How often do you take photos with your cellphone?

@danoluma (817)
August 12, 2011 1:37am CST
Since I bought these cell phone with a 3.5 mega pixel camera i find myself taking photos over and over, I guess I do not need a camera anymore. i just do it with my cellphone.
3 responses
@hafiz008 (450)
• India
13 Aug 11
I also bought a cellphone few months ago Nokia E5 with 5.0 megapixel camera. I used to take photo of me frequently to know how do I look. I even made a tour to take photo of places. I was crazy at that time. But now it has curbed to few slashes!!!
@kaylachan (65816)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Aug 11
Ever since I'd been buying Camera phones, I've been using them to take pictures. Since I almost always have my phone with me, it's perfect for capturing that "Kodack" moment. I've taken several pictures over the years. I'm certain enough to fill at lest two-three micro SD cards (If I don't count the music and other stored files on it) But, Yes I have my shutter bug moments.
• China
12 Aug 11
Only when I am on trip will I use the camera, but I carry my cellphone everyday. It's very convenient.