What's the meaning of standing here?

August 4, 2011 1:46am CST
Hi guys,I can't understand the meaning of the sentence: On the suction side of the fan, a stainless steel non return valve will be supplied to avoid process air coming out of the fan when it's standing. Can anybody explain to me please?
1 response
4 Aug 11
As I understand it: The suction side of the fan is the side where the air goes in. A non-return valve stops air flowing in two directions. Processed air is the air that's inside the fan and is pushed out when the fan's operating. So the non-return valve stops air that's been pulled into the fan already from escaping to the intake side when the fan isn't operating. In other words, fresh air goes in and stays in the fan, unless the fan is turned on and pushes the "processed" air out. This stops "processed" air from escaping back into your environment and smelling stale. Does that help?
• China
8 Aug 11
Thank you,it's very clear to me now,but I still don't know why such an equipment should be used,well this is another question though. Thank you very much.
1 person likes this
8 Aug 11
If the fan is more than just a spinning propeller, any air trapped inside gets stale when the fan's not working - like air in any closed box gets stale. It's simply a little addition that stops the stale-smelling air (smells sort of old and musty) coming out into your house. That's my guess, anyway!
• China
17 Aug 11
I'm not sure.But your explanation makes it seems clearer to me! Thank you!