This article got my blood boiling

United States
July 30, 2011 10:47am CST
Hello fellow mylotters. As many of you know the date to raise the debt ceiling is just a few days from now. I just happened to read an article that really got me angry in regards to the debt ceiling. A woman wrote in to ask Boehner to vote on it, so she could get her social security check. Between herself and her husband, they get $16.00 in foodstamps. Now, I do agree the woman is a bit uneducated in how the government works, but the response by the author regarding the letter writer baffled and angered me. There is no empathy for the person, that got my goat. If someone qualifies for foodstamps, they are really, super poor. How can anyone who is getting so little money think about anything else for the moment but their basic needs being met? I wrote a response. It has not gone over so well thus far. It kind of hurt my feelings. lol. I don't know why I took it so personally. I guess because I am bent toward that particular party, and the cold-heartedness of the author just got me so very upset. His viewpoint, in my opinion, gives the 'other side' fuel for silly debates that are in no way constructive. His response to this particular woman's letter is in no way constructive, at least according to me. He could have picked a different letter to use that would not make him, in my estimation, look like a selfish, self-righteous behind of a donkey. I am ashamed the author belongs to my party affiliation, and equally dismayed at the responder to my particular rant. Here is the article if you would like to view it:
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7 responses
@allknowing (142572)
• India
31 Jul 11
This is not the time to worry about where the government spends or has spent but to pull it out of the crisis. In the meantime there should be a demand made for details right up to the grass root level and measures taken to contain this huge calamity. Why has this not been done so far is confusing.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jul 11
A few presidents have tried to balance the budget and find out where the money is going. Ronald Reagan in the 1980's and Bill Clinton in the 1990's. Neither one could find where all the money is at. I do not expect they would be able to trace it all, but I do expect they would have been able to trace a majority of the money, at least up to 88-99% of it. I don't think they were able to get that high a percentage. Both failed, both said they simply cannot find it.
@allknowing (142572)
• India
1 Aug 11
Rose - It is not that difficult if records have been maintained. May be they could have a category "unaccounted" and try to further look into this perhaps?
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@allknowing (142572)
• India
1 Aug 11
@stowyk - That article has given figures that account for salaries which is a pittance compared to the total debt!
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
30 Jul 11
It is sad to think of what is going to happen if the politicians do not get this right. I just read an article that says that investors are starting to pull their money from certain things and I see a big problem getting ready to arise. I don't understand why these educated men and women on Capital Hill can't see what the little people of America see- there is a problem that needs to be fixed and to keep spending money that we as a government don't have is not the way to do it. There has to be spending cuts made but we aren't doing them the right way. Take from the rich first!
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
30 Jul 11
Hi all I can really see the Marxism at work here,"take from the rich first". When are we going to wake up and see that this just what Obama, Pelosi, and Read want. Divide and conquer, Has always been the Liberal way, we are doing just what they want us to do when we should be trying to think of a way to get the powers that be to find a solution for the long term. I don't know what it is but if we all think about it surely some one could come up with an idea.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
30 Jul 11
14 trillion, how did we get there? I think is was because the people we elected to do our will decided that we were not smart and started to spend money the country did not have. As to some other country taking over I will not see that, They will kill me so I won't see it.
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• United States
31 Jul 11
We got there first of all with the war. It costs a lot of money to go to war. Even police actions with our military cost buku bucks. That is a nice portion of it. Here is an article about public debt: There are a couple of good articles there. I have been trying to find out what exactly our debt consists of, other than war. That does seem to be the biggest piece of the pie. During every war, the debt has increased. But, war is not the only reason, as the debt has steadily increased, with brief decreases, throughout the country's inception. I tried to answer your question, but I just don't know where to look for the answer.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
20 Aug 11
HI Rosegardens It seems that the we and us mentality is not confined to the maltese shores only. Remember that good politicians exist in both parties and thus I belief that the truth is not a dogma of one party only. Unfortunately there are a few politicians who are not doing any favour to the party I support nor to my country. So the "bad" ones exist anywhere. I've read the article and I do agree with some of his arguments but not all. But yes I do agree with you there is a way of saying things. On benefits you ll always find people always begging for more no matter how much aid they are given. It seems that some people know their rights more than their duties.
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• United States
21 Aug 11
Hi Ronaldinu, it is great to see you posting again. I love the statement: Some people know their rights more than they know their duties. That is a classic, and unfortunately so very true. There will always be beggars for sure, but I do believe this system is creating them rather than helping people to be industrious and have some pride in themselves and their accomplishments.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
30 Jul 11
Hi rosegardens, A lot of us are uneducated in how the govt works. We were taught how it is suppose to work in school but now we look at Washington and do not recognize what is called govt now. I agree that the views voiced by the writer are not very good but then he is not hurting for income or anything either. he should have taken more time and explained in terms that the lady could understand. I hear a lot of seniors around here that are worried and this is what Obama wants, it clouds the real issues and gives him a better chance of being re-elected. It is real easy for us to say "well let so and so give up some of his millions to us that don't have anything". Wake up America! I think what this country needs is to stop spending more than what we take in. But then that is just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions, they are like a**holes, we all have one.
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@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
30 Jul 11
I really liked the one comment about tax reform. The first 30,000 is forgiven and then after that everyone pays 10-15%. I am a very middle of the road independent. I see some of the issues that the Republicans are bringing up. We cannot keep spending at the levels we are spending. I do agree that the article seems cold hearted, but at this time maybe we need someone to be cold hearted. There are 100's of charities out there, and the American people are great at giving in one way or another, with time, money, or donations. If the economy completely falls now, people are going to lose more than just their food stamps.
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• United States
31 Jul 11
I do agree, we do give a great deal. May I bring up something to you? Charities are not making what they were before the financial crisis. People who were giving are now in need. Some charities are yet doing ok, such as certain food banks. But, say you are on a special diet. Have you ever gone to a food bank, just to see the kind of food they are giving away? It is boxed and canned, not good for people with heart problems, high cholesterol and some of it is not good for diabetics. Some do offer fresh food in season, but our seasons are short. There is no meat at most facilities. For people without health problems, it is ok to get by on, but for people who have health issues, well, they simply cannot eat most of that food. then again, when I go shopping and see what people on foodstamps buy, I am appalled. I began playing a game in my head when I got in the checkout. That person ahead of me has decent food, they are not on stamps. The person in front has a lot of junk food and soda, they have a bridgecard. You know, I am usually right. It would be great if they could prevent people from buying junk on the bridgecard. I doubt seriously our economy will completely fail, at least at this time. There are safeguards in place to prevent that from happening. We may end up in another recession,(or should I say an extended depression) but the economy will not completely fail. When the market crashed in 1929 the governing bodies did develop safety nets to prevent that from happening again. Our money may continue to lose value, but it will not be completely worthless. We do need to curb our spending habits. Combining departments is in order, and even totally eradicating some and developing a whole new system is needed. It would be great if we could just wipe the slate clean and start from scratch, but the government is too large to be able to do that. It is a shame when a state cannot even balance their budget, let alone an entire nation. Part of the problem we have is too many agencies getting our money. We have too many on the government payroll, and that adds up, including retirement benefits, etc. I would like to see the extremely wealthy be able to refuse their social security checks if they want to. Remember McCain several years back was complaining about getting a check? He said I'm a millionaire, I don't need this. Give this check to someone who needs it. They kept sending them anyway, and told him they cannot stop sending the checks. Maybe they can stop sending the social security checks to people that make over 6 grand a month? I think the flat tax rate is a wonderful idea. I just wonder....the money the state and federal government take out of payroll is placed in a bank and gains interest. They hold it for a year, and give a portion back. I wonder how much the interest the government is getting? Even so, the flat tax is probably a much better idea. No loopholes for anyone. Ah, but what about the corporations and companies? If they are taxed without loopholes, they will go where ever they can go, where they will not have to pay such high taxes. Do we give them a break, in hopes they stay on our soil and employ American workers?
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
31 Jul 11
First, i agree that Charities are not making as much, but the ones locally are getting creative. I know that people with food restrictions are hurt by this. I think that the LINK, SNAP or whatever your praticular areas supplemental card is called should be limited in what it can buy. It should not be able to buy all the junk that I see in carts most days when I am shopping. social security, it seems, is not going to change how it gives out money, including those making more in retirement than my husband and I combined make in several months still getting money from the government, and that is just wrong. But people like John McCain can take the 20 minutes a month to give that money away themselves (or their spouses can do it if they are too busy). It can go to the charity of their own choosing that helps close to home. The tax thing was just one idea that I saw a feesible and a more fair way to do it. As for businesses, give them tax breaks if they bring jobs back to our economy.
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@dlpierce (495)
• United States
13 Aug 11
I feel for the people that live on social security and are unsure of the checks coming. The article talks about the uninformed public not knowing enough to voice their concerns. When they should be focusing on letting the public know what is going on and not slamming them because of what they say is uneducated remarks. The media has no idea itself what's really going on so who are they to talk about the poor and middle class being naive?
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• United States
15 Aug 11
Exactly! If they are so concerned about the knowledge people are not getting, then why not educate rather than insult and degrade them for their lack of understanding. After all, the news media was pushing it down our throats about not getting the checks. Most people thought that was true! I do not know of any local news station that I watched, who told us they could not withhold checks.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
1 Aug 11
Food stamps is a scam. I have knew a friend who was receiving food stamps for her self and her infant child. She received between $270 and $315 a month for food. A couple of months she got into trouble because she as not spending all her money. When she explained that there were sales that she took advantage of she was told to buy better quality and don't worry about sales. Many community charities and churches are forming a group call First Call for Help where people who need help go there and they will help them by directing them to a charity or church that can help them. The vast majority of people use this when they are in need. There were a few who were contacting the group once a month for help. they always had a sad story and when they were tracked for a year it was discovered that they were gaming the system. The First Call For Help that I worked with instituted a rule that you could only use the service once every three months. We also required that they attend training on how to get and keep a job, how to budget money. In a follow up study we found out that most people once they got the training were able to get a job and not need the assistance. Many of the others who tried to use the help every month got tried of the run around and spent the time working at their underground job. the local community was able o control the fraud when the government could not. I continue to work to help those who are in need of help and find that most are truly in need of help and appreciate the help given. There are still those who feel they are "entitled" to the help and become upset when you suggest that they do not qualify for their program. One family fought with the schools for years to get their child assigned to special education. The mother announced to the teacher when the child turned 18 that he now got his own SSI Check and didn't have to work. Better decisions can be made at the lowest level of government or by community groups who know the people they are dealing with.
• United States
15 Aug 11
It would be awesome to have a local group be able to provide the needs to those who are struggling, instead of having the big corporate government handle it. What a shame the woman held her child back from receiving a quality education over a lousy pittance. There are many out there like that. Lord have mercy.