Can an indiscretion ever be forgiven?

United States
August 5, 2011 11:02am CST
What are you thoughts on this. You found out that your significant other cheated on you. In fact, you CAUGHT your SO red-handed. They tell you it was a mistake, should not have happened and will never do it again. First you break up and try to forget your SO. But then they are in constant contact with you and ask to just talk. They want to talk to you.. they want to 'work things out' with you. What would you do? How would you feel? How would you react to a cheater who then tells you that you are the only one for him/her and that they will never EVER do it again. Would you forgive them and go back with them? Do you think that once a cheater always a cheater? Who do you think forgives such an act easier? does a man forgive a woman quicker/easier? or does a woman forgive a man quicker/easier? Looking forward to your responses!
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3 responses
@jsae29 (1120)
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
No, I will not take him back. And I believe that a cheater will always be a cheater. And woman forgives man easily. Women are usually very forgiving. But in my case, I will forgive him but will not allow him to get back to my life again. I deserve a better man.
• United States
6 Aug 11
Couldn't have said it better: 'I deserve a better man'!!!
@koperty3 (1876)
6 Aug 11
hello I'm in committed relationship about 5 years. My partner and me know that if we cheat, this relationship is over and there will be no forgiveness. Commitment is like agreement between two of you. If some of you cheat it means that agreement is broken. There is no more us. There is my partner and me apart.
• United States
6 Aug 11
I know it's difficult when you love someone so deeply and they betray you, to keep to that statement.. BUT it is something that each of you decide, whether verbally or unconditionally, and when broken, it is tru.. no more "US"..
@Tanitac (44)
• South Africa
6 Aug 11
If he really loved you, he would not have cheated on you! Do you think you could cheat on him? If you really love someone I don't think you would be stupid enough to cheat on them knowing that you are going to hurt them badly. If you really loved someone and couldn't imagine life without them then you would not cheat. You deserve someone better, someone who would be faithful to you and treat your heart with more care. I would never give my partner a second chance if he cheated on me. Cheating means they don't really love you and to be honest they are more likely to do it again. I am very sorry to hear that this happened to you because no one deserves to be treated like that. It may be hard to over on and forget that person but in the end you cannot control another persons decisions, actions and feelings. You cannot make someone love you and cheating is a tell tale sign that they don't love you. Breaking up is hard but one day when you least expect you will find someone that respects you and loves you so much and is going to treat you better. So, DUMP him and forget about him, your heart will heal and then you can fall in love with someone who deserves your love and commitment!