Jesus Brothers
By mrdobe
@mrdobe (25)
5 responses
@jupitercrashing (635)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
No, Mary never had any other sons. This is due to the fact that Mary, along with Jesus, are fictional characters that never actually existed. Just like the Egyptian and Greek gods that humans gladly sacrificed innocent lives over, Christianity falls into the realm of mythology, not history.
Hope that helps :)
@Joe_Black (253)
14 Aug 11
Me!! =D
I wish... hmmm, I haven't heard this before.. will research it!
@lucas5 (455)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
5 Aug 11
Well, these are questions that everyone wants to know, and you are asking a lot of questions. I know that Jesus had Brothers, but I don't know if they had children, but if they had, maybe they were killed when their fathers were killed too.
that is what I think.
thank you and have a nice day.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
9 Aug 11
If you look up "Jude, brother of Jesus" in Wikipedia (I'd paste the reference for you, but the mylot system hasn't yet given me permission to paste), you will find that Eusebius mentions his grandsons and Epiphanius of Salamis mentions a great grandson of his - after that the trail seems to go cold. But doubtless others also referred to in Scripture as brothers or sisters of Jesus will have had descendants, and there is no reason why some should of these not be alive today. However, this point is of little significance to Christians, who no longer even know Christ after the flesh (2 Corinthians 5 v 16) - indeed, I know of three descendants of a Marian martyr, two of whom are in the grace of God and one, a well known (British) Liberal Politician is not. Even when grace runs in a family, each gracious member has the grace of God for himself (or herself).
However, the question of whether Jesus's brothers were blood brothers or merely cousins is of more interest, because it impinges on whether Mary was perpetually a virgin, or, more honouringly to God, His providences under the Old Covenant, the accuracy of Scripture, and to Joseph, and to Mary herself, she remained a virgin only until the Lord Jesus was born, after which she exchanged virginity for proper marital function and perpetual chastity (which is what informed protestants believe).
I would point out that if Scripture had just said "brothers", one might be excused for thinking "cousins" might be meant. But Scripture talks about brothers and sisters. This can only mean siblings (I'm not sure whether to call them siblings or only half-siblings, because whilst they didn't have the same biological father, they didn't have different biological fathers either).
As for John 19, Jesus's brothers are on record as not believing on Him (John 7 v 5) and in any case were not in a position to look after His mother in Jerusalem, so it was only reasonable for Him to commit His mother to the disciple that had a base there - we know, of course, that at least two of them believed on Him after the resurrection. So the account is perfectly consistent with them being genuine biological brothers.
@chicksdigscars (5483)
8 Aug 11
i have never heard of mary having any children after jesus. i don't ever remember hearing at any point did jesus have biological brothers or sisters at his side, when he was on the cross.