infant sucking thumb

@malpoa (1214)
August 6, 2011 2:51am CST
hi everybody.. please give me tips on how to stop my 10 month baby from sucking her thumb? She started this around 4-5 months and when I discussed this to her pediatrician he jokingly snapped at me: 'why are you jealous at her sucking HER thumb? does she have any other entertainment in this world..let her have some pleasure' when I asked about using a pacifier he said about one of his patients who got severe diarrhea because of the use of pacifier and atlast added that I am free to chosse wheter to let her use or not..But after listening to this, i got scared and did not dared to buy one.. People advised a lot about applying bitter gourd juice on thumb, covering with bab aid and all..juice dries up and she still aid doesnt stay for more than a few minutes... Help guys!
4 responses
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
7 Aug 11
here in our province, there is a belief that the reason why the babies suck their thumbs because they want a new brother or a new sister...
@malpoa (1214)
• India
9 Aug 11
My my my!!! I single handedly cant manage this one babay and you are talking about another one!!! Why you my own mother, sister and our maid are literally after me for this one!!!!
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
9 Aug 11
it's only a belief, a traditional province type of beliefs....
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
6 Aug 11
Probably , she starts sucking ehr thumb at the first signs of hunger. Check thsi feed her first. After that if she still sucks, just gently remove her thumb and distract her with some noise making toy and concentrate on her for the next one hour with the toy and other games. Her attention needs some other focus . Get her a teething ring after 6 months or so. She will settle down soon. THere is no need to panic.
@malpoa (1214)
• India
9 Aug 11
It is not hunger kalav. She is now 10 month+ and most of the time she sucks when she is sleepy or has gastric problem pertaining to new food in her diet. She has got 4 incisors in place so it makes things worse..both inside and outside of teh thumb is cut and swollen.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Aug 11
Oh dear! THat poor thing,--then you will have to saya firm "no' when she piuts in her thumb wiht a stern face. SHe will look at you and do it again but , you will have to persistently remove her thumb . When she takes it to her mouth, make a genuine face of anger at her. CHildren can well understand firmness in tone at this stage. It will take a bit of time if you have not shown it to her till now, but she will soon get over it with persistent efforts . Once she sleeps , wrap her hand so that the finger won't get injured.
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
your pediatrician is right, your baby is in his oral stage. i have a son also who started thumb sucking at 4 months old, and he got rid of this habit just recently, and he is 6 years old now. just imagine how his thumb looks like after years of doing so. i must assure you that kids will find their time to say enough of this. just don't stop that abruptly.
@malpoa (1214)
• India
28 Aug 11
wow, you have a lot of patience..I just cant stand her sucking thumb but cant help it...i truly believe my pediatrician.. things gets a bit nervy when people exclaim 'oh what happened to her thumb????'
@airamtheb (370)
7 Aug 11
It is a normal activity for any infant ages between 0 - 2 years old to derive some pleasure through sucking activities according to Sigmund Freud the famous Psychologist/Psychoanalyst. Your baby is still in the Oral Stage in the pychosexual stages of Freud's theory. Some babies of her age dont only suck their thumb but as well as their fingers and toes.If I where you, just let her enjoy sucking her thumb, she will get over with it as she grows older.Don't stop her with all those props for it will only give her frustration and which might give her some fixation problem in later life. I myself is a thumbsucker when I was an infant so with my 3 other siblings. The more my mom tried to stop me, the longer my thumbsucking persisted. I finally stopped it when i was in grade VI......just see to it that your baby has very clean hands.
@malpoa (1214)
• India
9 Aug 11
Ah thank you! My pediatrician said the same..I am just worried at seeing the state of her thumb...swollen, red and cut..hope she too stops it by end of 2nd year... felt good after reading your comment. :)