John Carter of Mars Movie...

Omagh, Northern Ireland
August 3, 2011 11:30pm CST
Edgar Rice Burroughs,creator of the Tarzan Series Character and books,also created a Scifi/Fantasy series of books around the Character John Carter,a 19th Century Soldier who somehow gets transported to Mars-a Mars with atmosphere and civilisation..A new Movie is in production,slated for an Autumn 2012 release-there's a trailer currently available to see on IMDB! The books are classics,it remains to be seen if the Movie will be too... The Trailer looks good.. Would this type of movie appeal to you,or would you have an interest in the books and like to see how well it transfers to the screen?
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6 responses
• United States
4 Aug 11
Yeah, I'm totally excited! John Carter is a classic, and the movie looks like it's going to be A-MAZ-ING. Just the type of adventure that I've been dying to see in theaters for awhile. I saw the trailer weeks ago.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
4 Aug 11
I Think I'll have to make an excuse to go to the Cinema in the next few weeks to try and catch this trailer now on the big screen,having seen it on IMDB! Some Guys I work with reckoned They'd spotted the Actor Ciaran Hinds out during the week-He's From Northern Ireland,(Where I live) so it's possible! I hadn't seen his Movie they'd recognised him from,so did a check on IMDB to see which of his work I'd be familiar with,and "Road to Perdition" was the last one I'd seen..and then I saw his name in the listing for the upcoming "John Carter"! He's in the Role of Tardos Mors,a Martian Emperor...and here we are...good to see there's support for the Movie and the series!
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
14 Aug 11
Gah! I'd read the John Carter Trailer wa showing along with the Harry Potter Movie currently in cinemas-I went to see it over the weekend,and no John Carter trailer! ah well..
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• United States
15 Aug 11
Bummer! It's still a year or so before the movie comes out though. I bet they'll be showing it on some other action-fantasy films. Though I can't imagine what other action-fantasy films are coming out these days.
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
This sounds like a great movie to watch. I'll definitely look this up on IMDb. Although IMDb only posts information to movies that have already been released. I often go there and try to look up some new movies that have not released yet and I'm not quite satisfied with that. I appreciate those posts that have complete content in them. I always read the "spoofs" section because it contains information about the movie you would have known or are plain interesting.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
4 Aug 11
I only discovered there was a movie from the books in production when some Guys I work with said they'd spotted Northern Ireland Born Actor Ciaran Hinds during the weekend..I looked him up on IMDB,and saw the info on him being in this John Carter Movie...and found the trailer..Though I titled this discussion "John Carter of Mars",(from having read some of the books),it looks like the studio may have now decided to go with plain "John Carter" as the Movie title,as they reckon his "Claim" to Mars will only come about by the end of the Movie..sneaky.. But the Movie Artwork/poster has a Stylised J C M on it... I recall they did something similar with Daniel Craig's first outing as James Bond..No "Bond" theme Music for Him until He'd received his 00 License in the Movie!
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Oh. I really don't know who John Carter is but this really sounds out of the ordinary. Maybe after it had been released I'll bother watching it. I'm sure it'll be a buzz.
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Oh. I really don't know who John Carter is but this really sounds out of the ordinary. Maybe after it had been released I'll bother watching it. I'm sure it'll be a buzz.
@ElicBxn (63707)
• United States
2 Sep 11
I loved Tarzan, I love the Earth's Core books, but I never could get into the Mars books, I tried, several times, I just couldn't manage it. However, I would probably to see it because SF flix are so hard to come by
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
2 Sep 11
Apparently the stories were serialised and then brought together as there was that common "Flash Gordon" thing of the Hero being left with a cliffhanger every week! There's only so many epic battles a Character can fight in the space of a movie..! I want to see how they get on with the leading Lady Character,"Dejah Thoris",if She's gonna need rescuing a lot,or will be going "Kill Bill" Bride Style on the bad guys... Have you read any Robert Heinlein? He did an Homage to the John Carter stories in his "Number of the Beast" book,bringing together a couple,She being Christened "Dejah Thoris Burroughs",but nicknamed "Deety" (DT) and meeting her up with a Zebediah J. Carter,who'd seen military service and attended "Mr Jefferson's University",having been born in the area..
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@ElicBxn (63707)
• United States
3 Sep 11
I pretty much quit reading Heinlein after Stranger
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
3 Sep 11
I read it in my teens...haven't gone back to it since...
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5 Aug 11
I am not a huge fan of Sci-fi but, no doubt if the trailer looks good, hubby will want to see it! Lon way off though yet eh? Lol
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
6 Aug 11
This Show would be more along the lines of Conan the Barbarian on another planet,not Captain Kirk...The stories date from the early 20th Century,before space flight,and even commercial flight..More Swords and Sandals than Spaceships! but the stories are held to be part of the roots of Scifi..
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
8 Mar 12
Another 10 minute excerpt/trailer up on the website,I hear-have yet to check it out!
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
12 Mar 12
I went to see it on the second night here..they seem to have added an element or 2 more of Scifi to the story as I recall from reading the books..but it wouldn't detract from the movie if you're going into the Movie "cold"!
@toniganzon (72551)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
I am more of a book first movie later type of person. There are some directors who can really give justice to the book and i salute all of them because i know it's too difficult to make a movie based on the book and to give justice to it. I haven't heard of this book and would be checking out soon. Right now i'm into Mary Shelly and her book Mathilda.
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
4 Aug 11
I haven't read all of the books in this series,(I've read a few in ebook format)but looking at the Edgar Rice Burroughs,Tarzan,and "Barsoom" (The series Name for Mars) related sites,there's a lot of interest in the upcoming movie..the Movie trailer is currently in cinemas,I read.. Ray Bradbury and Carl Sagan among others apparently credited these books with giving them an interest in Mars,Astronomy,and SciFi..And there's a Crater on Mars with Burrough's name on it..Looking at the movie related site,Disney is Producing,and Pixar doing animation..Amazon has the books available for the kindle,broken up into trilogies..think I'll download the first one to catch up!
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
4 Aug 11
JCA..i saw the movie poster..John Carter Arrives..2012 i definately gonna watch this one.. i bet its interesting..
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• Omagh, Northern Ireland
18 Jan 12
Checking out online yesterday,I see March 9th is now listed as the release date on the Disney/Movie webpage
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
12 Mar 12
Seen it! I'm not being spoilery about the about You-have you been to see it yet?