So, ever have a swollen nose with no obvious reason?

@mentalward (14690)
United States
August 9, 2011 10:43am CST
I've had pain in my right nostril for a couple of days but didn't think much of it, thinking it would just go away eventually. But, when I woke up this morning, the right side of my nose, where the pain has been mostly on the inside, is now obviously swollen and extremely tender to the touch. The weight of my glasses (rimless, plastic ultralight lenses) on my nose on that side hurts it even more. It's not red, does not feel hot or excessively warm to the touch and I have not had any kind of infection that I'm aware of. There is no evidence of a bug bite or a clogged pore (pimple) so I'm at a loss and concerned about whether or not I should see a doctor or just wait to see what happens. Has anything like this ever happened to you? If so, what was the cause? Just one side of my nose is swollen and extremely painful. The other side is fine. I'd hate to think that I have some kind of insect here that crawls up the nostril and chews on the inside!
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12 responses
@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Go to the doctor. Definitely.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Thanks, AP. That idea is becoming more of a certainty as time passes. I had decided to wait until tomorrow to see if there is no change or it's better or worse before going to the doctor but, as of right now, there is no change except that my nose has started running a bit and my sinuses on that side are hurting. Not as bad as my nose but still hurting. I may just have a bad sinus infection with a weird new symptom that I've never had before. Whatever it is, I'll see my doctor tomorrow because it's no better. The swelling is no worse but it's no better, either. Geez, always one more thing.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
I took your advice and just got back from the doctor. I have a staph infection that could be really bad but it was caught early so, hopefully, the meds they have me on (pills and ointment) will do the trick.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 11
That sounds like some stories I've heard about hospitals. You'll find all kinds of germs there! Yeah, I'm glad I went, too. I kinda cringed when the doctor said "staph infection" and, even though I was told the ointment has to go up each nostril with a Q-tip, and I really wasn't thrilled to hear that, I knew I'd do it because I sure do want this to get better and not worse! The doc said she was going to put me on sulfur-type antibiotics because "we need to treat this aggressively". Apparently, sulfur-type antibiotics are pretty strong. I'm doing fine with them and I'm hoping that my nose will feel better by this afternoon. It's no better this morning but at least it's no worse!
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
11 Aug 11
hi Marti. how're you doing now? i hope you are already fine by now. i read your comments here and found out that you have a staph infection and now in medication. please get well soon. you've got a nice avatar there and i love it. always take care.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
12 Aug 11
it's really nice to know that you are enjoying your garden. and wow, your tomato plants are producing at record speed? and you have lots of idea how to preserve for future consumption, even putting them in can? right here, everyone is doing great and thank God for that. also, you already read about answer to your question "How have you been?" which i posted yesterday. and yes, we have better nights, better sleep now which we are grateful for God that you Marti, including other friends here for the $upport and for the prayers.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 11
Hi Neil! It's so to see you again! I haven't seen you here for quite some time but I haven't been around much myself. Thank you so much for that really nice compliment. It made my day. Yep, I have a staph infection. I just began the antibiotics yesterday afternoon and it's still hurting pretty badly. Hopefully, I'll feel better by this afternoon, having been on the antibiotics for over 24 hours. One thing I'm not happy about at all is that the instruction sheet that came with my antibiotics say that I should avoid long exposure to the sun while I'm taking them and my tomato plants (all 14 of them!) are producing tomatoes at record speed right now. I've been picking a large bowlful every day so I do have to go outside long enough to pick them each day. I plan to make all kinds of sauces, salsa, stewed tomatoes, etc. and can or freeze them to use throughout the winter so at least I'll have plenty to do inside for awhile. I was reading about staph infections and learned that they are contagious! I had no idea but they do group these together with things like strep throat so I guess anything is possible. I hope everyone is healthy your way. How have you been?
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 11
Aw, right after I posted that last comment, I noticed that I forgot a word... "It's so nice to see you again!" Thought I should fix that.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Aug 11
Yes, I've had that during times of a lot of stress. It's usually on the tip of my nose,though, and it's all swollen and sore than the next day or the next it develops a sore, kind of like a cold sore. I don't know why my body reacts that way to stress but it does. I'll bet your body is pulling a stress sore on you. Putting Neosporin (generic, of course) on it helps but what really makes it go away quickly is Abreva.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Aug 11
I'm glad to hear you found out what it was! Be sure to try to keep your stress as low as possible, it weakens your body. Staph is nothing to mess with. I hope it goes away very quickly!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
I never thought of stress but you could be right on the nose! (Pun not intended... sorry. lol) With everything I've been going through recently and what I have coming up at the end of this month, yep, it most definitely could be stress! I haven't moved yet, not the final move, anyway. I've had to push that back some because I have to get my kidneys scanned for something or other. My BP is a bit erratic and flips around from fairly low to Stage 1 hypertension so my cardiologist wants to see if there's a problem in my kidneys. He seems to see a possible connection. So, I have to wait until that's over with. At least it's been quiet on the home-front. 'HE' has been working 12-hour days and staying at a hotel every other night because of the commute. (His employers are paying for the hotel because they've been working on a government job that HAD to be done today, ergo the 12-hour days. I just wish it wasn't over!) Hmmm, maybe I'm worrying about this kidney thing, too, and that's causing me more stress. Could be! I know that stress can be very weird. My sister used to get a rash on her chest whenever she was stressed. I'm going to see my GP tomorrow if this nose problem is still the same or worse. It may just be a sinus infection with a weird symptom I've never had before. guess I'll see. Ah, life.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
I just got back from my doctor's. I have a staph infection. They've given me a sulfur-type antibotic to take orally and also an ointment of the same stuff to put up each nostril. Yuck! Anyway, I'm glad it was caught early and didn't get really bad.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 Aug 11
if i was you i would go see a doctor. i mean you just cant tell how serious it could be. please let us know how this turns out. ive heard a nose sore is terrible pain.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Thank you, bb. Naturally, my mind went right to the worst possible thing as a cause but, after I looked up cancer of the nose, it just didn't fit. This may just be a sinus infection with a symptom I've never had before. My nose is running a bit and my sinuses hurt on that side of my face so it could just be a sinus infection that has gotten out of control. If it's the same or worse tomorrow, I'll definitely be going to see my doctor. I'll let you know. How are you doing on the smoking issue? Any luck? Anything I can do?
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
I know it's hard and I do feel for you. At least you're cutting down and that should definitely help your oxygen levels! I think you'll do fine. I just got back from my doctor's. They said I have a staph infection and I'm now taking a sulfur-type antibiotic by mouth and also an ointment I have to put up each nostril twice a day. Pretty yucky but at least it doesn't smell like anything. That would probably drive me crazy!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Aug 11
only send prayer or wishes/blessings, whatever you do in that case. not much anyone can do other then myself. i still sneak a few puffs here and there. its just so hard.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Hi MW! Since it could be one of so many different things from a bite to an ingrown hair or pimple I think you should go to an ENT to let them make the decision. If it isn't ok in a day or so I would go get it checked. It couldn't hurt to go and you might just need some sort of meds or ointment that the doctor could prescribe. I would just go instead of guessing and trying to treat it yourself without knowing what it is you're treating! Hope you feel better~
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Hiya Opal! You're right about this being any one of a number of things. I've decided to see my doctor tomorrow if it's no better or even worse. My nose has started running a little, though, so I think it could be a sinus infection that is a bit out of control since I've never had swelling like this on the side of my nose. If it was just one spot, I'd think it could be a pimple but the swelling is from beside my eye to almost the tip and still not red. Very weird!
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
9 Aug 11
Hi Mentalward! I think you should not wait more time and go to the doctor. Go to the otolaryngologist. I had luckily not any illness on my nose, but on my ears. Nothing serious. So let us know what the doctor said and good luck!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Thanks, Rick! I'll be going to see my doctor tomorrow if this is no better or worse. I'm thinking that it may be a sinus infection, though. My nose has been running a bit today and the sinuses on that side have been hurting also. I've just never had my nose swell up like this before but things do get weird as we get older. If my doctor recommends an otolaryngologist, I'll definitely see one as soon as I can.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 11
Well, I saw the doctor (Ear, Nose and Throat doctor). I have a staph infection. Luckily, it's not too bad right now. These things can get really nasty and even kill people if it gets into the bloodstream. I'm on a course of agressive antibiotics now so I should start to feel better soon (hopefully).
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
11 Aug 11
Good for you. Main thing is that you are treating your illness properly. I wish you a speedy recovery.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
9 Aug 11
This sounds like an absess to me and if not treated you could get infection in there. Could also be as simple as an ingrown hair but I'd get it checked my friend. Just my view.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Thank you, Grandma. It definitely could be an abscess. I've decided to wait it out until tomorrow to see what happens. If it's the same or worse, I'll be heading off to my doctor. It may just be a sinus infection, though, because my nose has started running a bit and it hurts a bit above my eye on that side. We'll see, I suppose.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Turns out it's a staph infection. Luckily, it was caught fairly early but they're treating it aggressively to prevent it from getting worse. I'm on oral and topical sulfur-type antibiotics. (Gotta put this stuff up each nostril with a Q-tip. Yuck!)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Aug 11
hi mentalward I am betting you either have an infestion on that side of your nose or else you have been bitten bry a spider.I have a swelling at the base of my hairline above the nape of my neck and went to the Er where the doctor said It appeared I had been bitten by some insect and he thought it could be a spider, we have brown recluse spiders here in Southern California thats bite is painful and serious too. He put me on antibiotics and pain relievers and in a week the swelling was gone and I was fine. I never found the spider so guess I was bitten in the night.Since its swollen and painful I really would suggest seeing a E.N.T. doctor to be looked over as it sounds likes an infection of some sort. good luck and God Bless. hugs from hatley.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Hi Hatley. Thank you for that information. I hadn't thought of a spider, probably because I'm allergic to them. The last time I was bitten it was a brown recluse (we have them here on the east coast, too, unfortunately) and I developed blood poisoning. Then, it turned out I was also allergic to the tetanus vaccination! That was NOT a pleasant time in my life! It took me 3 weeks to recover from that so I hope it's not a spider bite! I'm almost positive by this time that this is an infection, most likely a sinus infection that is spreading. I decided to wait until tomorrow to see what happens. If it's still the same or worse, I'll go to the doctor. Right now, though, my nose has started to run and I've sneezed a few times today so I'm betting this is just a sinus infection. I used to get them all the time when I was younger but haven't had one in years now and never had one with this weird symptom of the side of my nose swelling! At least it's just a little swollen and not grotesque!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Just got back from the ENT doc. It's a staph infection. They've put me on Bactrim, pills and ointment, to treat it "aggressively" as the doc put it since this is a potentially dangerous infection. I'm just glad it was caught before it got too bad.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Aug 11
I have had something like that, never did find out what it was, but then it went down after a day or two, so I didn't really investigate.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
That's what I was hoping would happen with this but it hasn't gone down any and it's been hurting for three days now, just the swelling is new today. If it's the same tomorrow, I guess I'll go see my doctor. It could be a sinus infection, though, because my nose has started running and I've been sneezing. Doesn't feel like a cold but I've had plenty of sinus infections in my life, enough to know that this may be one, just one with a weird new symptom. At least it's not grotesque; people aren't running away from me in horror and no W.C. Fields jokes behind my back.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
10 Aug 11
No I have never had that happen. Did you fall asleep with your glasses on by any chance? I can think of one thing that happened to me and maybe it could have caused your problem if it happened to you too. I'm a very clumsy person and I bruise very easily. One day my boyfriend was looking at my leg and I had a ginormous bruise on it! He kept asking me where it came from and I honestly could not tell him because I didn't remember doing anything that would have caused it. That night I got up in my sleep to go pee and on the way through the living room I stumbled and hit that exactly same spot. It woke me up with a jar and now I know how I got the bruise! Lol. When I was a kid I ran into a wall and knocked out 7 teeth! Thankfully they were all baby teeth.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
I used to be very clumsy but that has passed with age. I move slower these days so I'm not as clutsy as I was. Also, no, I didn't fall asleep with my glasses on. I can't even lie on my side watching TV with my glasses on (and I definitely need my glasses!). But, I woke up early this morning and looked at my nose. There seems to be no change to it but my eye on that side is a bit bloodshot whereas the other eye is not. It looks more and more like it's a sinus infection with this symptom I've never had before so I'll be going to my doctor as soon as I can.
• Philippines
9 Aug 11
Hi mentalward! It could be pimple or acne but instead of protruding in the outside, it goes inside. Maybe you can take NSAIDs for now and then let it checked with your Doctor. Take care, and i hope it will go away next day.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Thank you, whitewing. I had thought of that as a possibility but never had one like this before and never had one as swollen as my nose is right now. I've decided to see my doctor if this is no better by tomorrow.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
I just got back from the doctor's. They said it's a staph infection so I'm now on oral and topical antibiotics.
• Philippines
11 Aug 11
Oh that's good news, it's not that bad anyway. :) Just be sure of the compliance of the meds, don't skip doses and you will gonna be fine my dear..
@rambansal (574)
• India
10 Aug 11
Don't worry much, that is the first thing. The body cures itself, give it enough opportunity. Yes, you may smear some aloe vera gel on the swollen nose and a few drops may be poured inside. A sure, harmless treatment for skin disorders. All the best.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Thank you for that suggestion, rambansal. I hadn't thought of aloe vera! I have some plants that I keep for just this kind of thing but haven't used them in so long I completely forgot about them. So, again, thank you for reminding me. I will definitely give that a try.