what kind of part time jobs can get in U.K?
By rajputash
@rajputash (384)
3 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
31 Jul 11
Aye, hospitality jobs, foreigners that will work for wages too low for an English person to live on are always needed.
all the best urban
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@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
31 Jul 11
The same part-time jobs you can get anywhere in the world, really.
Depends what you're looking for but bear in mind you'll have to apply early: all the seasonal work goes VERY quickly to students who plan a few months ahead (they apply for Christmas work in August/September, for example). You'll probably find it easiest to get daytime work if you're doing a masters, as you'll be available when most of the teenage population is at school/college.
Once you know where you're going, apply to all the local supermarkets, shops, restaurants, hotels, theatres, cinemas, etc. Check the local Job Centre online (JobCentrePLus.co.uk, I believe). Check the local papers (usually online as well) for easy work like leafleting for a few pounds (and also a very good way to learn your way around the area, though not much fun in winter).
Hope it helps.
@la_chique (1498)
31 Jul 11
There are a wide variety of things you can do. Plenty of restaurants and fast food joints where you can get decent hours. Care homes always need a hand at weekends and evenings. You could even ask around at hotels - plenty of 24 hour jobs there where you could probably pick your hours? Good luck! Its always good to see people coming to this country actually wanting to work whilst they are here! There are plenty who dont and expect our government to pay for them! Best wishes for your studies!
@rajputash (384)
• India
31 Jul 11
Thanks mate...you cleared whatever doubts i had in mind, Happy mylotting.