Who do you pray to?

United States
July 30, 2011 9:36am CST
I feel like there are so many different entities that people pray to. I mean, is it Allah(c.c), (Whom I pray to), God, Jehova, Buddha, statues, an angel? Who is teh one you find yourself talking and praying to when youre stressed or even happy? Or going through something, when you neeed strength? I am a muslim, elhamdulillah, and I pray to Allah (c.c) every single day, several times a day. I find it to be the only thing that comforts me and literally lifts weights off my shoulders. Life is so stressful and I feel so blessed and grateful knowing that I have Allah (c.c.) there to help me through it. So who is your listening ear Your savior? Your friend?
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18 responses
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
There is only one God and depending on one's belief, God is referred to by different names. Praying is interacting with God. We need someone who truly listens and understands, more so than we understand ourselves. I find comfort in talking to God directly instead of using a prayer book. We may not always get what we want, but God always provides us with our needs.
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• Philippines
1 Aug 11
Thanks Penny4. How true! We do need him in our lives. I am not religious, but I believe in our Divine Creator. Religion fixes us from the outside to the inside, whereas God fixes us from the inside out.
• United States
31 Jul 11
I loved your response but the last sentence in particular I loved because you mention that God provides us with our needs. I believe that we need God so we pray. He does not need our prayers but we need Him..
• Canada
30 Jul 11
I am an atheist, and by responding to this discussion I don't mean any offense to anyone's religion or to religion itself, but I thought I'd answer to share my perspective. I think I compare my version of a prayer to a personal pep talk. In situations where I assume believers would feel the need to pray to a god, I will instead tell myself empowering things, and keep trying to solve my problems with my own little amount of wisdom. I don't compare myself to God at all, but I use my own little voice instead and find my resolutions within that, most of the time. As for what's left unanswered, I let it be and figure it out along the way, if ever.
• United States
31 Jul 11
your answer is not offensive at all. I totally understand what u mean. this is why I asked this question because I am curious about who everyone prays to.. :)
@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
30 Jul 11
Well Brother! I am Also Muslim,And a strict muslim, U know now its the time of Fitnas, and without Allah Help,we cant defeat or defend us from these fitnas, Well Without Allah thier is no hope of better life and indeed its a grat feeling to have a creator like Allah..
@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
2 Aug 11
Sorry, So my Muslim Sister, Plz remember me in ur Prayers..
@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
30 Jul 11
And heone thing More, The Ramzan Month is Coming, So please Remember me in ur Prayers
• United States
31 Jul 11
actually im a girl.. :) but yes i will keep you and all muslims in my prayers always
• United States
30 Jul 11
I am not exactly a religious person, but I do lean more toward the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I pray to Jehovah every so often (less than I should, unfortunately), and I thank him for the blessings that he gives me. I am grateful to him because everything I have and everything that I am is a gift from him.
• United States
31 Jul 11
Yeah it surpasses religion. It;s more about the feeling you have inside your heart. Like I alwayss say, to me Islam is a way of life rather than a religion because religion is one aspect of your life. but I apply islam to EVERY part of my life... and praying once in a while is better than none at all.
@RJlady1 (144)
• United States
31 Jul 11
I pray to the entity I call "God" and I also talk to deceased loved ones, which is a constant habit of mine! I try not to do it out loud lol, but I could definitely slip into that if I was alone in the house. I'm glad you have an entity to believe in, also. It really helps in times of sorrow or trouble, and also when you want to express gratitude or joy.
• United States
31 Jul 11
I most definitely would talk to lost loved ones...I dont think i could help myself..it is a beautiful thing that there is God..
30 Jul 11
I pray to God before I fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning, same as you just to of course ask for forgiveness for all the sins I've committed and to ask for guidance and blessings. for me praying helps me a lot on my everyday life, somehow there is some comforting feeling after I prayed that God won't let something bad will happen to me and guide every decision that I'll make.
• United States
31 Jul 11
Yes i love that comforting feeling...We all have sins and isnt it great for us that we have this outlet that is prayer that allows us to feel better about our mistakes.
• Kottayam, India
31 Jul 11
There is only one God as there is no place for a second one
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
30 Jul 11
I Pray to God and his son Jesus. I feel comfort from paying to them and knowing that they listen and that they guide me every day.
• United States
30 Jul 11
It is definitely a great feeling to know that no matter what, God is there to listen to you, even if everyone else is gone.
@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
Daily prayer improve us to found a close relationship with God in the same way daily exercise helps us train to win a race. Just as the exercise comes from a strong hope to win, prayer must come from a strong trust to develop a close relationship with your creator.
• United States
30 Jul 11
Yes it is truly blind faith that we go on. Some people find it difficult but to me its like second nature talking to Allah (c.c).
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
31 Jul 11
I rarely pray now a days. I prayed to God very much before in hope to have my desires met and fulfilled, but they weren't. When someone ask me to pray for them I can sent out a prayer. Now a days I make plans, I calculate, I evaluate the options and possiblities for reaching my goals or the possibilities for doing things I want. I search for information, theories putting it together to see if I can manage. I used to pray for meeting a man of my desire. So when I had paid off most of my debts. I had only a a few dollars left to pay. I met a man online who promised to give me what I deserved and desired. I was so stupid to believe that God had sent him to be my love of life. Well as the months went by the man manipulated me to invest money in his business. I ended up put myself in debts, which I 'll be free 2014. So I do not pray for things or meeting a man of my desire. I try to use my intuition to prevent any more people to use my goodness.
@wiguen (551)
• United States
31 Jul 11
the bible says that you can and shall not have other god than God the lord. i pray to God. he is my friend an savior.
@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
I pray to Jesus Christ the son of God. He is our savior and God. He is also my friend whom I share my problem with and ask for guidance and help. He save me many times in my life but I continue to do sins and I'm asking over and over for the forgiveness of my sins.
• United States
31 Jul 11
well it is in our nature to sin as humans we are not perfect. From Adam, who is the father of mankind, to you and me, we have all sinned. This is why its good that God is All=forgiving.
• India
31 Jul 11
dear friend,I also believe in god,I am from jain community,but I also believe in lord shiva.I believe that they always help me and take care of my family.
• Philippines
31 Jul 11
I pray to God. I pray to Mother Mary and I also ask her for guidance in difficult situations. I thank God for all the blessings he has given and the opportunity to live everyday in this world. Whenever I am inside a church I feel at peace talking to our creator.
@TazRes (827)
• United States
31 Jul 11
Everyday I pray to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ; I find great comfort in prayer and worship. And I have guidance from the Holy Spirit.
• Estonia
30 Jul 11
That's an interesting question...You may be surprised by this answer, but...I am not sure. I kind of have God, but it's like my own special God. No, I'm not in some kind of cult or something, there is just somebody special up there who have been greatly helping me through my life and in tough moments I rely on that "someone special".
@MATT69AC (333)
• United States
30 Jul 11
I pray to my savior the one who has saved me and the one I will be with for ever! His name is God he is always there for every one even people who dont like him or dont believe but he is there looking after all of us. Have a good day...
• Philippines
30 Jul 11
I pray only to God as I believe He is the only one creator. and as a christian, since I was a child, it was stuck to my mind that, He is the one. But I respect other's belief. Afterall, we are born with different religion.