Who has had a baby?

United States
August 11, 2011 5:24pm CST
Whos had a baby, I want to know because I'm mortified of having a child. How much does it hurt when your giving birth to it? I meen yea Me and my husband want a baby, but I'm scared of child birth. I'm not good with pain. My husband just says ohh lets just have a baby, I bet if he were the one going through child birth he wouldn't say that!
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15 responses
@Davilag (22)
• United States
15 Aug 11
I too have given birth to 5 babies. If it were all THAT bad I would have stopped at my very first one. The biggest thing about having a baby is the fear. The fear alone can make this wonderful joy a fright to many. Fear of the unknown. How long will labor be? How much is it going to hurt? Will it get worse? Will it ever end? Am I going to be a good Mom? ( and yes, that does pop into your head while in labor! lol) The pain of childbirth is very real but is also very different for each mom. Just as no two people, including twins, are alike neither are each pregnancy and birth. I labored differently for each of mine and for different lengths and different waves of pain. Sometimes I breathed right through and others I wanted to pull my hubby's bottom lip up over the top of head....just for fun. The pain itself is the uterus/womb contracting to prepare, move and birth your child. Since it's one HUGE muscle it's very much like getting an internal Charley horse... But the moment that your baby is born? That pain stops. Done. It's just finished. And you have a new baby to hold in your arms instead of inside your being. And you get to finally see the little person you have had 9 months to fall in love with. Good luck hon...and I'm betting that you're going to be a remarkable Mommy.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
13 Aug 11
Pregnancy is an exciting journey and the birth experience is very much unknown until it happens. A lady can have a birth plan and that is what I have done. Each of my babies I had born at home where I felt relaxed. For my first labor I hired a birthing pool and the water took away much pain away from the contractions. That labor was 8 hours long and involved 20 minutes of pushing. My second labor lasted just 2 and a half hours. It was quick and easy. I didn't have to push at all. My baby came flying out of his own accord. My third labor took 7 hours and the pain was mild to begin with. Labor begins with light contractions like period pain. The contractions get closer together. Towards the end of that first stage the contractions get strong and more painful. When the baby crowns it feels like burning. Then the third stage is the placenta coming out. There are pain relief options: for my first birth I used gas and air. I found the birthing pool excellent. I didn't have any pain relief for my second and third labors. The joy of seeing the baby makes all the pain worth it.
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
Well, let's put it this way. The labor part is like having menstrual cramps. Only, there are pauses in between. And when the baby is getting ready to go, the cramps worsen to about a 10. There are meds to allow you to make just one push and the baby's out. At least that's what I remember happened. The doctor explained it was a "painless" procedure. Although, I truly wanted to ask her why I paid about PHP40k+ ($1000+) for a "painless" procedure, but I could feel ALL of the pain. But after you see your baby, it's going to be all worth it. You'll see this little helpless angel and you'll want nothing more than to protect it, keep it from crying out when it does.
@samaire (154)
• United States
12 Aug 11
I'm scared too! I don't want to hear "it's natural" "or this is the greatest moment of my life". The truth is that is painful. I don't have a kid but only imagine something so big have to go through something so small! There are medicines but you feel it all the way through the birth. It's scary! Babies are cute but giving birth is scary! We are talking about the birth. Child birth is scary not having a baby! And men you will think twice if you have to do it! So don't tell her "you are a woman and this is your role". You act like i child when you have headache but you expect from us not to complain about this!
@pahak627 (5009)
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
I had given birth to 4 but only 3 survived. Yes, it was painful but the pain is rewarded when you hear your baby's cry. You will forget the pain that you had. I'll assure you it is a nice experience having a baby. Hard to explain but it's wonderful.
• Mexico
12 Aug 11
Hello! I have five children, and I'm not going to lie to you it does hurt, but if it the pain were really terrible... believe me, I would have had only one; but I think giving birth is very rewarding and a great experience, just to have the baby in your arms.... it is wonderful,... and to think that that little creature was inside of you, part of you, it's really something. Think about it, babies are real miracles.
@smacksman (6053)
12 Aug 11
If it is pain you can't handle then don't have children. It is not just the few hours of birth you will have to handle but the years of mental pain and anguish that can blow up in the decades to come that you won't like. Balance that pain with the love and joy children can bring as well at other times and on balance you have children. Luckily, till you have children you have little idea of what I'm talking about! haha Good luck to you.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
12 Aug 11
I have two children who I gave birth to naturally and without any medication. I was only in labor with each of them 20 minutes and I really was not in a lot of pain with either of them. I believe that it depends on the person and how healthy they are. There are many pain medications available if you decide that you do not want to feel anything and I am sure that everyone knows of a birth that someone described as horrible and extremely painful, but I just never had that situtation with mine.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
welcome to the world of mylot blue. i think all or most women have this feeling about giving birth. so having a baby you should be emotionally ready for it. there are young couples who have babies not minding that but they are not yet mentally ready and financially ready as well. you having a husband who will be beside you no matter what is one of the good signs that you should not be scared. me and my wife have a son who is now five years old and his picture appears as my avatar. there are a lot of good invention to ease the pain regarding giving birth but my wife said the painful part is the contractions you get before the push. goodluck.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
i just gave birth to a baby boy 9 months ago. at first i was really scared also because i'm also scared in child birth but when labor day comes, i didn't think of anything negative, i just pray to god that he would help me pass that trial and i'm happy that i was able to pass it.
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
Yes it hurts a lot, but it's all worth it. It's like menstrual cramps but much stronger. You'll get through it.
@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
I had 2 babies, now they are 8 and 14 years old. I experienced giving birth both the natural way and the ceasarian operation. I must say that the natural method is painful but tolerable and easy to recuperate. Ceasarian operation is very easy, less pain during the operation but took long months to recuperate. If I have a choice, I would rather have my babies in a normal method, it is natural therefore is not harmful to mothers. Do not be afraid, everything will be fine and you and your husband will be happier when the time came that you have a baby.
@francesca5 (1344)
12 Aug 11
i have had three of them. what is it you are scared of? life is full of risks, and sometimes we have to accept that and rationalise those risks so that we can do things we want to do, but that scare us. there are risks to giving birth, obviously, but they are quite small, and if you take care of your health during pregnancy you can minimise, but not completely eradicate, those risks. and its painful, but a very large number of women do it everyday and survive. i found it quite helpful to look at all the people around me, when i was pregnant, and remind myself that everyone of them had had a mother, and most had survived childbirth. its the next part that is the really scary, giving birth is the easy bit.
• Philippines
11 Aug 11
I literally asked my wife this question and the answer that I got is that no words can explain how much it hurts. She told me there were different emotions coming in and out of her and most of the time, she was always thinking of hitting me during the process. I asked her if she regretted it, she told me that it was a painful experience but it was also the greatest one after seeing our kid. She told me that she might think about having another baby in the near future.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Aug 11
Sure, it's painful, but I just told myself that women got through it for hundreds of years, and now at least we have modern medicine and painkillers and so on. It was bad (until I got the epidural lol), but it was worth it.