Benefits of Turmeric

August 8, 2011 1:14pm CST
Turmeric belongs to the family of ginger and its botanical name is Curcuma longa .The active element in Turmeric Is curcumin which the scientists believe , having anti-inflataory and anti-oxident properties is useful to fight against Cancer.It also provides protection for the liver against toxins and has properties for improving circulation.Good for patients with irritable bowel syndrome and also good for patients with heart ailments .It also has anti-bacterial properties . So start taking turmeric from today to protect yourself from the above mentioned diseases .
1 response
@zalilame (880)
• Malaysia
8 Aug 11
Turmeric is great in cooking. It doesn't have taste but it gives great colour to curries. We also use it to heal wounds. Mix turmeric powder with some water to make a paste and put it onto the cut. It helps them to dry faster.
• India
16 Aug 11
Thanks zalilame for all the extra feeds you put in . Yes, now I remember my mom applying a paste turmeric when I got a cut in my childhood .