Do You Think Kindness Will Someday Be Rewarded?
By Jennifer
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
Valdosta, Georgia
July 29, 2011 11:12am CST
I was just thinking about this because I am always the one to go out of my way for someone else. I am there for people no matter what. Always before myself. That's the way I am and that's probably the way I will always be! It hurts though sometimes. It can hurt a lot actually when you go out of your way for someone and then when you need someone the most, no one is around. I try to tell myself that someday my heartache will pay off and I hope to God I am right. All of this heartache better be worth something at some point...
Do you think kindness will ever be rewarded? Are you the type of person to give and give and give? What are your thoughts on this?
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25 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
4 Aug 11
No act of kindness or unkindness is unnoticed by the Almighty God. He sees all. So keep being kind and keep doing kind acts. They will come back in a bumper crop. That has been my experience.
Galatians 6:9-10 Today's New International Version (TNIV) 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
10 Dec 11
Thank you for the link, it is a wonderful illustration! Have to use it in the future.. 

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
9 Dec 11
No problrm friend!
I remember a friend of mine telling me about how the Black Bamboo grows. You might find it interesting and about the need to be patient.
"Our big surprise was when Peter told us that every week, up until the 11 month of the 5th year the bamboo fields appeared visually barren. In the 12th month of the 5th year the black bamboo would suddenly sprout and very rapidly grow up to 60 feet in just under 30 days."
Remember: it's never wrong to do the right thing! 

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@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Dec 11
Thank you! This has helped me a lot. =) I just needed to know that and I didn't know where to find it in the Bible. I appreciate your response a lot. =)
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
2 Aug 11
I feel like this too sometimes!
I am no angel, but I always try to make good on all the things I do and I promise. I always try to be just, even when I see people around me with complete disrespect for others. I just feel that someday, this will all pay off.
I'm not religious, but I feel that when I do finally meet my maker, I could honestly say, that I tried to be good all the time.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Dec 11
Thank you, at least someone agrees with me and doesn't think I am just trying to be selfish because that is not how I meant this discussion or I would never help anyone. I LOVE helping but when your always the one helping and no one is around when you need help it hurts a lot! =(
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
30 Jul 11
I am the type of person who reaches out to help people in any way I can. I agree it can hurt, but I only help those I love and care about and never ask for anything in return. I know they will be there when I need them the most, and they always are.
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@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
I help everyone. I help strangers all the time too though. They are the ones I LOVE helping because I don't expect anything in return. I helped a woman I didn't know at all by helping building her a new house because she deserved it! I write to prisoners all the time since I know they are SO lonely and I don't expect a thing for that either. I also give food to homeless people all the time and again I don't expect anything in return.
But when I help my own family with money and helping them move and such and they cannot even bring me some boxes to pack with? NO, that is wrong. Sorry no matter how you slice it, it's wrong and unfair. They always know who to call when they need something but I need something as small as this and they cannot help me?? It's sad and I am very hurt...
@pankajgarg (797)
• India
30 Jul 11
When we act for others I think we will ruin it if we go on around thinking that our act will give reward. Our kindness is a indigenous to our personality and we should try to make our personality more impressive by making it more kind and It does not matter that it is paid back or not.......
Even if the kindness is rewarded or not I do not care about any reward of our act which gave such an immense pleasure that it does not require any reward...
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@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Dec 11
I don't mean like I will get a reward, maybe I worded it wrong. I am hoping that others will see my kindness and want to be the same way. I'm hoping it will be like a pay it forward type of thing.
Obviously I love being kind and helping or I wouldn't do it. But when your ALWAYS the one who gives and gets hurt it doesn't feel as good after a while...
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
30 Jul 11
I have also been the one who put others first, did altrustic gestures, had concern for others I still do, but the reward, well ????? I try also to do things that bring pleasure for my own self... but it is more than hard work most of the times.... as you say when I need someone.... where are all the people..... it is rare someone offers to give me a hand. I sometimes speak up ans say it makes it more pleasant if we can help up doing it together. If I am to have a reward for all I've done for people during my life time.... it better start to come my way..... I'm 52 years old...

@bamikalipal (588)
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
There are times when I say to myself, "water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink", that's when I'm surrounded with an ocean of people, family members, whom I've willingly helped and still do, but not one of them offer to help when I need it. So, I post this on the refrigerator door to remind the younger selfish members about karma, "what goes around comes around." We are a large family, not exactly poor, but lower middle class. In my country, family is composed of parents, children, grandchildren, cousins, etc. Not that I expect any form of reward for what I do for them, but a little thoughtfulness,sometimes, would be nice.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
Thank You!! Finally someone DID get the point I was trying to make!
I don't do anything to get something in return when it comes to strangers at all. I do so much for strangers and I am SO happy to do it.
However when it comes to family and I help them I feel like they should help me in return without a problem. Apparently I am wrong and they don't feel that way but I think it is the right thing to do...All I need is moving boxes and no one is around or can help me because they have better things to do with their life than help me...
I am hurting because of it and yes maybe a little angry over it. I can't help it. Family is supposed to be there for each other and when it's something so little I am asking for, something that is FREE it makes me sad...

@prettyblue (42)
30 Jul 11
no matter what you did as long as it is done sincerely it will always be may not be in materials things in life but sometimes it is rewarded by the things that we receive in our day to day lives.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
Okay again I must say that apparently I worded this discussion all wrong. What I meant to say is when I help my family I think it is right that they should help me in return.
I help strangers all the time and I don't expect or want a thing for it. However, I help my own family all the time and when all I need is someone to bring me boxes to move and no one wants to that makes me sad and angry. I am always the one that everyone knows they can come and ask for anything and I will do it. Too bad I don't know anyone that returns the favor when I need it...
@prettyblue (42)
1 Aug 11
it must have been hard for you to experience all this thing but i guess helping others is a self willingness..if helping them gives you exhaustion then you have to talk to someone to discuss your concern... living with unresolved conflict mostly with your family will lead to bigger problems in the future.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
8 Dec 11
I think you are rewarded immediately, the feeling you get yourself knowing you are a good person, I feel sorry for selfish people they never have that good feeling about themselves and yes I do believe in karma and in some way all the good comes back to you or yours in some way or another...
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Dec 11
Yes I love the feeling I get when I help people. What I was more saying is the ones closest to you like family. When you have helped them over and over again and then you need help and no one is there it hurts a lot. =( So, that is where I was coming from. Strangers I love helping and I don't expect nor want anything in return but I feel like that is what family is for to help each other!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
29 Jul 11
In a word Yes! You are a very good person . If you are religious , just remember G-d sees. And you will be rewarded. If you are not religious, then just remember what goes around , comes around. Your random act of kindness will return. It is they who are not there for you who are in the wrong , Not You . Keep being our sweet , giving self.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 11
Thank you. I try to be a really good person. I just feel like others don't appreciate me the way I appreciate others, you know? I do know that God sees everything and I hope He knows that I am trying to do my best.
I am trying to not get so discouraged that I stop helping, I don't know if I could even if I wanted to actually but I just feel like right now I need some help since my husband is gone and no one is here for me. It just makes me really sad =(
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
30 Jul 11
I wish I could come down and help you but I have to work . So I can't Physically be there but I'm here if you ever need to vent. And I Know G-d sees you doing your best. Hang in there.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
29 Jul 11
I'm like that I often go out of my way to help others because I think everyone deserves a helping hand once and a while, and its just in my nature to be kind I don't know how to be any different
That said sometimes I feel under appreciated and taken for granted I'm sure a lot of people can related to feeling taken for granted, but when I do something for someone I do it from my heart and I don't really expect anything in return, but sometimes it would be nice to feel appreciated a bit more
As for if my kindness will be rewarded I don't know maybe in the next life but I'm not sure if I will be rewarded in this one haha. I don't think much about rewards when I do something from my heart I just enjoy helping people, and making others happy though I don't like the way it feels when someone turns around and treats me or my kind deed like it didn't matter or takes me for granted, but I also realize that some people can't understand true kindness and they take a kindness as a sign of weakness that's why we have to be careful of how much or how far we extend ourselves to help it's sad but some people can't help but be ungrateful and feel entitled and they forget that we have feelings too.

@apples99 (6556)
• United States
30 Jul 11
Yes your right, it seems like out of common courtesy the people that we help would also want to lend a hand to aid us when we need it, but some people only want to receive and do not want to give, they can take from others but when it's there turn to give they go M.I.A on us it's really selfishness for a person to be that way and unfair. so sorry that you are dealing with people like that
If it's any constellation if I had the chance to get those boxes to you I would, because when I moved a few years ago I went through a similar situation I needed a few boxes for the move and no one would help it's messed up when things are like that.

@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 11
My husband and I both go out of our way to help people too. It just makes me sad that no one wants to help us when we need it. =(
I agree and I feel the same way as you, under appreciated. I love helping people too, I don't know what I would do if I couldn't help people but I think out of respect when all I need is someone to get boxes for my move soon they should be more willing to help me.
Yeah, I agree with you on that one. Some people just think we are here to give and give and give. That's not how it works. I do a LOT of things for people. In one of my other discussions I was telling everyone how good it felt to build a house for someone that needed it. I didn't expect anything in return at all. I loved it and it felt amazing.
However, when you do things for family and friends they should help you out too when you need it. That's the way it is supposed to work...

@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
There are a lot of supernatural crap that a lot of people believe in these days but I surely believe in karma. If you always do good to others, I'm extremely sure it will go back to you ten fold.

@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
I know I'm right. I've witnessed several occasions in my life where karma was at play. Everything turned out how I expected it to be considering the laws of karma.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 11
Thank you, I hope you are right. I try very hard to be a good person and help everyone. Sometimes it gets tough always being the one to give and never getting the help I need...

@bamikalipal (588)
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
"What can I do to help", instead of "what's in it for me" ought to be the thing to keep in mind. Accountability should be our ideal aim, instead of entitlement which is getting to be the trend today. Anyway, "what goes around comes around". We cannot expect rewards now and we should not even expect anything in return for our desire to help. However, Someone Up There keeps tab of everything that happens here and sooner or later, everything is going to fall into place.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
Okay apparently I did not word my discussion correctly because people are not getting what I am saying. I don't do these things for something in return at all. I went and helped build a home for a woman and didn't want ANYTHING in return at all! I write to prisoners to lift their spirits and again I want nothing in return. I give food to the homeless, again I don't want a thing!
However, I have helped my own family and I do think that when I need help they should also be there for me because that is what family is about!! All I need is moving boxes since I am moving soon and no one wants to bring me any. These same people I have given a LOT of money to and I have helped them move in the past.
@Mackenzie_jad228 (556)
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
Of course God will always bless the meek and the kind. I'm not the type of person who always give and give. I will always see to it if the person is deserving or not then I will decide. I knew a person you will always think of other people rather than himself. I like his attitude because he is not selfish but I what I hate is because of that unselfishness often time he is taken for granted and abused. I just hope that sometimes you have to give yourself a chance.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Aug 11
I love helping and exactly what you said about the person you know is what I am talking about! I am always giving, everyone knows who to call when they need something but when I need boxes so I can move no one wants to help me! I never do things for myself, I am always doing for others because thats what I love to do but with family they should be there to help me as well...
@xuyxuy (432)
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
Yes I believe that kindness will be rewarded especially to helpful people like you. The people you've help before may not be the one to help you in return right now, but I know someone will help you soon. Just keep on praying and God will work something big for you and your family.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
Thank you so much!
I don't ever want anything in return when I help strangers at all. I LOVE helping strangers and I don't want anything for it. The thing that gets me is when I help family and I need something they are no where to be found...
All I need is some boxes to move soon and no one is there to help me. I don't think it's right. I hope someone will help with this soon.
@diamondlisa (5)
• United States
30 Jul 11
LovingMyBabies keep your head up and be strong. I admire you for the type of person you are. I think it is important to always keep in mind that your kindness will ALWAYS be rewarded. I'm beginning to learn that the reward just may not be from others doing good acts like we do for them. Our reward be just be that it makes us much stronger and better people.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
Thank you I am trying. It's bothering me that people are not getting the point I was trying to make and maybe it's because I didn't word it right or something I don't know...
Anyway, when it comes to helping strangers I LOVE it and I expect nothing in return for my kindness. When it comes to helping family which I always do I kind of feel like when I need help someone should help me. Now mind you, I am not asking for money or anything like that.
All I am asking for is someone to get me boxes for when I move soon. No one wants to help me. =( I am always helping everyone else so where is everyone when I need help??
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Jul 11
LovingMyBabies yes I do think someday it will be rewarded and too
I would feel badly if I refused to help say my adult son or a close friend. I try not to think of it as something to be repaid although I do help my adult son a lot and he does always repay me too. so thats just wonderful.I try to do good for goods sakes and not expect to
always be repaid. it helps to keep from feeling hurt.

@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
Maybe I worded this discussion wrong because being rewarded isn't really what I meant. What I did mean was I am always going out of my way to help others not just family and friends. But with family and friends I do think that they should help you out when you need it if your ALWAYS helping them.
All I need is some boxes for when I move. I am not asking for money or anything! I just think it's sad that when I am always helping others when I need it no one is there for me...
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
29 Jul 11
I do think that kindness will be rewarded, at one point or another, whether it's the next day or the next decade. It will be rewarded. If you're kind to others, others will be kind to you. Just like if you're mean towards others, others will be mean towards you. It's just the way it goes, in my opinion.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 11
Well, I hope its sooner than later. I really need some help getting boxes since we are moving soon and no one wants to help me. =( My husband is states away for work and we are going there soon and I have no help at all. It's just hard to deal with when I am always the one helping...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
30 Jul 11
There is one lesson yet for you to learn before it returns alot. Your quote: All of this heartache better be worth something at some point... Don't you see?? You are still placing conditions on your actions. Give unconditionally. Want or expect nothing back. If it doesn't matter if you ever get anything back then you have learned the real lesson. There will be no reason to hold it back. You are so close.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
No your not understanding what I am saying. I help strangers all of the time and I expect nothing in return at all. I don't want anything in return, I help because I love to do so. I love helping and giving. When it comes to family though I feel that if you help them they should in turn help you. Especially when it comes to something as little as bringing me boxes for my move!
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
29 Jul 11
Yes, I really hope so. I tend to be very helpful and kind as well, whenever I can, and I do think this will come back to you at some point. You just don't know how and when, but it is never time and energy wasted. I am sure of that!
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 11
I hope so too. It is hard to always be the one to help everyone else and when you need the help no one is there for you. It is tough. I am hurting so bad with my husband being away and I need someone to go get some boxes for me so we can move soon and no one wants to help with this. I am not asking for money or anything. It hurts me...
@Bannybanzie (1397)
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
It's nice to be kind. I admire peoople just like you who are always available for friends and family. But about your question, I think yes, kindness will be rewarded. But sometimes, in ways we never expect. Like maybe not from the same people we helped but from others. But it will sure pay in the right time.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 11
You know it is nice to be kind. And I love it. But to be honest I like helping strangers more than I do my family. Let me tell you why. With strangers I don't expect a thing in return so it doesn't hurt when nothing is returned. I don't want or expect anything. But when I am always there for my family and they know if they need something who to call it makes me sad when all I need is some boxes so I can move and they won't bring me any. I think that is pathetic to be honest with you.
I would MUCH rather help strangers who seem to appreciate my help more...
@averygirl72 (38554)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
I believe Kindness are rewarded. The reward may not be right away and it may take another form. I think being kind and doing good things is like an investment. So, I always look for an opportunity to do good. Being kind makes us feel good about ourselves too. For example, my kindness to others might be rewarded through good health or protection from dangers. When we are kind we make a lot friends and they would always remember us too.
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 11
I hope they will be rewarded at some point. I am just feeling kind of down since my husband is states away, were moving soon and no one will help me by getting boxes. =( I am always helping other people so it hurts my feelings a lot!
I love helping but sometimes I need help too and no one is anywhere to be found when I need the help...