Who is lazier? The one who commands or the one who hesitates to follow?

August 4, 2011 2:18pm CST
In a group, it is understandably true that task dissemination is there. A leader, or a group mate can command you of doing such things. As well as in a family. Parents or the elder ones commands the younger ones of doing things. "Can you do this? Can you do that? Kindly bring this".. and bla bla bla.. Things that you can do but you pass to the others for them to do, these kinds of stuff make people kinda lazy.. Going back.. Who is lazier? The one who commands or the one hesitates to follow?
3 responses
@tears08 (161)
5 Aug 11
hmmm i guess it depends on who is commanding you, what are the things they ask you to do.. like example in the office and your boss asked you to do something, you cannot say that your boss is lazy, besides he is paying you to work. but if it is your fellow co workers who keeps on asking you to do things, then that is something.. now when it comes to a family, yes you are right normally it would be the elder ones who would always ask you to do something, but if they are always commanding you to do even simple things which they can actually do then i would say they are lazy.. (this is for your siblings) when it comes to parents, well they have the right to command you.. lol
@tears08 (161)
6 Aug 11
wow.. thank you for the cute little pencil.. hehe
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
5 Aug 11
Well I don't think the granparents of parents are lazy, because they do too much for us, so they desire at least some of our attention and care. Have a nice day!
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
If the one who commands is doing other things while giving out the command and did the work after the person he is trying to command hesitates to follow after several tries then the latter is lazier however, if they both failed to do the task and the one who commands is not doing anything at all, then both of them are just plain lazy.