The student who thought his car is a boat

August 4, 2011 4:05am CST
A UP student probably thought his car is am amphibious boat when he tries to drive through a deep flood. by accident a TV crew caught the Don-Quixote like move, while some astonished bystanders are graceful enough to help the clueless driver to get out of the car when it began to float. The trouble is when the driver was interviewed, he blamed the entire thing on other people. He said there should have been warning posted that the area is not passable. This makes me laugh. I see streets flooded all the time. I see vehicles get stuck on the street when floods began to rise. But I havent seen anybody before who tries to cross a deep flood when he/she is not in it. I mean, you just need a common sense to know that even when you made a mistake of driving through a deep flood that when the bumper of your car begins to submerge, or the water starts to get into the car itself then it is time to turn around. Instead, this guy decided his car can float through the flood into the other side. He should have brought a paddle. Because of his inability to grasp reality, the student video went viral and he becomes the 4th most Tweeted online. It just proves that you cannot buy common sense anywhere.
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20 responses
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
4 Aug 11
His consolation could be he is famous by now. I hope his future prospective employers will forget this fame when they employ him upon graduation.
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@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
Greenpeas. That guy happens to be my friend's husband. I am not trying to defend him or anything. I do agree with him that it would have been better if there were signs or people who would warn motorists not to pass by an area due to high floods. He does not often Araneta Ave and i would like to believe that he took his chances that the flood can still be passable; apparently, no and he even became a laughing stock of netizens and the rest of the filipino community. His wife is really worried right now because he still has not come home. He is still into hiding because of this humiliation, nobody knows where he is right now. People, despite of their educational background loose their brains and common sense when anger and frustration strikes. More often than not, when anger strikes, it is a lot easier to blame other people and not look at own's inefficiencies. Furthermore, when anger strikes, our ears become deaf to what others have to say. Yes, he had been wrong but to turn him into a laughing stock by the whole world is something that i couldnt condone. His family is so worried sick of him; it was already too much for them to bare. Too much humiliation, a worried family; is this the price for a comic relief?
@labea17 (443)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
I agree with you, Graceekwenx. I am a bit pissed off of the people who laugh at him because of his mistake. I do not know him in any way, but I think that it is not right for other people to make fun of him. I even saw some accounts in facebook that are making fun of him. It is easy to laugh at him just because we are not in his situation. Yes, I also agree that it would have been better if people in the area informed him that the road is not passable. They should have waved their hands or something to inform him, especially if he is not familiar with Araneta Avenue.
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
@labea17: I also do not want to make fun of people when they make mistakes. However, this man blamed innocent people for what happened. Like why would you expect people to waive their hands when you passed by? They probably thought Lao will figure out the street is not passable by himself. Anybody who will give warning will have to wade to the flood himself. Who in his right mind will volunteer to be some sort of crossing guard, in a bad weather, for free?
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
I think the best way for him to redeem himself is to go online on Tweeter, or better yet on the same TV crew that caught his floating act, and then apologize and explain to the people why he lashed out like a man dog to the government and even to the people down the street and the interviewer himself. It does seem he is very angry at that moment, but to continue justifying his outburst is I think another mistake in the making for him. Admitting mistake is actually a courageous act, and Filipinos actually love people who humble themselves.
@paoxav (1382)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
That was funny.. Any video link of this in youtube? I missed this one.
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
Not a referral link:
• Malaysia
5 Aug 11
@paoxav (1382)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
LMFAO! thanks greenpeas! hahahahahahahaha!!!!
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
I was one of those who thought that he is stupid enough to think that his car can make it across a tire deep flood. More than his stupidity, I think people are more annoyed on how he lashed out and blamed anybody except himself on the incident. But to a certain degree, he's right, because there's always a chance that it's his first time to cross that street or it's the first time that street flooded that high. If those in charge are quick enough to put out a sign that it's no longer safe to cross that area for light vehicles then that surely would have made a difference but then again, it's common knowledge how fast streets gets flooded in metro manila when rain pours so not unless he's not from here I would let it pass but if he's been around since I heard that he's studying at UP and have his own car then I would presume that he lived here long enough to know our street conditions when it rains so it would boil down to commonsense which is something he doesn't have right at that very moment.
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Hello ybong, Yeah, I have heard it over and over again and it's not something that smart people aren't supposed to say. he was literally making excuses in this matter. but there is also the fault of the enforcer for not putting a sign of warning there. flood problems is something that government should solve. have a nice day.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
I read that that tv episode has gone viral which means he's already a youtube celebrity. The only down side of his being famous is when people see and recognize him in the streets and ask "Hey! are you that stupid guy who thought he's car is a submarine?
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
There's already a signage there but he haven't noticed it besides mother ignacia street is a flood phrone area.
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
I pity the guy though he knew the way is flooded but still he decided to go on.Maybe he taught his car is different from the others and can go through any floods.I guess the guy have intelligence but the sad thing is he didn't use it. He even did blame the bystanders, maybe they are on stand by to earn a living too like helping him or pushing the car to safety.Why should he blame them, for an educated people like him he should knew better.
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Hello stanley, I believe he was stupid and ignorant, you see that kind of attitude for people who didn't experience such harse situation. he should have at least thank those who took the effort in pushing his car at least he had shown no gratitude and that's why he was making fun off by almost every one in the net. have a nice day.
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Yes, LK your absolutely right about that word.What is he thinking, just because he is from UP he can be arrogant.The guy had no common sense.You mean he din't even thank the guys who helps him.It's good for him, it's only on the net that he had been lambasted.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Good thing he did not think it was as airplane, I bet you that kid has a rich father who can shoulder all the expenses of the damage so it gives him some sort of false security and clouds he's right judgement. If you worked hard to buy your own car, I do not think you would even dare treat it that way
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Hello Louievill, Definitely. the guy is obviously a chinese brat despite of his age and haven't really learn the ways of the road and probably this is one of his first lessons that he will learn from time to time. have a nice day.
@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
hi greenpeas. caught this in the news the other day but really didn't pay much attention to it until i came across your thread here in mylot. my friend adolf hitler took the words out of my mouth and i share hitler's sentiments about mr. christopher lao's misfortune. have a look and see, comic gold!!!
@bubbletush (1332)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
i've been ignoring the video posted all over facebook for so long and finally i watched it yesterday. i wonder what this person is feeling right now. there is even a page on facebook dedicated to him. some people who recognized him said he is intelligent, but oh well, you are right, he doesn't have common sense. i think what made the matter worst is the fact that he's blaming everybody else which made people make fun of him.
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Hello green-peas, When I watch the news, I just felt weird with his ranting and didn't understand why. but later I thought maybe he was either stupid or ignorant regarding the situation. I hope he learn his lesson and should stop when ever there is flood. I know my brother is also university graduate, he won't go to that kind of road with out looking at it first.He never have done this before, oh well am sure he won't repeat it again.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
For me they don't noticed that it is cruel place to cross the road when it is more water.
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I saw the video in YouTube. At first I'm really sad of what happened. However his reactions feels like he is blaming other people of what happened. Honestly, I was irritated by the way he reacted. But those hateful fan page and comments are too much. He made a mistake, that's it but people should not ruin his life just because of this.
@averygirl72 (38557)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Honestly, at first I was really annoyed by his reaction and manner of talking. But I pity him now because his action had created a "not good image" of him. I believe he has learned his lesson. Let's give him the chance to recover from that untoward incident.
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
To think that he was a UP student too, maybe his common sense was lost in all that studying. I would never ever cross a flooded street without other cars crossing it first, you must test the waters first. I think he was in a hurry that's why this happened and the adrenaline rush blocked all of his senses away when he was interviewed. A brief misfortune that ended as entertainment for everyone, a sad thing for the affected though, he lost his car and reputation.
• United States
4 Aug 11
Love it that's what happens when you don't think about what you are doing. I would feel sorry for him but if there is flood water you don't use it.
@smacksman (6053)
4 Aug 11
Well he should have no trouble getting his degree in Stupidity with Honours - no problem. Blame everyone else but himself. Typical!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
perfect,and I can't stop laughing while reading this my friend (ugh ugh) And..what a UP student,gosh, where did he left his common sense huh? opps,,no offense meant UP :p Does he knows what he is saying about warning and blah-blah blah ? I am sure he now wants to blame the rain also thanks for sharing this,you made my day :) jaiho®
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
Like many of the Filipino public, I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or be in despair. I researched about this guy and yes, I find him completely funny and utter out of this world. I didn't care if he was a promising lawyer or he was studying for UP, I just laughed becuase it is quite not exactly what a person would do in that situation. After a few minutes of getting air from laughing, I realized that this incident is just temporary. The guy will move on and so will the public. A little more time in the net and I found the sentiment that I been looking for. For me, the guy was just pure entertainment value and sympathy came next. But this guy won't give a great impact in my life someday soon. Maybe I'll even thank him to keep my common sense in place. Good luck on the car though.
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
a lot of my friends on facebook has posted and reposted that video.. he is annoying and kind of funny because of what he did.. i wish he acts as a grown up especially if there is a tv crew that would interview him :)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
I hate him for that! It is his very responsibility to take care of his own car which is equivalent to not letting it be submerged in the flood. He has a point on having a warning sign but still it is stupidity on his part to cross it when in fact he can see that not a single other vehicle passes through it. There are a lot of ways to see if he can pass through it but he didn't think it out first before going into the deep. Poor decision making and common sense. And now he is blaming others for his stupidity. He is such a big disgrace to the UP community. Any other person should have queried first the depth of the flood before going in. I would have forgive him for that if he just humbled himself and admit it was his fault. But he didn't that's why the internet and social networking site are all out to poke fun of him. Very arrogant and stupid. I don't hate him as a man, but I hate his stupidity and how he handled his stupidity! He makes me faint really!
@voracious (624)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
I think it was just only a product of miscommunication. There's a signage in mother ignacia st. corner edsa that "During rainy days the road is impassable" which he haven't noticed at the first place and its pretty obvious that the flood was so deep and he still continue to move forward besides its really hard to blame who was at fault. I think he learned his lesson now so we should not insult him further because it might happened also in you.