Off work until Monday, I'm not amused.

August 3, 2011 3:31pm CST
My van is out of commission right now, and because of that, I can't work until next week. Right now, because I'm not working, I don't have the money to repair the van, and it's going to cost me a mint to do so. My husband can't find steady work, this doesn't help the situation at all. But at least I can do some online work, and that will do a little to help us, but not enough.
6 responses
• United States
11 Aug 11
I hope the repairs were not as expensive as you had thought. Yeah that's a tough spot to be in w/o transportation and steady income for both of you. I know how that goes as my hours fluxuate quite a bit and there are times of the year hubby doesn't get mandatory overtime. I wish doing things like this online paid better. Hubby complains bout what I do here but I figure atleast I'm earning something twards somesort of bill.
• United States
14 Aug 11
Oh Kris I am sorry to hear that further changes occurred. It is sad that you are not able to work and your hubby is out of work. I have been experiencing the lack of work here for over a year in a half and sorry to hear you too for a period here. I hope it gets better for you.
• Canada
14 Aug 11
Things seem to be changing again, for good though. The van should be repaired on Tuesday, I did a couple of days of work so I now have the money for that, and we have a good job coming up starting tomorrow.
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Wow , I just sent my comment and there you are already with the solutions you badly need.I am happy for you.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
3 Aug 11
My hubby and I are both out of work. I am coming to the end of unemployment benefits, he is finally going to get a miniscule amount. We get by. I am getting more serious about earning online, and applying everywhere I can think of. It is hot, hot, hot here.
• Canada
13 Aug 11
I've noticed that this stuff always happens when a person is out of money. That's why I didn't have a computer for most of 2010. lol
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
4 Aug 11
Keping busy working online would be a way to make some earning in the spare time you have. The earnings may not be huge though. One would need to find some good paying online jobs. In fact, that's waht I have been searching for too, to supplement my income.
• Canada
6 Aug 11
I have someone I work for online, I write articles for him. He's away for the weekend, and has pulled his site offline for the time being, just to organize a slew of articles I've already written for him. I've made well over $200 through him in the last month, and that was put towards the cats and their spay/neuter costs. I'm still writing, but the articles are not going live until he's got the site figured out. Then I'll have a good chunk of money owed to me.
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
I am sorry to hear that, but I hope things will pick up next for you.Let's just say that maybe you are drawn to this kind of situation because you need to attend to some household tasks that you have been neglecting because you were so busy . Or maybe this will be a perfect time to just sit and relax ( i know this is not easy with money problems clouding your mind ). But maybe ,just maybe, in one of those idle moments you spend, a bright idea will pop in your mind and will be useful in the future with regards to financial problems.
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
I guess my advice here is a little bit late. (^_^)