First Aid! Do you know how important it is?

@danoluma (817)
August 1, 2011 1:34am CST
Hi mylotters, I just acquired my first Aid certificate. During my classes I was taught many things that I took for granted, I now know the basics of saving life, If you have time guys please get the skills. You can make a great difference. Cheers
5 responses
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
29 Jan 13
I have held a Frist Aid at Work certificate 3 times in the past, although it is a while since I last did so. The certificate is valid for 2 years here in England and requires a rather intense 3 day course. If I remember correctly there were 5 of us from my company when I took the first course, of which only 2 of us actually passed. It is a very worthwhile course, but since it is so compact then it is reasonable to pass the course initially then forget quite a lot within a couple of weeks. Too few people bother to keep updated by studying regular. The rules of First Aid change very rapidly, but even if your knowledge becomes outmoded it is still useful and worthwhile knowing. The most important factor is that you will know better than to do the wrong thing and complicate a situation.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
1 Aug 11
Hi there! Long time no see!Where have you been?? I rarely see you on this site since a few months ago~Anyway I'd joined a red cross club when I was in high school and we learned some basic skills of saving life. It is an important skills and we need to learn it at least the basic.(^^)
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
We had a seminar regarding first aid before. They taught us how to do CPR, how to put a bandage on a fractured limb, and some other stuff. I liked how they presented it, they used a crash dummy and a representative to demonstrate how it is done. I learned a lot from that talk.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
1 Aug 11
I know first aid is so important in our daily life,but i didn't try to learn some ways to save people.I think i should know something and it is indeed important and serious thing.
• Bangladesh
1 Aug 11
I know also about it and I know the important of first aids. As I am a marine engineer and its very important for me to know the basic of saving life on ship. I acquired basic and advance certificate in life saving appliances and first Aid. I also request all the mylotters to get the skills.Its very important for our day to day life. Cheers