Why is sense of humor important?

July 30, 2011 10:05pm CST
Hi Fellow mylotters:) I'm just wondering, many are just looking for a best techniques to build a relationship,but I think one of the best thing to get and to strengthen relationship is to have a sense of humor. I like those people that makes me laugh when I'm around them.Do you agree with me on this one? How do you think sense of humor helps in building relationships?
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23 responses
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
31 Jul 11
I so agree with you. A great sense of humor is extremely helpful in all areas of our lives, not just relationships. To be able to laugh at ourselves and our mistakes will take so much stress and pressure off. To laugh with others brings us closer to them and makes everyone feel good. They say sharing foods with people is a good way of connecting, but I say sharing laughter is even more effective.
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@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
31 Jul 11
yes what you say is true. My experience at the school concert, with roaring audiences during one of the dance, was a poignant reminder of the need to unwind, the need for lighter moments. The comic expressions and actions of the boys during the dance was a perfect of amusement and laughter. Shakespearean comedy also provides tones of laughter, though not in a modern setting. Your television is a perfect example of humour.
31 Jul 11
yes I agree with both of you,if I'm with someone with a great sense of humor, my life feels lighter, and I'm not struggling to open up a conversation, like being with them is just like being with my family which I can be myself.
• Philippines
31 Jul 11
Definitely! Everybody wants to be happy in some way and humor is one of the best ways to make people laugh, smile or be happy. Also, the level of humor that you can throw in into your partner is a telling sign of the comfort level that you have for each other. Humor can also shift the moods of each person into a lighter note. I do believe that humor is one of the best desired traits anyone is looking for in their partners.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
31 Jul 11
Yes I agree with you. God has blessed us with everything we could possibly need - five sense organs, foods, shelter, clothing etc. We may not be satisfied with what we possess. Yet we need more humour in our lives; without humour our humdrum lives would be full of boredom. If we insist on study and work without a lighter moment, stress begins to build up. We may forget to smile. Excessive seriousness is self-defeating.
31 Jul 11
yes I agree with both of you, i noticed that someone who have sense of humor is more comfortable to be with,i'ts a great way to make relationships more resilient.thanks for your comments.
@osirus13 (36)
• United States
31 Jul 11
Everyone tends to be around people that makes them happy, and when you laugh you're becoming happy right?
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1 Aug 11
yes that's true osirus13,nice to be around people who makes us happy, it makes our day lighter even after a hard days. thank you for your comment.
@naija4real (1291)
31 Jul 11
Sense of humour may be important in making a relationship work. but unfortunately not everyone is naturally endowed with a good sense of humour. So if you do not have it within you, you can not fake it. The best thing in life is to be your natural self and do not try to make a pretense or pretend. that is faking! and if you fake you can not sell your personality to others.
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1 Aug 11
yes I agree with you to that you cannot force yourself to have a sense of humor if you don't had that naturally, but it's just nice to be around people who makes us laugh right? let's face it they are better to be with than to be with so serious ones. thanks for your comment.
• India
31 Jul 11
Dear flower,yes sense of humor is very important in life,because if we have every thing in our life but we don't have laugh,fun we get bore.sense of humor helps us to feel fresh in our life and also in relationship.it gives us energy in our life.
31 Jul 11
I agree with you here bholebaba19, yes it lightened up the mood and makes you comfortable. really nice to be with someone who has that character. thanks for your comment.
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• Philippines
31 Jul 11
Yes I agree with you on that. Humor makes a person interesting and it bridges the gap between two persons who are about to know each. I find it as a precursor to starting and the not-so-secret ingredient in maintaining a relationship. When you make people laugh they put interest on you and are keen to listen to you more.
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31 Jul 11
yes that's true, maybe because they are not getting bored talking to you, and they feel at ease.thank you for your comment.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
31 Jul 11
Hi flowerfest! I agree. A sense of humor is really important to make a relationship lively and interesting. I myself, likes a guy who has a good sense of humor. I am not a very good conversant and I feel it's better to start a conversation with something funny. It breaks the ice and the conversation can go on to something serious. A good sense of humor is also important to get rid of boredom. I sometimes get bored of a very serious conversation and I noticed that a joke once in a while is good to keep up the talk.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
I guess we're shy at first meeting.
31 Jul 11
that's true, somehow we're alike. I'm not really good in conversation, especially if I'm not that comfortable with the person I'm with, but as soon as I get comfortable,talking with them is easy and become enjoyable.thank you for your comment.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Jul 11
hi flowerfest His sense of humor was one of the things I loved the best about my deceased hubby. He kept our home happy with his cheeriness. A lot of problems can really be made smaller by hgaving a sense of humor and laughing over silly small stuff and most of what we grouse over is small stuff too . an old saying is "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine" and its really so true. Who wants to spend 24/7 in the company of a grouch?Happy happy, joy joy is not so far fetched after all. I am not saying we must go around all day wearing a sappy grin but to be in a pleasant happy mood would do good for all marriages and a lot would really benefit from seeing happy faces onall the family for a change instead of sober serious faces that make ones tummy muscles tighten up for whatever s the matter thats going to spoil all the family's appetites.
1 Aug 11
yes I agree with you here, persons that makes us happy lightened up our life and make everyone more closer and open, so if they're gone we surely could feel that something is missing, and that's the laughs and lighter mood that they could bring on our life. and yes having a sense of humor doesn't mean that they don't know when to get serious, just that if they had sense of humor even after difficult times, it can lighter up the situations a little bit. really helps a lot with every situation. thank you for your comment.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
Laughter is the best medicine as one proverb says and I totally agree with that. So I believe sense of humor is important not only to our health but also in building up relationship. It is not good to be serious all the time, laughter gives us some break to be relieved from the the stresses of this world. I myself feels it will be so boring to be with a person who can't even laugh or can't even make me laugh.I myself is a happy person so I love to be surrounded by happy folks. This is the reason why I made sure I would choose a lifetime partner with very good sense of humor because come to think of it, how can I survive with a partner who does not have sense of humor when my whole clan do enjoys to laugh and have fun? em]lol[/em]
1 Aug 11
yes that's true salongga,sense of humor really helps in building relationships a lot and make it lasts, in this tough world we need to laugh a lot or our life would be so hard. thank you for your comment.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
31 Jul 11
They say that the closest to a man's heart is through her stomach. For me the closest to a woman's heart is through laughter! I am one of those women who easy falls for men with sense of humor. I consider a man with sense of humor as a man of intelligence and wisdom. In my twitter account, i talk to strangers but don't follow them unless they make me smile.
• Philippines
31 Jul 11
humor is very crucial when it comes to attracting girls.. boys with handsome faces, but no humors is just like a passing wind, they wither over time, you will get use to his face, that the next time you see him, you will get bored. unlike boys with humors, every day is a new day when you're with them. they make you laugh, forget your mistakes, your anxiety, in other words, they will be the core of your life. every relation, neh!.. not just relation, everything in life needs a humor, a life without a humor, is as boring as being inside a locked room with nothing in it..
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
2 Aug 11
I love people with good sense of humor actually. And it is one of the important quality I want in my man i don't know, I like people with good sense of humor better than people with good looks hehe!! I love someone who makes me laughh so yeah I think it makes a relationship much better and strong.
• South Korea
2 Aug 11
Yep good looks is always a plus point
2 Aug 11
yeah i think man with sense of humor is more attractive those who only have good looks, but i think good looks is important too, so it will be best if good looks plus sense of humor, nice combination right?
@wiguen (551)
• United States
31 Jul 11
sense of humor is crucial, cause if you get bored the relationship become cold, and that;s not good.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
31 Jul 11
Humour even invades the battlefield, and in difficult situations like fire and quake. I am convinced that laughter is universal. Humour may enter our lives from unlikely sources; the beauty of nature or museum art, dresses, languages and situations.
31 Jul 11
yes that's true, in every situation if someone you're with have a sense of humor it can turn every difficult situation on a lighter side and let yourself laugh off your challenges every now and then.
@Jacruz25 (1124)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
I believe sense of humor is the best recipe in a relationship. with sense of humor the relationship becomes boring. Sense of humor really completes the date. I find hard to talk to a girl that is so quite and shy to speaking something. The best is to make someone smile most of the time. It also doesn't mean that you have to be a joker but you need to make partner laugh everyday.
1 Aug 11
yes sense of humor plays a big role in dating and relationships, it makes both person comfortable, yeah having a sense of humor does't mean that you will make jokes every time, just a little laugh once in awhile helps a lot. thank you for your comment.
@APSC_girl (118)
• Philippines
31 Jul 11
No one wants to be with a boring person. That is why people with good sense of humor usually are popular and people who draws people towards them. You are right too that sense of humor can strengthen a relationship. Every person who can make you laugh can make you stay. That's why it is really good if a person in a relationship has a sense of humor.
31 Jul 11
yes it's like an icing on the top of the cake right? make it look attractive and delicious to look at. yes I think so too, without sense of humor relationships wont last.thank you for your comment.
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@kingparker (9673)
• United States
31 Jul 11
Definitely a sense of humor will attract a lot of people. Without it, you might think that person just outright boring, and not fun to hang out with at all. You know what, I am learning to be funny, even though I am a boring person, because girls always dig it. That is a truth.
31 Jul 11
yes that's true, every girls wanted a man that have sense of humor,really hard to be with someone that don't know how to laugh or ease the moods. thank you for your comment.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
31 Jul 11
Yes humour plays an important role in life. Humour signifies the amusing, or funny, quality of somebody of something. We need the medicine called humour in our lives in all situations, even seemingly serious contexts. Humour is infectious; we create a lighthearted atmosphere, which is conducive or better work and a sense of well being. Studies have revealed that we work better in a lighthearted atmosphere, with gentle music in the background. In recent times, we have realized that meditation is a way of beating stress. We must remind ourselves that substance abuse is not panacea. weekly entertainment vai films and drama is a way to maintain emotional balance.
31 Jul 11
yes I agree with you like laughing nortures our life, brings greatest peace after a difficult time. thank you for the info and comments.
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
31 Jul 11
A sense of humor can definitely be an ice breaker in a tense situation. Having a (SOH) can make things easier in a relationship. People take life too serious sometimes. We need to loosen up and enjoy lifes simple pleasures. Humor is the one of the cheapest offers in a relationsip. Best Wishes!
31 Jul 11
yes I agree with you, it's like a start of a good conversation, really ease the tension and makes both comfortable, really is the cheapest but somehow powerful one.thank you for your comment.
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
31 Jul 11
I think if you meet someone who makes you feel happy, making you laugh and smile you want to stay with that person. In comparison if you meet someone who makes you feel sad, bad and guilty. Experience happiness and enjoy heartily laughter together is a good start for a relationship.
31 Jul 11
yes that's true me I want to be with people who is happy to be with, it can make the life lighter in someway. and also I don't want to be in a group where makes me feel sad and guilty on things, yes laughter can really build a nice relationship. thank you for your comment.
• United States
31 Jul 11
I think sense of humor helps build relations because it makes people want to be around you more. With a sense of humor your a fun person and when you have a sense of humor , more people want to get to know you. That builds relationships.
31 Jul 11
yes I think its a key to start and build a relationship, it's really hard to be with other person that so serious all the time, like all day is a gloomy day if no sense of humor. thank you for your comment.
@thetis74 (1525)
31 Jul 11
It is very important in a relationship because as we say a happy life is full of colors and humor is another very bright color to add to it. It is always good to have happy people around us especially someone who is so dear to us. It just makes my day happier, brighter and most of all it gives me a healthy life. And every time there is laughter there is always an affirmation that life is truly lived happily.
31 Jul 11
yes because if the person you're with doesn't have a sense of humor then it will be so boring,me I even don't know how to start or answer a conversation if I'm not comfortable being with him/her.. so sense of humor really have a big role in every relationships.thank you for your comment.