Why so much hatred ?

@daud4ms (218)
United Arab Emirates
August 12, 2011 3:23pm CST
Religious teachings are now-a-days used for playing politics games, and News channels are playing a role of catalyst in this. We all come across with news of terrorism these days and unfortunately the direct blame is put on a person, group or community following religion ISLAM. And people without checking details or investigating on what is true believe what news channels fed in their minds. One day i was just going through some religious books, and i realized that major religions that exists are actually from the same source / God. Moses was send by God to rescue Children of Israel. Angel Gabriel came to Mary to give her news of a child (Jesus), as it was will of God. Gabriel is an angel that delivers messages of God. Mohammad was the last in the line of prophets who called towards religion that God Accepted and is called as Islam (Moses & Jesus also informed of Prophet Mohammed's arrival). Islam says that a Muslim is not a Muslim unless he/she believes in the existence of all the prophets (including Moses & Jesus) So i was wondering that if Muslims believe in the same God of Moses, Jesus, Abraham, David, Solomon, Jacob, Joseph, John and more, then why Israelis and Christians consider Muslims as their enemies.
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9 responses
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
12 Aug 11
More and more religious groups are deciding that they do not think that their god is the same as the Jewish one and now very few folks want to be a part of the muslim god. So, if no one can agree on anything how can they get along? Besides even though the muslims may say that they believe in the prophets and the christ figure, they still say that all infidels must die unless they convert to islam and worship allah. Now doesn't that sort of make allah a different god? He actually is the ancient arab pagan moon god if you read their history books.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Then what does Surah 2 verse 216 mean? "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Doesn't sound as pacifist as you seem to indicate.
@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
13 Aug 11
Lol... haave u read that books? Brother islam didnt says to kill all the infadills, its just the propeyganda, and the extremist groups talk like that.. in islam u cant force anyone to even do anything.. its the cultures have made it this way.. 1st read the Books than talk.. Dont read the Islam Histroy by richard etc.. bcoz what in the world they know, just read some islamic Book.. and i suggest the Holly kuran just read it for once, i mean its translation.. and then decide..
@daud4ms (218)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Aug 11
right, Islam teaches us that if a person kills one other person, he infact kills the whole generation and this is not acceptable in Islam and that person is considered out of the religion. Killing is not at all a priority in Islam. Even in the battles at the time of Prophet Mohammed, Muslims were the last one to attack at infadills. The first thing they used to do was to invite them to accept Islam. and always the first attack was done from infadills.
@marashi (89)
• India
13 Aug 11
Generally, i think the differences comes from the way we relate God.Many people say there are lots of God but I,as a Christian and a believer think there's only one ultimate God who give us Life,the Saviour, who created the earth, the Alpha and the Omega.
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• Thailand
13 Aug 11
For some of us more than one god and for some no god at all and nothing to be saved from.
@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
13 Aug 11
haha Chiang.. u r right.. But i was talikng about Christans and muslims Beliefs..
@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
13 Aug 11
True.. But One God..
@dfollin (25610)
• United States
12 Aug 11
I am a christian and do not consider Muslims my enemy!.I wish that they believed that Jesus Christ was our Savoir.
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@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
13 Aug 11
Brother we belive that, He was indeed send to u as ur saviour.. But we have aslight change of belief.. We consider him a Prophet like Muhammad,and we belive he wasnt Crusfied,bcoz a saviour cant be crusified..and he will come again to unite all of the World under one religion..
@daud4ms (218)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Aug 11
right said donharis. dfollin, just one question, would you be happy to believe that Jesus will come again and ring peace in the world? OR would you like to believe that Jesus cursified and hanged on the cross? I think as a natural response, one who loves jesus so much would indeed like to believe that Jesus will come again.
• Thailand
13 Aug 11
It is not so much hatred as a different system of belief that polarized the three Abrahamic religions. This combined with a missionary zeal to promulgate their own version of the truth as they see it inevitably leads to conflict and violence. Each one has its own objectives and point of view and considers the others and even some who profess to hold the same beliefs as a threat to their own monopoly of the truth. To a lay this threat they seek to eliminate differing interpretations of what they see as the word and law of a god, sometimes by violent means.
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@daud4ms (218)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Aug 11
right, religions are now only used for personal benefits
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
13 Aug 11
All religions have the same final purpose for our souls to grow into the perfection of love, but people as individuals have their own interpretations of what it is said in the Holy books in each religion. The hatred in people comes from ego's not accepting one another of love and concern. It's like envy and jealousy among people wanting the same thing or have to assert oneself to feel better than others, that an ego thing in my point of view. Why not share happiness, have concern for one another of love and compassion. Want each other wellness and happiness.
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• United States
13 Aug 11
The sad fact is that if all religious people actually followed the rules of the Bible or Koran, there wouldn't be so much hatred between the religions. I was brought up with a Christian religious background however, I married a Muslim man and was fortunate to learn alot about the Koran. There are good and bad people in both religions. I call them extremist and they only use the religion to control people lives and that is where alot of problems come in. Every religion believes in God but alot of the extremist feel that all serve different Gods and not the one that they serve because they are not in the same religion which is ignorance. There is only one God, one Creator no matter what name you call him or her! My humble opinion.
@donharis (305)
• Pakistan
13 Aug 11
Nice Opinion Kathrine, really the best Opinion... U r right.. its the People that are trying to put thier hate blame on the relgion..
@daud4ms (218)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Aug 11
thanks donharis, you answered all well. I am happy to see that mylotters took this discussion in a good way rather than speaking too much against any religion
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
13 Aug 11
daud4ms, To say that religion does not involve politics then, you are all lying to ourselves. “Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is”- Mahatma Gandhi. In all honesty, ALL religion teach love and the love for peace. However, we can never control or expect that there will be no usurpers, blasphemous or false teachers who would adopt impractical and extreme practices or interpretations to the group or followers, who would take matters and even the law into their own hands. As Anais Nin once said: “When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow.” Sadly, there's no vetting or any independent bodies that will overlook or "audit" that these religious entities are not teaching or preaching contradicting and/or pervasive teachings to their congregation and carry out devious terror acts. As for the hatred or ill sentiments, I believe that there's really nothing we can do when they have lost their love ones from acts of terror carried out by groups declaring that their religion's edict or order. Can we blame them? Sorry, I just do not think so.
• India
2 Jun 12
Hatred is anatural emotion.
13 Aug 11
A lot of politicians (not all by any means) will unfortunately use religion to their own immoral ends to get votes or stay in power and if this means fanning some bad extremists' religious beliefs then they will. Divide and conquer and the use of scapegoats. People get diverted away from what politicians are really doing or up to - not unaware necessarily just diverted. Its a difficult time for politicians with the recession and so on so to lessen the flak to them a lot of them will divert it on to others. (The recession was probably due to greed of some people and vulnerability in many others.) As for those small group of extremists maybe they are scared of their own fragility or maybe they just don't care - they aren't most religious people. Islam like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and most religions is about being good and treat others nicely and following a god or gods who are good - what is there not to like about that? Be proud of believing in good it will enrich your life and also console you at tough times. The thing is I personally find most religions fairly similar so that I am fairly resigned to being a confused agnostic.