How do you feel working on Saturday?

August 5, 2011 8:37pm CST
Today I swear I'm not doing anything, love that song, I can totally relate to it right now. I don't like coming to work on Weekends, when all my friends are enjoying their weekend break. I just don't get the that weekday feel and I don't feel like finishing work fast. The day looks so lazy and slow. I wish I could chuck off the idea of working on weekends. What do you think my fellow mylotters? Are you also a victims of workings on weekends? How does it feel working on a Saturday?
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22 responses
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
I can understand what you feel Auds. When all the rest, like me and the other affiliates will be going home already by 12pm, and yet you and your office mates have to work until 6 pm. , can really put you down. Stop thinking of it that way, but treat it as just a weekday. I am sleepy, i would like to sleep already and hope that it's 12p.m. already ..
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
awwww! lucky you Tita D. I miss those days when I used to have the same schedule as yours. We'll I don't have a choice right? I'm just merely an employee. Not only that I have to report for work until Saturday, but as additional task we have to report during Sundays also, though this is being scheduled.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
9 Aug 11
Just try to love your Saturdays and think of it as one of those work weekdays. Don't think about how others are enjoying their rest on that Saturday, lest it will really make you more envious ,thus hating Saturday in the end. Think of yourself as lucky that you have a job you like.
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
I do have work on Saturdays due to a 6-day work week policy in my company. I'm really bitter in accepting this one that's why I already resigned and is pending to work now on another company with a 5-day work schedule. From my experience, Saturday work is almost boring for me because not much is done for that day in our office. Also, spending that Saturday for work robs you of a day to rest and I do feel having only a day rest in a week isn't sufficient. Also, I really get annoyed whenever my friends plan an outing or a hang out during Saturdays. I felt so helpless knowing them enjoying the Saturday while I am in the office. That is why I really made the move to go for a 5-day work week schedule.
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
Lucky you AgentGulaman, I wish i could also do the same thing, but for now I don't have a choice but to abide with the company's policy. Have a great day ahead!
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
7 Aug 11
I like to work Monday to Friday or part time on some of these days. I don't like to work Saturday or Sunday. I am a primary school teacher so I work term time only. When I was 16 years to 18 years old I had a Saturday job in a shop. Again after my trip to New Zealand I had little money and a debt on my credit card. I had obtained a teaching position for September. Leading up to that I had a part time shop assistant job. I worked 20 hours a week including Saturday. I did five days of four hours work. I liked serving customers on the cash register. I didn't mind working on the Saturday then because I got a weekday day off. I treasured that weekday off however I missed seeing my friends on the Saturdays.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
7 Aug 11
Well, to be honest I'm unemployed, but not for me there would be no problem to work on Saturday
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
10 Aug 11
In our office we do have saturday duty and it's fine for me for it adds on my salary. It doesn't bother me at all. I think it's great ...Making money is not easy today so a work for weekdays will be a big help for me..
• China
6 Aug 11
My fellow mylotter, I haven't got a job yet, but I would like to not to work on weekends. Life is too short, we must have some time to enjoy and make our life more interesting. Do you think so?
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
I agree, one day vacation from work weekly is not enough. Even for doing household chores for one day is not enough. Life is too short so we must live ours to the fullest. Have a great day ahead.
@2wicelot (2945)
6 Aug 11
I used to work weekends but as overtime. It is very stressful because after 5 days of the week I still get to spend 1 or 2 days of the weekend back doing work. It takes up a lot of my energy. But on the plus side, travelling to work on the weekends seem more relaxed because people are generally not rushing as during the week days. Also at work there are fewer people on the weekends and I concentrate more.
@rajaiv0810 (1012)
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
Well I don't want to add to your negative feeling about working on a weekend, but it actually sucks. Pardon the word but what in the world could be worse than working on a weekend? While your friends are having some fun, you were stuck in the middle of your work. But that is more terrible if you have a family. Imagine, your husband and kids can only be free on a weekend, and you still can't be with them because you are working. It is just so grrrrrrr. I'm really sorry for your situation. I hope you can have a job where you do not have to work on a weekend.
@GemmaR (8517)
6 Aug 11
I haven't worked very much today, and am only planning to spend a couple of hours this evening catching up on the work that I should have done during the day today. I decided to let myself have a well earned day off, as I have been working rather hard of late. So, I chose to go out for the day and put my work and my investments completely to the back of my mind for once. I had a lovely day, and am planning on catching up with the work tomorrow. That's the thing I love the most about being self employed; you can work whenever you like without getting anyone on your back.
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
6 Aug 11
In my past when I was working as a care giver with eldery people I worked weekends and holidays as any other week day. I valued every free day as priceless time. The good to work weekends and holidays was it paid more. My children didn't like me to work when they were free from school, but they enjoyed the extra money we could use for special events.
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
I think it depends on your needs also. I mean for people who think that they will get an extra pay for working on a weekend or offday then it will be worth it, But for those who want a day rest, then its normal to feel that way. It also depends on your lifestyle. If you have activities done on weekends then working on those days will definitely affect your mood...
6 Aug 11
"The lazy song" I like that song too. if ever I don't want to work on SaturdAy , I just want to spend my weekends with my family and friends, anD doing all the things that I didn't do on weekdays. because 5 days in a week I think is just enough for working, then Saturday a time for my self and friends, and Sunday time for church and family:)
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
Ever since I started to work, my schedule always includes the weekends. For some strange reason, I like working on the weekends. The week seems to go much faster that way. I had some work schedules before that my off falls on a weekend, I got so stressed because I felt I was working overtime already.
6 Aug 11
It was my first weekend work again after some time. Well, I just hate that i need to wake up early on a Saturday. Good thing is that its so calm at work, no bosses around, not too busy and in a not in a hurry. I was even allowed to go home 1hr earlier than my end shift. Though I still miss the fact that its a Saturday, and a weekend for everyone.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
6 Aug 11
Oh, I love that song! However, I don't mind working Saturdays or even Sundays for that matter. At least not with the current job I have anyway. When I work there on the weekends, which isn't very often, it means that I get to work by myself. Well, I'm not completely by myself. I do have doggies to tend to, after all! Happy mylotting!
@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
6 Aug 11
I can certainly understand that it's not always pleasant to work on weekends. It's not my favorite thing to do either, but it's not something that I mind doing very much, if I really have to. I am willing to do it, and I will try to look at it in a positive way. But that's just who I am.
@bubbletush (1332)
• Philippines
6 Aug 11
i think i will never like a Saturday work. i have never tried working on a Saturday because my two previous jobs do not require working on weekend while my present job is a work from home setup and flexi-time. I will really feel very lazy to go to work on weekends especially if it's raining, it would be just great to stay more hours in bed.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
6 Aug 11
In the morning I feel very bad because I start one discussion that I am not working properly in my company and I received some responses all are saying me why you are worry so I feel really I am mad and ups and downs in life is necessary. But in the afternoon I feel better because I start a funny discussion my husband has a girl friend and received good response all are saying my husband is good men so I feel I am lucky. So overall today my balance is good morning bad and afternoon better but till night I cant say what will happen hahah But this week was not good for me because I loose all points, discussions, earnings but anyway that is life.
@koperty3 (1876)
6 Aug 11
Yes I have to work on weekends but only because I work for myself. For me Saturday is like any other week day so it Means that today I will work about 10 to 12 hours. Sunday I work only 4-6 hours but I'm working. So basically I have no boss and I can complain only to myself.
@maplewen (25)
• China
6 Aug 11
Hahahaha,work in weekend is a nightmare for me,although sometimes i have to finish my duty in time as short as possible,that means overtime,in most condition i could have a entire weekend which can be spent in leisure.In China,most of white collar like me usually join some sports game like soccer,basketball or some others.