Be a member or a leader of a group?

@tenrajj (911)
August 12, 2011 11:53pm CST
Is it better to be a member of a group or the leader of a group? According to my opinion, it is always better to be a leader than a follower. True leader show initiative. They take action and they assume responsibility. A leader makes a decision. Some followers may approve the decision, others may complain about it. Good leader will not react to events, but will anticipate them . A leader will start a plan of action and then will persuade others to follow. For example, a class president at a local college may feel that the relationship between the community and the campus is not a good one. The citizens may feel that the college kids make too much noise on the street, liter public areas, and shop in other communities. A good class president will recognize that the community and the campus depend on one another. The president will ask the student body to keep noise down, help clean up the neighborhoods. A good leader takes the initiative? What about you? Do you choose to be a leader or simply a follower who will neither make a decision nor follow others decision?
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8 responses
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
Well, I'm a leader now as I manage a team in the office where I work. But I have proven that I'm not fit for the job. At least for this phase in my life. Sometimes it's hard to find ways to motivate people. Sometimes I believe that motivation should come from them. But how do you motivate a person to motivate themselves? I'm not sure if I'm affecting my team the way they should be affected. To work towards the top. I'd much rather be a follower. As a follower you are not required to think for everyone else, however you always have the opportunity to do so. You don't have to take the first step, but you always have the chance to do so. That is the beauty of being a follower: you always, always have that opportunity open. You can take a stand whenever you want, whenever needed. From my standpoint, I'm not sure if this is the same thing that applies. I need to get some creative juice flowing so that I could figure out my job properly.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
13 Aug 11
It is good that you are leader but it is not good to say that you are not fit to be leader. There will be failure at times but take it as pillars for the success. You should not get hopeless, instead must keep going.
• Philippines
16 Aug 11
Thanks for that. I guess I'm just getting tired of having to fail regularly on the goals that I want my team to achieve. It's not easy aiming for the top. It's a continuous monitoring of progress even when progress has already been achieved. And sometimes I lose track a bit of the way. I do hope I get out of my funk! :-)
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
I think it's better to be a follower most of the time. Being a leader is great. You'll have the authority over others but I see it more like a burden. You'll be taking care of your members while taking care of yourself. Plus, any mistake any of your member makes will be reflected to you. That's the reason why I'd rather be a follower.
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
Yeah, that's possible to happen. Upon learning all the methods of the leader, you can very well be suited to be a leader yourself.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
13 Aug 11
Being follower is also not a bad idea. Depending up on the interest of individuals, some may say being a member is better. Being a good member can also change the bad leader to a good leader. Good member can also become a leader sooner or later.
@dracopao (22)
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
for me id choose to be a follower..its nice to be the leader because you can actually put into action what you are planning and conceptualizing..but being a leader is a tough needs a lot of courage and a "know-how" to handle a should also know how to make your team the better or not the best should also know how to let each and every individual be the best that they can be..and that's a lot of to being a follower you just follow exactly what you are being told to do act out what the leader wants and how he or she wants it..being a follower you will gain more friends than being a leader because again if your the leader there's a bigger chance that the people would not like you even if you did the right for me id better choose to be a follower..
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
13 Aug 11
Different people have different choice with different reason. It is good that you have good support for your stand. So you don't even have hope of becoming a leader. You fear to take risk which we should not be.
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
13 Aug 11
I don't know if it is always better to be a leader. It depends on one's ability. Sure, the leader takes action, and bears the responsibility, but what if their action is foolish or a mistake? What if they fail? The leader must take the full blame. In times of failure the members fair better than the leader. The leader will always suffer more than the members since they have more responsibility. At the same time being a leader gives one freedom. If someone in the group is slacking or being rude, the leader has the right and capability to do something about it. Furthermore, they give directions they don't have to follow directions. Oftentimes I find myself saddled with the leader position. A group is assigned and there I am with. I don't know this is - I think it may be because I am willing to do more work if I know the reward. I am also willing to be...well, bossy. I am a bit more independent and don't enjoy being a follower.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
13 Aug 11
We must take leadership if we think we have the leadership quality. The success of the leader will not only depend upon the leader himself. It will also depend upon the members. So it is always better to have good members but the action of member will also depend upon the leader. Some leaders can change the mind and attitude of the members. We may fail once or twice. But we should not fear failure. No leaders became great leaders without failing and if there is no failure, we would not have been able to identify success ans success. Yes of course, leader will have to take extra responsibility. leader will have to take blame in times of failure but in contrary, if it is a success, he will be credited. Roughly both, failure and success has .5 probability. He takes credit if it is a success and takes blames if it is a failure. But if one is really a good leader, he won't take failure as failure. He will take it as a lesson, as a discovery. He will take the blame as a encouragement. Such leaders will stand up again and for sure success will come sooner or later. There is every chances that our hands may get pierced by throne while trying to plug that beautiful rose. I don't mean to say what you say is wrong. It is just because we stand on different side. If I am on your side, then I would have said same like you. It is like debate and it must go on like that. Such things can help broaden our horizon. And it is good that you have good leadership quality. One such people will find the way to life bit easier than others. All the best!
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
13 Aug 11
If I am wrong, I am wrong. :) What you say makes a lot of sense. I suppose with great risk comes greater reward - and being a leader is a greater risk. I agree that failure can be turned into an advantage if it is viewed as a learning experience. You have luck with life to! :)
13 Aug 11
hi:) I think I'll choose to be a member than a leader, I will not be a good leader because I'm shy to command, I don't have the guts to tell people to do things, so if I became a leader what will happen is I'll do most of the things because of shyness to tell them to do that.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
14 Aug 11
It am quite surprised to see more people saying that they want to be member than a leader. I really don't know what makes you think like that. Oh! I understand your problem. If you are shy then it would be a difficult task, but you can still say bye to shy. How long you can be like that. Haha.. that seems funny. You will do all the work yourself because you don't have courage to let your members do. I don't think leaders should do that. Leaders should take initiative, show them how to do and then monitor.
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
I've never liked being a leader, it's too much responsibility. I've never also liked being a follower but if I have no choice, I would prefer to follow. The irony is that whenever I join a group, I become the leader and being a responsible man that I am, I have no choice but to do my job as one.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
14 Aug 11
You will have to either be leader or a member. If not should not be in the group. So you choose to be member? We must take responsibilities. We must think that we can do. Yes there are some people who don't at all want to take leadership. It may be because due to their weaknesses or some other reason. Like you said you don't like taking extra responsibilities. It is good that you are becoming leader. So why don't you take it as an opportunity and try to bring huge success to the group. Your group members will be proud of you and they may take you as a model for them.
@flpoolbum (2978)
• United States
14 Aug 11
I don't think it is simply a matter of "Lead or JUST follow". There is nothing wrong with being a member and not the leader of a group. Perhaps the member doesn't have the time to take the leading role, or maybe they don't like to speak in front of a group of others. There is nothing wrong with being a member in the group. If being a leader is your "cup of tea" or is beneficial to you, that is good, go for it. When being a leader, strive to be a good leader. One who listens to everyone elses opinion and takes these ideas into consideration. You don't want to become power hungry and loss site of your group and their goals. I remember the story of a King watching his people walking past the castle then rushing toward the door. One of his aides asked, "Your Majesty, where are you going?" The King said, "I must find out where my people are going so that I can lead them."
@kharlav (1669)
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
I believe that being a leader have many responsibilities. But for now, I just want to be a member, but soon enough I would also want to be a leader. Being a leader would also make a person mature and know more about life. Well, currently I am one of the mini leaders of my organization. I have more responsibilities than the members.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
13 Aug 11
Journey of thousand mile begins with single step. It is important that we have firm foundation so that we can have stable roofing. It is good idea to first be a member and see how good leaders does their work and then climb the next step on the ladder as you said you are now mini leader. Then you can become the leader.