A cute nephew

my nephew - This is my nephew when he was 3 months.
August 8, 2011 2:52am CST
My nephew about 13 months old. He's very cute. He could walk quite strong and he can speak some simple word as the "papa", "mumy" or his name, although not yet very clear. On weekends, we often visit his family. We all love to play with him. And he is too. He giggles a lot. When we say goodbye, he held out his hand and cried. He also ran following us when we drove away. That picture makes me very emotional. I wish he was healthy and smart so forever. I also wish I had a son like him.
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9 responses
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
8 Aug 11
Aww babies are so cute aren't they. They can make one smile just by their cute gestures. I love being near babies too but sometimes I'm scared coz they are so, I don't know they cry quick and I can never make them stop crying.
• Vietnam
9 Aug 11
Yes, I'm too. I used to fear they cry. But then, It's very easy. You only hug them and smile with them, they'll stop cry. Babies can feel our love very much. So, we only need to express our love to them. They'll love us back.
• South Korea
9 Aug 11
Thanks for the tips, I'll use it the next time :)
@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
8 Aug 11
Hi tk The time for you to have your own kid will come very soon. It's really fun when there are kids around to play with. They can bring you joy.
• Vietnam
9 Aug 11
I believe you. Are you a mother, right?! I hope I can have a kid in the next year.
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
9 Aug 11
Yes, I am a mother. I hope you will experience the feeling of being a mother ... by next year. It's a great experience, trust me. And be sure to take lots of pictures during those precious moments.
@mindym (978)
• United States
8 Aug 11
I do not have any nephews, but I do have two ADORABLE nieces. One of them just turned 4 and the other is about 9 months. They have two totally different personalities, but I LOVE them both for different reasons. They are so much fun and I wish I could see them more, but I have to say that since I do not see them a lot, I am SO happy when I do actually see them. I also like that I can have fun, love them, and spoil them, but then give them back to their parents at the end of the day. Even though I have fun with them, I am EXHAUSTED after spending time with them.
• Vietnam
9 Aug 11
I feel that you're very HAPPY because you was EXHAUSTED with them, right? All children are cute. I think that you shouldn't worry that you will spoil them because you love them. They need our love much more then any people.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
8 Aug 11
Your nephew is very cute!! Hopefully you will always be close to him. You will have your own family soon enough, you must get through the wedding first!
• Vietnam
9 Aug 11
Hello, I have just got married after for one month. I hope I can have a kid in the next year. I love my family. So, I love my nephew very much.
• United States
18 Aug 11
Your nephew is so cute indeed! He looks so healthy and peaceful. I do hope you too can have a child as beautiful as your nephew. Thanks so much for sharing him with us.
• United States
8 Aug 11
Sounds like you adore your nephew!Very sweet.I have a very cute nephew also.Maybe one day you will have your own son :)
• Vietnam
9 Aug 11
Yes, I love him very much. Because he's too cute I hope that I will have the son like him in the future.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 11
It is really nice a have a new member especially a new born baby in your home. The atmosphere will totally change. Most of the adults will pamper the new life very much. No matter how, I advise you to have your own babies. ha! ha! With your own babies, you life will be more colorful, fruitful and hopeful. This is the fact as a new commitment in between you and your husband.
• China
9 Aug 11
Such a cute baby!!!
9 Aug 11
I think you have a very adorable and cute nephew, I have mine too but he is already 6 yrs old, but still so cute and so sweet, playing with them makes me happy especially when I feel tired from whole day of stressing day. I think you will be a good mom because you like kids, and I'm sure you'll have your own angel like him too:)