good luck if you decide to play. Just a pre-warning. Language on the site at times can get a tad graphics. You can shut profanity off in main chat room, and if a player will not stop, you can mute him during the game by clicking on his tank.
So anyone else already play? Would someone like to share some more tips and advice?
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