Mylot - the Unlimited post :D

Limitless - except you're thinking and ability to type long
July 28, 2011 5:36am CST
And the only limited is our capacity to think of a post every single and time enough to spare in to post. But In All Honesty, if you have the luxury of time you can post limitless when ever and where ever you want to. but the problem is that not every one is good writer and I, myself have this writer's block syndrome. I know it's normal for all people here in mylot. But I am only limited to this community (and the other), with it comes to blog and other writing sites, It seemed hard for me. Other community sites are scam, others requires views to their, some requires approvals from the admin, and lastly it's limited per day, am talking about some other social online paying site. but for mylot if you have robotic hand, you can do it all nightwith out getting you're hands tired. But you need to watch over you're PC and give it a rest too. because once your PC gets sick, it will never have cure,except replacement. This is cool benefit from mylot something we should all appreciate. Comment you later, and have a nice day
2 people like this
14 responses
• United States
15 Aug 11
So true Letran as one of the things I appreciate of myLot that we have no limits here. We can come here at any time and the site will be here where we left it the last time we were here. I do appreciate this as I am one who enjoys being active here.
3 people like this
28 Jul 11
Yes you can make unmlimited posts but it's not that easy :D there are discussions that are from like 2-3 months or that you don't know what to write on them so it's not that easy :D but it is really cool that you can write unlimited posts
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello Destructo, It's not easy but only when you do something about it then you can type some post. I have been here for a long that i got used to typing my post and the only thing that distracts me is the television whichis right beside me. stay here for a little while longer so that you can actually get a chance to enjoy this place. have a nice day.
29 Jul 11
Thank you i appreciate that you helped me and yes i will stay longer in this site because it's a fun place :)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Yes I agree LEt. that is why I am not usually here because I am having a hard time expressing myself in English. But I do read some of the discussion and I learned from the English people here or the American People rather. That is also the reason why my blog do not have success because I am not good at English. And also my response are too short because my english is limited.
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello Grecy, How can you be having a hard time here when you have been here longer than I have. besides, you have written more english than anything one else not to mention a veteran. I believe you were just busy some where else and couldn't mylot at all. Don't worry you will get around it and have time to post. have a nice day.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
29 Jul 11
i remember someone told in a post that he can post all day and all night and you can see it in his number. he do nothing but to post on mylot. and the only time he stops is when his eyes gets tired so he sleeps. two years ago, i even did that. post and post and post, almost all the time that i am in the office. and i even forgot that it's time to go home. and i can remember, if i did not get it in that month, the following month i will be included in the payout. if you are thinking about the health of the pc, i guess you need to have at least 2 computers that you can use alternately.
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
Hello Neildc, We are working on that. Unfortunately, my mom's CPU was completely busted after months of not being used. hopefully next year we can buy her a complete computer set. right now am just slowly minimizing my mylot time to give my pc time more to rest. this was the same PC that crashed back in 2009, but the only there was the powersupply. but that's already we got a back up PS and another harddrive
@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
I like robotic hand, but i need a robotic brain as well! Like you sometimes i find my brain empty of any ideas at all. But still i love mylot and i stay to read the posts and respond to those who have commented on mine when i find that i don't have any ideas to start a discussion. I really love mylot and the people in this community.
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello Toni-ganzon, Well, the only good thing for a brain is for us to be able to use our 100% of our brain or we could also have a cybernetic chip that would allow our brain to have the capacity to think a lot faster. but i hope it would make me a lot more able to be useful and ability to use it for my livelihood. thanks and have a nice day.
@wiguen (551)
• United States
29 Jul 11
for me i think its not about being good writer or not, its about having time to do it, i spend some hours after work on my lot just a few hours, and im doing ok, I have to say its not about the money its about having fun, so have fun
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello wiguen, Well, we all write here and doesn't matter if we are good or not. all of us have time to mylot here regardless if we get paid now or not yet. ihope you are having fun in this site because I won't stay long here if am not having fun. anyways, good mylotting and have a great day.
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
if we put it that way, yeah we have unlimited posting in mylot and the only limitation is within us. not everyone is gifted with a writer's flair with words and not everyone has the luxury of time in their hands. not everyone has an unlimited access to internet service, too. hehe these are just some of the limiting factors why we can't do unlimited posts in mylot. if i have more time, i'd do more mylotting. but such as it is... i've been away for a week on travel and couldn't do mylot even if i had wanted to. it's good to be back though. missed mylotting and friends here. and yes, we should be appreciative of the fact that mylot provides this service plus its benefits. some discussion boards and social networks can't give as much... not that i'm a member of any other though. hehe have a great day lk!
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello myles, yeah, we are indeed have limitations per day but I do my best to maximize my participation to this site. well, the world is such a busy place and it seems that most people had been busy. even if am busy every day in mylot I still couldn't find time to talk to my friends online. well, mylot is my hobby and online earning habit. Have a nice day.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Jul 11
hi letran yes I guess if I could keep typing and thinking of new topic all the time I could make many more discussions but alas my brain stops at a certain time and I run out of good topics to write about.I usu ally use myself and my quandaries and incidents to work from but even then time has a way of tiring mind and hands too plus my eyes. Also I cannot type as late as I would love to because of my tyrannical senile roomie who starts about ten after 8pm "when are you going to bed?' I try to be kind and not yell but when she does this four times in an hour I want to get up, go over and put a cork in her mouth. lol loll I would really never do that.I am kind but irked at the nagging. I never knew before that an old woman could be such a nagger to another elderly woman. grrrrrrrrrr.So I give up on my lot at nine o clock so I can unwind before my ten oclock bedtime courtesy of my roommate. But I really do appreciate how different and special mylot is.
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello Hatley, Well, it's not eas to make a new topic all the time and sometimes question related discussions can really get a attention. when you are tired better be sure to get rest and look for a way to settle down before you can stry to mylot again. this site is indeed different from anything, but we probably need to make time for this. Have a nice day.
• India
28 Jul 11
For me the mylot helped a lot to better my language and I could even talk to those who can help me with their suggestions and then can make it something useful for the rest. I can make a lot questions that could favour me in making some of my ideas went through the lot of many people.
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello Bittudavis, That's what mylot is all about I guess and that means helping a lot of people too talked better and have better conversations. actually, I had english trainings before but never in terms of writing,it took me time. Still, I have grammatical errors here but no one seems to mind, i feel free writing what ever I can in here. have a nice day.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
dear LK, How i wish the other site is also unlimited like mylot. Whew...I am sure it's worth the fun and staying on the net. Yah,our pc need some rest,but we need to work and make our time worth at least for the day using the net,pc and electric power Not to mention having backpain too (hehehe) And your eyes getting tired,opps...fingers as well good evening my dear brother your sis, [b]jaiho® [/b]
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello Sister Jaiho, Unfortunately, they have to survive if they are going to keep paying people. the only regret that I have was because I should have joined the site earlier when i had the chance when the mylotters where showing this in their discussions. Indeed, it is a worth use of internet and computer. my eyes gets tired too, specially late at night. have a nice day.
• Mexico
1 Aug 11
Hi letran knight: I agree with your point of view but at thes ame time I have to say that iy's better not to post nosense messages like some newbies do, pretending that this will help them to earn lots of money. I am rarely a topic starter because I care for the subjects I write and I try to be original. i also write according to my feelings, I try to be honest and I only participate on the subjects that matter for me. This makes me more spontaneous, something which is really important to enjoy the site. ALVARO
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
i expect a rapid splashing hands and not a robotic kind of hands because the keyboard will only breaks hahahaha..... i really love myLot....
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello Mantis, Yeah, keyboard would be broke in no time also. this is something that most of us couldn't possibly counter act most specially when there is a lot more people here that is a lot more active. am glad that you love mylot but could have been better if you had a better star, seriously. have a nice day.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
28 Jul 11
Hi letran I am agree with you, MyLot is provide us a platform were we can collect a lots of information. we can discuss any kind of issue. And most funniest part is that we are paid for this. Of curse there is no limitation of posting If we have good wiring skill we can earn a lots from this site. But I am not a good writer. I don't use any other paid writing sits. I am happy with myLot
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello Pro_ojha, Well, the funny part is the reason why we kept going back to this place. getting paid is just one of those benefits but being with different people having different conversations is something that we should treasure and love. I am not a good writer myself but I love sharing my views and ideas when it comes to this forum site. at least my sharing of ideas is worth the try. Have a nice day.
@TheDwarf (138)
• United States
28 Jul 11
I think it's cool that we can post as much as we'd like. The only problem is finding discussions we want to discus about. That, and there isn't enough time in the day. I could spend a lot of time here. I also spend a lot of time reading what other people have to say. If I didn't do that, I could type a lot more.
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Hello theDwarf, I don't have a problem looking for a discussion that needs to be discuss, the problem is approach and it has taken me a lot of more time to do that. usually takes me hours just to make a post here but it's alright, because it has kept my brain going. don't worry you will have a chance to manage your time because it can motivate you post here. Have a nice day.