I dont ask for help

Helping hand - Hubby helping around the house
August 1, 2011 6:53pm CST
I work from home and I take care of everything that has to be done inside the house. I cook, clean, do the washing, make the grocery list and whatever is needed to be done to keep the house going. Hubby does the exterior. Since he retired from his job, he has now started working for a butcher where they not only sell meats but also bread, veggies, desserts, pizza, submarines, sandwiches, cheeses, prepared meals by a chef, etc. Working there, hubby needs to put the bread in the oven, make the pizza, the sandwiches, cut cold meats, and all kinds of things related to food. Ive never asked him to help me around the house. Most of the time, I'll cook, he'll sit and eat, then go do something else while I clean up and do the dishes. Lately, since he's been working there, he's now helping me with the dishes and even helping prepare the meals . Im sort of getting used to this We dont have kids, its only the two of us and our dog. My question is, do you ask your husband to help you with things around the house? If you're a man, are you being asked to help or will you help without being asked?
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12 responses
@Galena (9110)
2 Aug 11
I don't view it as being helped when my husband cooks, cleans or tidies. it's just as much his job as it is mine, so he's not "helping" me, he's doing his fair share around our home. he's not helping me, I'm not helping him. it's equally both of our responsibility.
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@Galena (9110)
2 Aug 11
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Aug 11
hi galena hear hear, good for you, as its just as much his responsibility as it is yours. mariage mean partners are a 'team and a team wo rks together. right?
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• Canada
3 Aug 11
I read you both loud and clear!!! lol I also agree its a partnership. I agreed to do the inside if he did the outside. I hate doing anything outdoorsy. So its his problem to care for the trees, the lawn and shovel the snow in the winter I never felt that I had to do it all alone. I simply never asked him to do anything inside. Its a bonus now that he's helping me with the house stuff but I told him that I wouldnt mow the grass or anything like that Im happy for you both that its working out well and that you're in a happy relationship like I am.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
if there are some things that are broken and i don't know how to repair it, i ask my husband to do it. also, if there are some things that i can't reach since i'm not that tall, i ask for his help, also in cooking because he's a good cook than me. sometimes i also ask him to play and take care of our baby when i'm busy on some chores.
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• Canada
3 Aug 11
Sounds like you have a good husband who loves you and Im happy you are in such a happy couple. Mine is the same, if something is broken, he's very good at fixing just about anything. I'll try and if I can do it, I ask him. We dont have kids, but I know he would have been great with kids. He takes good care of our dog, and I do too As for reaching for things that are too high up, I have the bad habit of climbing on chairs and when he's at home, he comes over right away saying I shouldnt do that. Im not crippled, I can climb.....nearly killed myself once but I never told him . Im happy you have a great life too
• China
2 Aug 11
My wife and I are both retired workers.We share household duties.My wife generally goes shopping ,does cleaning,washing and prepares supper;I usually get breakfast and lunch.
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• Canada
2 Aug 11
Your wife must be happy that you can fix breakfast and lunch for the both of us. Its nice that you can share household duties as you're both retired. I cant wait to be retired also and spend more time with my husband. Happy retirement, do enjoy your time together!!
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@thetis74 (1525)
2 Aug 11
I normally don't because not only because I can handle doing things alone but mainly because he is not the type who bothers helping me with the house chores. He just sits in front of his computer, make and answer phone calls, eat, sleep and do bathroom things and go out on meetings since he is a consulting engineer. But sometimes times get so tough that I badly need help especially now that I am supposed to be bedresting with my low-lying placenta due to this pregnancy. And it is hard because I have a four-year old who goes to school every morning and I have to keep reminding to help and it so annoying to be doing that all the time and he still wont bother helping unless I am to the point of crying and complaining. And if I don't feel pain due to false contraction, I just do the work than always get mad at reminding him. It would really make me happy if he were like the kind of husband who helps the housewife with the housework and you are so lucky because I believe that it is a very effective binding activity. It would even make me happy if he would just at least do the dishes. That little thing would at least make a big difference if done with sincerity. You are so lucky your husband is helping you. It shows that he is thinking that you might get too tired doing all the housework yourself. And as a woman, I am so glad for you.
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• Canada
2 Aug 11
Thank you . Im sorry your husband is not helping you at all. You're right, even if he was only doing the dishes, it would be really helpful. I wish I had some words of advice for you on how you could make him understand that you need help but Im afraid I dont. You must love him a lot to do it all while he's sitting there!! Good luck to you
@diala84 (138)
• United States
2 Aug 11
My boyfriend does stuff without being asked but it always seems strange to me because he tells me about it before hand. He will say "I will do the dishes tomorrow" even though I never asked him to do the dishes or even mentioned they need to be done and yet he tells me. I'm not sure how to respond or if he thinks I am upset that he hasn't done them yet. Occasionally I ask him to do something if there is still a lot I need to do but usually he make a choice to help on his own. I am really glad he helps out and offers help when I am doing house choirs but sometimes I get the feeling he really forces himself to do it and would much rather not help out. It makes me feel sad because I am usually not the one asking him to do it and yet I still see his change in attitude when he does it. I wish he didn't feel like it was such a burden because I don't see doing these choirs as a burden just something that needs to be done once in awhile. I have the feeling your husband started seeing a connection between the work he does at the butchers and the work you do every day at home. It made him want to help out and stop putting so much of the work on you. Or it could be he didn't know how to before, lol =).
• Canada
3 Aug 11
I think it was because he didnt know how to before. About your husband and his attitude change....maybe its because he's not sure of how to do it? That might be why and Im not sure how you could sort of "show" him without hurting his feelings. Its good that he tells you he'll do the dishes tomorrow.....then you know you'll have a break the next day. I dont look at house chores as "fun", like you, it has to be done and we just do it. But on some days, I dont feel like it and I guess you have those days too?
• China
2 Aug 11
My husband somethings help me to do something such as cooking washing and sweeping.some things natural help,don't need a party brought,the couple around also is such,so i think the relationship between husband and wife is equal,no matter what the job they have .people will change, especially between husband and wife can influence each other,your husband now understand your not easy,so,he do such thing is very normal, ha ha perhaps people love a woman is both, in turn you help him a lot of things in imperceptible in, this is a common people'life ,don't you think so?
2 people like this
• Canada
2 Aug 11
Yes I do think so. We do things for each other out of love and not because we "have to". Im happy he's now giving me a hand with things. I think he didnt before because he might not have known how to or he thought it wasnt much work. Im enjoying it now and I think it has brought us closer together. I bet you feel close to your husband also?
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
2 Aug 11
Hubby was single for many years. He cooks well, and can shop. A lot of stuff we do together. There are things he does not do outside that I wish he would, but all in all we share work pretty well.
• Canada
2 Aug 11
Lucky you. Mine didnt know at all how to cook and he's learning now at his new job Sure makes me happy as Ive been the one doing the cooking for the past 30+ years for the both of us!! I dont expect or ask him to help me since I dont do a thing outside.....thats HIS department and he knows it. So when he does help me, its a bonus!! I can understand your husband being able to shop. Mine will only if he has a list, no list and he doesnt have any idea what to buy. I'll hope that eventually he can do what you want him to do outside !!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Aug 11
I live alone and everything pretty well gets on top of me. I do what I can and the rest goes undone.
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• Canada
8 Aug 11
One day at a time is my new motto. What I cant do today, well I might be able to tomorrow. We clean but we always have to do it all over again.....its never ending, so might as well not fret over it, right?
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• Canada
9 Aug 11
Im the same, I feel that Im responsible for the state of my house and my dad's also. I want to make sure its clean. So what I do here at home is always put everything away when Im done using it. I shine the sinks in the bathroom after I use it, same with the bath or shower. I mop the floors all the time because I have a black Labrador and he's shedding a lot. I dust once a week but it seems that as soon as I turn around, the dust is right back So by doing it all as I go along, keeping everything clean, it means I have a little less to do when someone is coming over.....phew. Its never done, is it?
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Aug 11
Correct! It's never done.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Aug 11
Hm, he'd better if he wants me to work full time.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Aug 11
It would if we were still together. lol
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• Canada
11 Aug 11
OH!! lol
• Canada
11 Aug 11
I thought you were going to say if he wants to have some s*x!!!!! Now that would work too you know
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@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
3 Aug 11
I am single yet so i have to look forward so I could be able to reply on your post. Ofcourse, kitchen stuffs doesnt concern only the wife but also the husband. Thats more as a family.
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• Canada
4 Aug 11
I sure hope you'll remember to come and reply when you have a husband or a boyfriend. Well if you have your man help you from the beginning, then he will and it'll be easier because not all men help you know!! I wish you all the best in finding the right man for you,if you're looking for one that is!!
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
My husband is very understanding and I dont really ask him to help. He is working a lot and I dont want to make him tired even at home. But he is a sensitive man and helps me on the heavy chores at home. He wont mind washing the dishes too.
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• Canada
2 Aug 11
I know what you mean about your husband working a lot. I work too but since he takes care of the outdoors, I guess its even. You're lucky that he does give you a hand with things and will even wash the dishes. Mine is starting to, so we're both lucky
• Philippines
2 Aug 11
My husband does the cooking and sometimes the laundry.. Before I was doing all the household chores but when I gave birth to our 3rd child, he always sees to it that he has washed the clothes of his daughter even my clothes too... Gave the vitamins of his children in the morning and play with them when he is off to work.
• Canada
2 Aug 11
They are HIS kids too . Its very nice of him to help you this way. You must be very busy with 3 kids. Well my hubby never did the laundry and I dont think Id want to risk it!!! Id have to explain to him how its done and not to mix the colors