Do you sleep late because of mylot?

@ellebj (784)
July 31, 2011 11:17am CST
Hi guys, i just want to know if your sleep late at night just to do mylotting.. I have read several discussions here that mylot is addictive, so i assume, that you are spending late just to do discussions and comment on the discussions of others.. this is the first time that i will sleep late to do some discussions since i haven't used the computer for the whole day.. and that makes me wonder if you too do this thing. thank you for sharing!!
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46 responses
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
2 Aug 11
Never assume anything. For one thing look at how its spelled AZZ-U-ME. When you assume things it makes a azz of u and me. Sorry had to spell it like that to be acceptable. The word 'addiction' is used very lightly now days. A addiction is nothing nice or cute. I wish people would stop using that word like it is. Any close connection i felt toward this website was soon disolussioned once i saw the amount they pay. If anything its mostly interesting just to read and answer the discussions. It doesnt made or break me.
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@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
4 Aug 11
Yes, that is stated in defination #3. TV addict. I have also made behavior modifications. Mine was the game of sims3. I would play every free minute i had. Sit in front of the computer till my feet were swollen from sitting to long. When i wasnt playing the game i was thinking about it and couldnt wait to get back to it. At times i would stand up tp play. I still play the game but now i have it under control. I no longer wait till i have no clean silverware or dishes to stop playing. I think and do other things. Its really not healthy to sit in front of the computer for hours with no end. I make sure all ny household chores are done first before i even allow self to start. When i first started playing i would play a whole day easily. Only stopping to use restroom or eat.
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@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
you are already an addict.. there are symptoms for addiction and this includes like in computer, staying in it for 6 hours or more without even disturbed or something..
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
what are you implying? actually, addiction on mylot is just something i read from one discussions and many people are becoming hooked on this site that sometimes their actions can be considered as addiction.. but someone could get away from this addiction if he/she wants to.. i know this site has low pay because we do lots of discussions and comment on several others but we still have a cent or more in a day.. actually, addiction is a psychological disorder that is used to describe a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some activity.. it is even occurring here in mylot.. some people here really into mylot that they can't sleep and having compulsions to open this site, make discussion and comment.. people called it addiction not because they find it cute or nice to here, but that is really the term for their actions.. some may use hook because they are really hook on the site but not addicted to it.. as for you, good thing that you are not engaging a lot on this site..
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@aweins (4199)
• India
2 Aug 11
hi dear friend, i use to sleep late because of mylot years back. at that time this site had very few members and it was just started. i also was not much occupied much but now i am having a baby and before it was very difficult when she was infant . she had very less sleep . now she sleeps but very very late. it is like after midnight , sometimes 1.30am also . so i was a late sleeper but it was because of many reasons. mylot was one reason when i joined it and that is more than four or five years back. now i have so much of tension and stress in my life that i am taking homeopathic medicine to sleep.
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@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
that is sad to hear aweins.. hope and pray for your good health.. take care!
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
2 Aug 11
Hi ellebj, I did stay up late just for doing myLot posting before That was the time I had to reach the required amount of number post set daily. I would feel uneasy if I couldn't accomplish my target. I persisted until wee hours even I was really exhausted. I would get tired and listless if staying up late for few nights. It's not good to our health doing so frequently actually. I'm no longer to sleep late just for the sake of to complete my set target anymore. At present I really enjoy to write posts here freely whenever I have leisure. It's so relaxing to enjoy the real fun of posting here in this relaxing way It's a torture if forcing myself to eke out posts if I'm out of inspiration or moody. If so I just indulge in reading posts which I'm interested instead of responding to discussions. Lol... I don't linger here anymore during my bedtime. Happy posting and have a nice day
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
2 Aug 11
You are most welcome ellebj It's fun to posting here beside gaining friendship as well as money. Yeah, I believe you can if you keep on working diligently writing new discussions and adding comments, continuous comments if there are still more to share with... That's why I'm still sticking to this site for such long time
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
you are right.. thank you for sharing... me too. now i am persisting to comment and post so thaat i could have greater money per day.. bt in the next days i can't.. i want some miracle to have $1 on a day..
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@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
you are right lkbooi. it is such a good feeling to share with your fellows around the world.. this site is so fun to work with.. i am making the most of it while i'm still not busy..
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
Hi ellebj! I used to sleep late because of myLot but I don't do it anymore. I usually sleep at 10-11PM and I rarely go beyond that. I'm still addictive to myLot though. I myLot whenever I have the time. Even if I don't have time, I make time for myLot. Especially when I'm nearing my payout!
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
That is why I tend to get disappointed a lot when I earn little in a day.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
2 Aug 11
Yes, when we are nearing payout, we tends to be very active as we wants to get paid from here. I do have this attitude whenever i saw myself was nearing for the payout in every sites that i joined, including Mylot.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
31 Jul 11
I used to do this, but not anymore. I used to sleep all day and be up at night so that I could have the quietness I needed to get the things done I needed done. Now I just use the computer from early morning until late, especially here at mylot. Now though that I have a job again, I'll probbaly go back to doing mylot later in the day and at night or in the early morning. Those few dollars do add up and help a lot!
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
thank you for sharing.. that is nice.. mylot really helps a lot in your savings. Happy mylotting some cowgirl!
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
1 Aug 11
Yes a lot, got to stretch those dollars. Glad to share!
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
1 Aug 11
When i first joined Mylot because of curiosity, i did had slept late a few days before because of interested to post more in Mylot. After a few days of getting not enough sleep and feels giddy, i had decided to stop being that active and plan my sleeping time. Now, i only do posting in here whenever i am free from my offline matters. i am happy that i can still continue posting here whenever i am free and feels happy getting to know many new friends. It is wonderful to be able to get to know many friends from around the world from here.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
2 Aug 11
Yes, the payout is high. You will need to actively posting more during your day time, if possible. You can reach payout every few months, if you can active making a few posts here daily.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
thank you for the tips myfb.. i'll try that..
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
hi myfb.. that is good.. payout in mylot is difficult to reach.. you have to put great effort to reach it very soon.. nice for you that you do it for past time. thank you for responding.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
4 Aug 11
Hello Dear Ellebj! In normal course also I sleep late! While doing so if I get some free time I may some time come to this site and attempt a couple of discussions! But this is not because I am attending Mylot I am going to my bed late! It is since I am awaken I may like to attend this site! Yes, then there were the days , initially when I was too curious about the payment by this site, so in order to complete my target I have spend some sleepless nights too on this site! Having got my doubts clear and got assured that this is a genuine site I have become relaxed and there after I participate in this site when ever I get time just to have some fun and relieving the stress! In fact let me tell you that my attitude towards this site has got changed since the time I have joined this site. Initially like any other member I too joined this site to make some money! With the passage of time I realised this site is not a site to make fast money, but this is some thing much more than that! I have realised after coming on this site, we can have some sincere, honest and helping friends who are always there to extend their helping hand whenever we need them! This thing is very important at times when we are really stressed out and find ourselves in some crisis! Though we may not be in touch with these friends physically, but he way these people interact with us, it gives a feeling as if they are sitting just in front of us and talking with us! This interaction is one of the biggest advantage on this site, besides gaining lot of first hand knowledge about the various cultures, regional events of the World with the help of our beloved friends here! So I log in this site anytime of the day if I am free, may it be then a day or night, to have some nice time for myself! Thanks for the discussion! I liked participating in it! All the best!
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
one thing that is good in mylot is that we share our ideas rather than being paid.. as we go on, we choose discussions that we want to comment on and the sincerity is really there that we want to help.. we don't think of being mark as best response, but the thing that we help to our fellow is such a fulfilling one..
• India
1 Aug 11
I was awake for a day, the whole 24 hours, just because of mylotting. There is no such question posing me that whether you get to sleep late because of mylot. Am always into this and could make much more knowledge through the mylot.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
3 Aug 11
wow.. that is crazy.. i can't really be up for 24 hours just for mylot. i don't why..
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
1 Aug 11
Hello Ellebj, I'm afraid what you read in those discussions is right: myLot IS addictive! There are days when I wish I never discovered myLot, this is how addictive it is! Because in those days I stay up late until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning and the next day I'm like a zombie at the office. Don't get me wrong. I like myLot but it is so catchy that you forget to eat and to go to bed because of it.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
oh i see.. but have learned a lot from it right??
@achraf52 (179)
• Morocco
1 Aug 11
Doing MyLot is a morning activity for me .
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
wow.. morning like early morning? what time do you usually do mylot discussions and comments??
• United States
31 Jul 11
I use to sleep late because of mylot but nowadays I hardly even spend time on mylot anymore. I know what you mean. I use to stumble across some questions that I couldn't help but answer because it was so good. Some people just have a thing for posing good questions.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
wow.. you are really addicted to mylot.. you are right, there really good questions here.. enjoy!
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
yup i sleep late and wake up early, but it is worth it.. just having fun chatting and earning
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
lol.. you are really having a great time michael! thank you for responding.. hope i could hear from you in my other discussions.
@cow_boy29 (236)
• United States
1 Aug 11
hahah lol you don't kidding me? Hem i have insomnia so every night i sleep late. Hem, mylot is very interesting to me. In mylot i can share my opinion to every one. Thats make me happy. The freedom of speaking.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
3 Aug 11
yes, mylot gives us the freedom what to speak and what to share in their site and this is good..
• United States
1 Aug 11
Yes! I go to sleep at 4;00 a.m! This is so addictive. But I like mylot a lot.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
wow! that is very very addict to mylot.. really..
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Aug 11
I'm basically retired and so because I'm a grown up I can go to bed when ever I want. Sometimes I stay up all night but not too often. Usually, if I stay up till the morning hours, I'll stay up to feed the animals the I go to bed for about 2 hours. I usually stay up till about midnight...that would be a close average I reckon. MyLot is addictive which is why I'm still here.
@webgirl01 (689)
• United States
31 Jul 11
Hi there, yeah I have sleep late a few times because of mylot but just sometimes. LOL! i'm trying to do discussions before i sleep. Sleeping late due to mylot is like sleeping late due to facebooking or
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
lol.. but you are right.. i, also, do discussions or have comments before i go to sleep but facebook is the last tab to close though..
@damned_dle (3942)
• Philippines
31 Jul 11
I sleep late at night because of my "work". But while doing my work, I also do mylot at the same time! I usually close my mylot window last before turning off my PC.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
good luck with your work!! and happy mylotting!!
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
No I don't. I only have access to Mylot at work so I don't have to be at Mylot when I am at home. It doesn't at all get in the way of my sleeping time as well as bonding time with my family.
31 Jul 11
Yes ever since I started mylotting just last week I sleep so late already, I agree that's it's addictive participating on discussions or comments.but it's also helpful especially if i have insomia attack like tonight.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
that is terrible flower.. hope you can get over with your sleeping problems.. why is that so? maybe your body clock has changed..
31 Jul 11
Nah but i spend a lot of time in the day.Just in the night it's good to sleep so i like to sleep a lot like 12-13-14 hours.That's me :D.
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
wow.. you really sleep a lot.. i can't do that.. after 8 hours i am so awake..