I Cannot Believe That Hussein Obomination is Still Threatening The Elderly &
By Adoniah
@Adoniah (7512)
United States
July 27, 2011 3:11pm CST
The Veterans of America if Congress does not come to an agreement on the budget in time...Social Security is supposed to be a separate entity from the rest of the budget. It should have not bearing on the damn debt ceiling. And how can he look the Veterans in the eye and say suck it up folks, I am not going to cut your checks this month, but I will pay the deadbeats who won't work, and all of the illegal aliens in the country, and all the new folks I just allowed to be citizens with my new illegal executive order.
Who the HELL does he think he is anyhow????
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6 responses
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
28 Jul 11
Well Social Security isn't something that has been getting the funds that where needed to keep it running for many years. Why you might ask well there are at least two reasons right now. Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the countless other wars we have been in.
So Social Security isn't viable and it was doubtful to begin with that it would be. Anyone smart enough would know the Government isn't good at doing its job even if its job is rather simple.
If we don't get this worked out massive cuts across the board will be needed either than or maybe we need to follow Jefferson's Idea.

@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
31 Jul 11
Congress is the one who did it. The system wasn't built to last all that long as Boomers are a bigger group than the people who are now contributing (My Generation 18- 25s and the one before mine) we are the ones who have to support this group you also have to remember that George W Bush also took loans against Social Security to help pay for the war effort also the funding to Social Security was partly taken to help pay for the wars.
This is what happens when the Federal Government takes care of retirement it some how manages to mess it up.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
30 Jul 11
If everyone and their brother's uncle was not dipping into SS, There would have been plenty of money. If illegal aliens were not allowed to collect without paying in a dime, there would be plenty of money....etc. It just seems like everyone has their hand in the till except the folks who were supposed to get it. Now they are being told that they are basically on the dole and that their grandchildren are supporting them. How do you suppose that makes them feel? That is cruel.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Jul 11
Well it's a very simple strategy. The majority of veterans and elderly vote republican. If he has to threaten people, they will always be at the top of his list. He threatens them, and blames the republicans for the threats HE is making. If his strategy works, these groups blame republicans and that helps him. If it fails, they RIGHTLY blame him and nothing changes since they weren't going to vote for him anyway. He really can't lose and he doesn't mind using veterans or elderly people as pawns in his game.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Jul 11
Actually, the vast majority of VETs voted for him as did the military. I do not think that that will happen in 2012. Especially with the major cuts that he wants to make in the military even though we need a stronger military than ever. I hope he does keep alienating as many folks as he can. People do communicate with each other, maybe he forgets these things.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 Jul 11
Hello Adomiah. for some time Obama has been in campaign mode and he still is. This is part of his campaign and he will use this threat until he gets what he wants, a blank check. There is funds taken in by the IRS every month. Enough to pay the intest on our loan and those on Social Security, the soldiers and Medicare and Medicaid.After that it will be other government agencies that may get shut down or given leave. He is holding the country hostage and should be ashamed of him self. This spring he gave South America $500 billion and $200 billion to Brazil to drill for oil so we could buy it from them and $50 million to teck studies. That was studying a robot that tool 20 minutes to fold a towel and a shrimp on a treadmill.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
29 Jul 11
I'm afraid I'd have to argue with on that. Americans seem to want to fool themselves into a false sense of security.
The current national deficit is $1.6 Trillion dollars.
According to the 2011 Federal Budget, the total spending for all non-national security, non-Social Insurance spending is:
$520 Billion dollars.
That would leave a $1.1 Trillion dollar shortfall. And that is cutting everything that isn't security and military related. No education spending. No research grants. No HUD. No Dep of Labor, Health, Energy, Development, and hundreds more. In fact the Post office would close too.
So, we need to cut more. So lets cut Military and Security.
That's $900 Billion.
So we have wiped out the entire discretionary budget. No military, no security, no CIA FBI and so on. No federal court system. Nothing.
Together this will save:
$1.42 Trillion dollars.
Remember, right now the deficit is $1.6 Trillion.
We need to cut another $200 Billion, and the only thing left is Social Insurance. Medicare Medicaid, Food Stamps, Unemployment Comp, Section 8 Housing, WICA, and so on.
This is the bottom line....
If there was NO GOVERNMENT SPENDING AT ALL... except for Social Insurance... we would still be in the hole.
Now, do I think that giving money to South America and Brazil is a bad Idea? Sure.
But the problems we have, would be there, with or without him giving a PENNY to another country. We have fundamental problems. The cost of these social programs exceed how much we can pay. That is all there is too it.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
30 Jul 11
Wrong...SS is a separate fund. It is not mixed in with the general debt. Medicaid, and Food Stamps come from the individual states. Unemployment is allocated by the Feds. HUD is doled out once a year and that has already happened. I am not sure about Medicare and WICA.
@nzinky (822)
• United States
29 Jul 11
Well if Congress would have left Social Security alone it would have enough money to keep up insteat they took all the money out and put it in the general fund and left a worthless note in there saying they would pay it back....WHEN has Congress kept their would on anything......They are the biggest bunch of crooks I've ever seen........
I think all of them should resign and we should start over.....
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Jul 11
It is simple. He thinks of himself as a dictator rather then the president. So therefore in order for him to get a second term and possibly threaten or use force to get a third term, etc. even though it is not allowed by congress, he will use any means necessary to get him re-elected. I have a feeling that he will veto any proposition that does not agree with what he wants done, that is spend America into a depression so that he and his cronies will live like billionaires - while the rest of you will be struggling. If anyone has lived through Communism, or has lived during the Cold War, or like me have had relatives who did live under that system, they will know what I am talking about or as well those thousands of immigrants who fled Hong Kong when Hong Kong was handed over to Communist China.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
29 Jul 11
I don't like Obama either. Unfortunately, there are some facts that you, and everyone else needs to come to grips with.
Social Security IS NOT SEPARATE from the US budget. It doesn't matter what you've been told. Doesn't matter what you read. Doesn't matter who said what...
Social Security is a government program, that is paid for by the government with government taxes, using government agencies. It will NEVER be separate.
I wrote about this before. Your money is gone. IT IS GONE. You gave it to the government, and they spent it. There is no account with your money in it. There is no 'trust fund'. The money is spent. It is not there.
And this isn't Obama's fault either. At least not specifically. Social Security was designed from the start, back in the 1930s to run this way. The money you put in, goes to the federal budget, and is spent. The end.
Now here's the key Adoniah. Please listen carefully.
EVEN IF.... *IF*... Social Security was separate... it still wouldn't matter. The amount of money coming into Social Security, is not keeping pace with the amount going out. Do you understand? OUT GO IN COME. If Social Security was completely separate, it will still run out of money and go broke.
The system does not work. Obama is just the latest person to say it. It was going broke in the 60s. It was going broke in the 80s. It was going broke in the 90s. It is going broke right now.
Each time they pass a short term fix, they cut benefits, and increase taxes. Yet it is still going broke. The system doesn't work. We should completely dismantle it, and go back to people paying and saving for their own retirement individually.