INVISIBLE MAN..! ; your opinion..?
By shskumbla
@shskumbla (3338)
August 10, 2011 7:27am CST
Sounds very Interesting, doesn't it ?
You all might have heard/read stories about INVISIBLE MAN, have you ever thought it is possible ? When i watched such a movie for the first time, I had this question in my mind. In those days I was thinking its just Impossible; How i thought is like this..:-
For a person or an object to be INVISIBLE light should pass through it. If there is such a thing possible then according to me he'll be INVISIBLE to us; and he'll not be able to see the world..!, Right ?
Is such a thing invented.. ?? I think scientists who are interested in this research are still working. Do you think it is possible ? What is your opinion ? I think some scientists have actually got the exact idea of, how to proceed..
if at all it is invented, will it be dangerous for the world ..??
17 responses
@topffer (42155)
• France
10 Aug 11
I don't know if there is some research about invisibility, but let's imagine a mutation, and many people invisible. It is a disaster : they are ran over on the roads more often than hedgehogs and when they are walking on sidewalks anybody step on their toes ; in trains and planes people are sitting on their laps ; they are known to have more criminal inclinations than non mutants. Happily, researchers are actively working to make them visible

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Hmmm ... I wonder what mischief you would partake in if you were to suddenly become invisible, Top. Would it have anything to do with making gas suddenly vanish from a certain car's gas tank, perhaps, leaving a certain unsuspecting and completely innocent flower stranded and vulnerable?
Would you then mysteriously reappear to be able to be the one to come to said flower's rescue with a full gas can?

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@shskumbla (3338)
• India
10 Aug 11
What researches are working to make them visible..? Is that INVISIBLE thing already invented ?
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
10 Aug 11
I think that it would be very dangerous for a number of reasons. Someone already mentioned that the invisible person could get injured easily, because nobody could see them to avoid hitting and/or hurting him or her. Another person mentioned that it would be much easier to commit crimes. I think that it would be impossible for anybody to maintain any privacy, because you literally would never know who could be watching you no matter where you are or what you are doing.
Also, if the person were able to become invisible again and did it at the wrong time, it could really frighten someone, and it might traumatize a child, for instance, or cause a person with a heart condition to have a heart attack.

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
10 Aug 11
Oh no, I had not even thought about that!
I would go crazy if all of a sudden one of my children disappeared, especially my little one as she is not old enough to take care of herself!
She is also slightly prone to getting into mischief ... I wonder where she got that from
... so if she could become invisible I am sure that she would figure out a way to do it.

@shskumbla (3338)
• India
11 Aug 11
That's right, it could frighten anyone, who know about such thing and who don't know about that, for very sure..!
You are right purplealabaster..! Its really dangerous for the person who goes invisible. the person must see that no one or no vehicle hits him, from any side.. and it may temps to take disadvantage of that..
But what do you think, could it be possible to invent such a thing..?

@inedible (768)
• Singapore
12 Aug 11
I doubt this can ever be achieved. And even if someone finds a way to make people invisible, someone else will find a way to see them anyway. Like maybe they'll invent ocular implants that let you see infrared. Even if someone can turn themselves invisible, they would still emit body heat. And there are surely other easy-ish ways for people of the future to detect "invisible" people.
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@shskumbla (3338)
• India
12 Aug 11
I think it could be achieved.. , But as you told if at all it is invented soon there will be another invention about "detecting invisible man"..!
But I think such an invention could be possible..
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
13 Aug 11
Yes, you are right !.., But I think its easy to escape from sonar than escaping from light.. because light is electromagnetic ..

@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
10 Aug 11
Such power is prone to abuse if it really does come out to be possible. Everything invented in the world is prone to abuse. Take the cellphone for example, scammers used it to fool other people and take millions from their bank account. The internet is the same. So there is nothing is this world that cannot be abused because men are greedy by nature.
Can we really be invisible? Like you, i believe it won't be possible. And God forbid, no scientist will every try it.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
10 Aug 11
NO to what?
I said God forbid no scientist will even try it. It means i am wishing they wouldn't even try it but i didn't say it won't be possible.
And i would never do such a thing being invisible and all. I see no point in being invisible at all.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
10 Aug 11
I think there is a possibility; scientists inventing such a thing.., What actually should happen is; light should pass through the object. If we are able to see the objects which are behind that person then its same as saying the person is INVISIBLE.
Now for the INVISIBLE person:- when light passes through him; he's blind.
Thus I think it is possible if we get a better Idea..
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
11 Aug 11
I know there is a possibility! I didn't say there isn't! What i'm saying is that i wish nobody would ever dwell into that because it would likely be abused and use in doing bad things.

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
11 Aug 11
this theory of invisibility feats are only becoming true if they can reach and get other forms of natural elements that are found in other extra-solar planets....
other Scientific table of Elements found in other planets that are not found on our own earth.....
when mixed together to make a compound, plus the nano-technology that we already starting.... i think it's possible to create things invisible to the human naked eye.
maybe, here on our earth, we have also elements found here on earth than can make it invisible to the eyes of the aliens.....
try to imagine the movie "PREDATOR"
those aliens won't see humans if Arnold Schwarzenegger are covered with dirt????
the same different explanation also to their alien elements found on their planet that what the humans can see using their naked eyes is a transparent being....

@shskumbla (3338)
• India
11 Aug 11
There are infinite number of things if we are going to study about extra-solar planets..! But i don't think its needed to have study about extra-solar planet for the investigation about invisible man.. For a person to be invisible it just needed to make the light to pass through the object. Another thing we want to improve is: when a person goes invisible he must not become blind..
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
12 Aug 11
ohh., But it could be possible to make the light bend and pass instead of hitting our body.. the effect will be as if the light passes through the body.. I think it could be invented by taking the particle nature of light.. What do you think about it..??

@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
my own personal reasons is because until now i don't see any science invention spaceship that can travel beyond the matrix of space for 5 times the speed of light,
the purpose is to gather more unique table of elements from other hospitable extrasolar planets (their own unique table of elements that are not found in our earth) to bring here in our earth, for experimentation to finish the experiment of INVISIBILITY....
i think, we humans need 4000 years just to invent space ship that can fly at the speed off 5 times the speed of light....
another 1000 years to gather elements from that extrasolar planet to experiment....
and finally, the last remaining 2000 years of experimentation, for trial and errors and finalization....
all are estimates only...
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
11 Aug 11
I also think its possible.., But I didn't get why to wait 7000 years(more or very less) for the science to invent such athing.., and I wonder how did you mention '7000 years'..!??
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
12 Aug 11
But I'm not getting why you are talking about bringing some new elements from another planets or from any other part of the universe...!
Can't we do that experiments with the elements that have already been invented..?

@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
14 Aug 11
Hi shkumbla: According to some researches it's actually possible to make things invisible but for the moment we haven't found the way to use it in real life. It could be dangrerous if someone has the ability to be invisible and do what he/she wants to do. May technologies have been used for criminal purposes and same could happend with this one but in general I have to say that I feel excited about the possibility of being invisible.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
18 Aug 11
Yes., I too think the same.., It could be very dangerous.
I saw many veidoes about it on Youtube. the new Idea I saw says it could be possible if we can bend the electromagnetic waves..!
@umabharti (3972)
• India
11 Aug 11
Why always invisible man why not a new thought with some invisible women or invisible things or somehing new ,not always the same routine ,should see somehting new about invisibility.

@umabharti (3972)
• India
12 Aug 11
yes if only humnas are visible an devery thing is invisible then how would it be,if it shows up only as per requirements then i think it would be nice.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
12 Aug 11
Invisible Man is just like.., its by convention type of expressing.. Of course it could be invisible women, or any invisible object..!

@iamsummer (192)
11 Aug 11
If the invention is available,i think it will be used by stealers and murders,rather than a superman come here to rescue the world.However the sharpen increasing of the technique in 21 century,nobody can predict whether invisible man will appear in the future.I don't wish it happen,because it will bring some trouble to common people's daily life.In fact,i think we need the person who has the some character and function to live with us,what is the use of a invisible man?so,i wanna keep the invisible man only appearing in the screen,not in realise.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
12 Aug 11
Yes.., Even I don't think a Superman coming to get the Good use of it..!!
I too hope your wish could come true.. But there are Scientist who still trying to invent it.. and I think they'll be able to invent it soon.. Then there must come a Superman to save earth..! haha..!!
@chicksdigscars (5483)
12 Aug 11
i don't think it's possible. at all. we are made up of cells, bones, organs, blood vessels.. you couldn't turn any of that invisible. so the invisible man, is impossible.

@shskumbla (3338)
• India
13 Aug 11
Yep., we can't turn them invisible.., But it doesn't mean that becoming invisible itself is impossible..
For a person to become invisible I think its not required to make the light directly pass through the body., instead, if it possible to make the light bend and pass; when it needs to pass through the body., Thus the total effect will be like, light passing through the body..!, How about it..??
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
18 Aug 11
I don't know whether it is possible or not. It is just an Idea, of how it could be achieved. It is not that easy to bend electromagnetic waves, it may be possible with some new elements or with combination of differnet existing elements.. May be possible..!
@vivamir (671)
10 Aug 11
Hi shskumbla..
Could you just imagine what could be done with just this one power alone?
Oooh.. Im so excited thinking of it LoL.. Id pull sooo many pranks myself and try to help people- rob them food and give it to them LoL..
I reckon with anything, if you abuse it- can be dangerous.. so I suppose if it is ever invented, It should be be shared with the world.. but only to a certain level.. I mean I can see Crime Levels drastically rising for starters..
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
10 Aug 11
Yes you are right.. Crime level can raise unlimited; if at all it is invented. If we use that for Good thing world will be full of Good things..!
But now with this Idea such a thing can do nothing.. because he'll be like blind when he becomes INVISIBLE..
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
10 Aug 11
No., what actually I told is an invention with that Idea is useless, because they are gonna blind when they use it.
But if at all something like that is invented with different Idea, It may be useful. One will be able to see when he go INVISIBLE..

@Dymo75 (339)
• New Zealand
12 Aug 11
Invisible man. I don't know how that would work. Invisibility cloak. Possible.
First, keep in mind that colour is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and is not much different from infrared - except for the frequency.
Now, recently scientists have made a semi-invisibility cloak like substance. It's almost completely invisible to infra-red light. This means that you can shine an infra-red torch at it, and the light just goes through... The material is one of those complicated, sciency thing that curves light around the contours of the object it is wrapping, so what we think of looking at the object, is really looking around the object and going back.
Now, imagine if we could do that with higher frequencies? This means that, voila... You get an invisibility cloak.
I read this off a book, and it might have been "Physics of the Impossible" by Michio Kaku. I'm not sure about the book, but I'm sure about the author.
Have a read!
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
13 Aug 11
Thank you very much for your information.., Even I have some information about semi invisible cloak like substance. It allows to pass infrared or near freq. lights, I think.
Another this is invisibility by bending of light. When we look at an object its not actually looking around the object. we have a look at whole body.. If bending of light should be invented, then all light rays should bend around the object and reach to our eye.., Banging of infinite number of light rays..!!! I think if that is possible; it could be just for one colour..,
Anyway, I'll have a read about that in the book you mentioned., Thank U!
@zeromike22 (7)
• Philippines
10 Aug 11
Like what Spiderman said. Great power comes great responsibility. Invisibility devices in the wrong hands can do great harm but can then be rewarding if use properly.
Think of it's applications in the military. The possibilities are endless..
Right now we are entering an era where cloaking is possible. Not really invisible but blending in your surroundings. Cool Right??
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
11 Aug 11
Yep.., It is Cool, and Interesting.. I don't think military applications are endless, because if every country is gonna have it then..? For example Atom bomb. Its is not allowed to use it in the war, right ? I think the same thing may happen , No one would be allowed to use such things..., and If I go on thinking like that I can't Imagine the future world at all..!!!
@zeromike22 (7)
• Philippines
11 Aug 11
Not every country can acquire it. Right now the closest nation that can have it is the good ol U.S.A. .. They are now in the "Beta" stage regarding this invisibility/cloaking devices. America being the bastion of freedom and democracy in the world will surely use this technology for the good of us..
For this devices to land in nations like iran and north korea then that will be another story...
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
12 Aug 11
you are right.., But I think, though such things are invented it'll not be allowed to use such things anywhere.. However there are chances of information leakage.. I think it'll be used for bad things than good things, if any...
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
13 Aug 11
Ya.., It'll be real someday. I'm also interested about this invention. But what we are all afraid of is just about using it for bad purpose..
@warrior007 (570)
• India
10 Aug 11
i think it is possible as everything is possible in this world,scientists are doing researches on it and one day they will find some way get to get invisible...before 100 or 200 years nobody thought that we can fly but see today we have different kind of planes and rockets also we reached moon as well as mars so i think it is not wrong to say that it is possible, actually we dont know our abilities..may be one day we could get the solution for that,from my point of view it is possible..!
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
11 Aug 11
Yes, I agree with you. Do you have any other Idea of how it could be..? To be invisible light should pass through the body.. But when light passes through the body, it is not possible for that person see anything.., Have any other Idea of how it could be achieved..? I'm more excited if anyone knows..
@musicloverfriend (1465)
• India
4 Apr 12
Invisible man is really interesting...But even it will be invented in the coming will only be invisible to our eyes..But if we put infrared goggles,which is already invented,can be used to see them..we can say that it is only half dangerous!!!
@musicloverfriend (1465)
• India
1 Apr 12
Hello..Invisibility is really possible...By making a cloth of meta materials and wearing a pair of beam splitters u can see the would but the world around us cannot see it...Invisibility is very dangerous..they will used by military for bad purposes..