When all else Fails......Pray.

@jonahh08 (261)
July 28, 2011 5:08am CST
I've spent half of my life in a catholic school and I thought that would be enough to have an established faith. But when I started college I begin to drift away from it all. I even doubted God's existence. But I always find myself praying to God just when I thought that I don't need him anymore.
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7 responses
28 Jul 11
In our everyday life we need GOD in it, just the feeling that someone out there is there to make us safe and help us in every problem we have is just a comforting feeling. just that sometimes when we are too busy about our life we forget about HIM and also because of some unbelievers around us that influence our beliefs makes us doubt about HIS existence. but all in all in the end all we need is GOD in our life to survive this cruel world.
@jonahh08 (261)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
I'm beginning to realize that maybe I'm not losing faith. Maybe i'm just getting mad at him because of my unanswered prayers. Oh well, i'm really a brat.
• Finland
28 Jul 11
just be patient and thank Him what you already have..
@sanijas83 (270)
• Latvia
2 Aug 11
Sometimes I feel I do not believe in God enough and I am not grateful for all the great presents He has brought in my life. I use to forget it sometimes. I felt hopeless, and it seemed that God has left me. I should not lose the way God has shown me. If there have been mistakes in my life, I should not regret, and feel upset all the time. I have to trust in God that He will heal me.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
30 Jul 11
Matthew 6:9-13 Common English Bible (CEB) 9 Pray like this: Our Father who is in heaven, uphold the holiness of your name. 10 Bring in your kingdom so that your will is done on earth as it’s done in heaven. 11 Give us the bread we need for today. 12 Forgive us for the ways we have wronged you, just as we also forgive those who have wronged us. 13 And don’t lead us into temptation, but rescue us from the evil one. This model prayer shows that prayer is not just about our needs. Notice that the first three petitions have to do with God.
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
I dO.. I do pray everytime whenever I am and whenever I want even if I am in the rest room... though I dont really go to chURCH.. I still believe there HE is always by my side^^
• India
29 Jul 11
I do not pray regularly or any fix time but whenever I feel low I pray and it really give me strength and happiness. I believe that their is someone who is running this whole world and that some one is GOD and he knows every thing about every one and he takes care all of us.
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
Yes! Sometimes we asked our self is there GOD? But every time that question popped up in my mind I always say "YES, there is GOD and he loves me so much, even if I'm a sinner." That sounds so good jonah when you said that you found yourself praying to God, longing for his love. I adore your words. :)
• Finland
28 Jul 11
I pray to God and it gives me happiness and peace inside. I don't see life has much meaning if there's no God. We always need God, He don't need us, but we need Him. Don't loose your faith in God..He is always there for us we just need to ask Him and thank Him for what we have. If its good for you He will help you, if its not He will give you something better in the next life(paradise). After all life itself is a big test from Him. If there really isn't God shouldn't all monkeys become human?