Are you Brainwashed by your Religion????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
August 13, 2011 12:12am CST
I met a man who served in world war 2. I asked him how in the world could anyone follow Hitler and what he stood for? After all, there were enough people following Hitler to cause a world war. This nice old gentleman explained that if you tell someone something enough times, they will believe it whether what you say is true or not. I guess Hitler's propaganda machine was working full steam. What about religion?? There was a very large Baptist church I visited around the time of Bible school. What I saw made me think of brainwashing at it's best. People were huddled around in small groups reciting quotes in their bibles. They were memorizing word for word. How many times does it take to recite something over and over until beliefs become the truth no matter what?? People take their holy books literally as the word of God. Holy books were all written by mankind. God wants His children to be able to stand on their own two feet. God wants His children to be able to Think and Reason, and not to just follow blindly. When one understands evil and realizes that goodness is the only choice, it isn't memorized. It is learned and reasoned. Let's learn from God to stand on our own two feet, give Love and Kindness to everyone we meet, then help those we can and encourage those we can't. Let's help show others that it's OK to question and discover the truth for oneself rather than rely on others for all our answers.
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22 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
13 Aug 11
I imagine memorising bible passages is a powerful bulwark against the brainwashing foisted on us by television and the media generally with its insidious propaganda. As with many things virtue lies in balancing forces all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
13 Aug 11
So then it seems we are agreed learning and reading the Bible is extremely important for self development - good all the best urban
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 11
Every experience in life brings learning. We must see things for what they are rather than what we want them to be. Many people in the world have good self development and have never read the bible. God's system works regardless of any of mankind's books. Still, I am not against anyone reading anything.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Yes and peer pressure pushes people to be the same. They don't realize that diversity brings out a larger view, more ideas, more possibilities, and a better life for all. The true picture of this world will not be seen until all are freely able to express that which is special about themselves and will do so.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
13 Aug 11
Looks like the pot is calling the kettle black! Are you not a guilty of propagandizing your philosophy? You keep repeating that we should not believe the Bible, that it is just another book written by men. That we should discover the truth by thinking and reasoning. If we are to discover the truth by our own thinking and reasoning, why do you keep encouraging us to do so but that we should reach the same conclusion you have? What if our thinking and reasoning leads us to the conclusion that the Bible is the word of God? You will say we are wrong. But how can we be wrong, if that is the conclusion that our thinking and reasoning leads us? The Bible leads to Jesus. His commands are simple: love God and love our neighbor which is everybody. We are not to return evil for evil. We are to do good. We are to live love. I don't see how we can go wrong with that?
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Be who you must! It's a part of the plan! Listen to the advice of others but walk your own path. I have been down a path few have gone. Many are not ready. For those who are, I point. The choices freely belong to each of us the path we take. I will love you all unconditionally regardless of any of your choices. I will place the truth out there not to convince anyone of anything. Truth will always be around to be discovered for those hungry enough to search. So stand on your own two feet. Discover rather than expect it all to be served up on a plate. Hmmmm???? Where does one look to discover God??? Going to take some thinking and work. Like so much in life, it'a all a test of intelligence. Are you up for it??
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 11
Fight it all you want smilingjack. Discovery is going to take work. I do not want to control any part of your journey. One must start and also have the hunger to know. I don't believe you have either. All I hear from you is What if? What if?? Go discover the truth for yourself. I place truth out there. I have supplied a good starting point. The rest is up to those who hunger for the truth. Could I be wrong??? Am I assuming??? All I can say is: Ways far beyond those of any person. Intelligence at such a scale that we are mere ants. So what Am I doing about all this???? I widen my view. I stretch my thinking. I am learning. This will take much time and effort on my part. My journey continues.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Why doesn't God give you all the knowledge possible???? It's because you would have knowledge but no wisdom. Wisdom is attained through the struggle to acquire knowledge. Wisdom comes in the journey. Serving it up on a plate creates followers. I want thinkers and explorers. I want you to acquire wisdom. I have learned in the past that when I give someone all the answers, they come back confused by their experience. They lack the wisdom to really Understand. Each must take their own journey to discovery. Each step opens new doors to discover more. My road was much harder. No one was pointing for me. I had to find the starting point for myself. Of course, I hunger for the knowledge more than most as well. I have placed truth out there. If people do not understand, they must work at it. God works on multiple levels with multiple views. All the imformation arrives, however one must sometime work on what was actually said. Depth is the word. People tend to carry a very narrow view and see only what's on the surface. We are going to have to correct that. It does take work. Little ole me arrogant??? Would you call me arrogant if I said the world was not flat but round???? Of course not because you already have that knowledge. I make no demands on anyone's actions. I will show my view and make people think, if that is possible.
@celticeagle (172553)
• Boise, Idaho
14 Aug 11
I am an agnostic! I do not believe in organized religions. I think these people who say they will 'give it up to God' are a bunch of spineless twits. Let God take care of it so I don't have to deal with it and make a decision for myself! I really do not believe that God would look proudly on people who are brainwashed drones. And not even necessarily brainwashed in his word but the word of the church. I think that people need to have someone to fall back on because they are so insecure and afraid in the rat race they live in.
@celticeagle (172553)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Aug 11
I think it is too easy for adults to push a child in a certain direction and not let the child chose what is best for them.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Aug 11
Yes, I guess many do not even realize what they are even doing. Many are acting just like their parents acted. It will follow generations until one day someone THINKS FIRST!
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Perhaps too many parents have told their children what to think instead of how to think and choose. Still we must help those brainwashed best we can. Point them in the right direction.
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@vandana7 (101505)
• India
13 Aug 11
Hello Bird.. :) Nice topic once again. I dont think the entire German population was brainwashed. I mean there must have been good catholics and christians who felt that pograms were wrong. But most of them had their own safety to consider. May be a few truly believed in it. But those who were at the helm of affairs were aware that this was an opportunity to loot so they overlooked Hitler, and his propaganda. Instead they used it as a shield to cover their nefarious activities. As to me being know I am not. I question and am looked down upon as if I am a betrayer. I feel we are so stuck on the superficial bit of religion that we are missing out on tasty kernel. Funny thing is ..superficial bit was created for children as stories to understand the feelings and develop wisdom about right and wrong.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Yes,you are right that there were a lot of Germans not brainwashed by Hitler. Life was really hard for them at that time, but they did their best. You are right that religious stories were made for the kids. I guess many people would rather not grow up. They might consider you a betrayer yet they do not realize that is where they should be. Thinking takes work. Discovery takes work. For some, it's so much easier to point fingers and accept that which is handed to them on a plate. Tell me. Is their path really the way to wisdom????? You don't even have to think to answer that one. When one blindly accepts, there is no thinking at all. That is always a dangerous thing. OK Vandy, Don't ever let me catch you brainwashed. I'll be like a bad cold. You wouldn't get rid of me til you started thinking again. Of course, I'm not worried about you. Keep pointing your religious friends in the right direction regardless of how mean they get. You never know when one of them might start to think.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 11
Yes, God does exist. I find it funny when people make it more about religion than God. God has given us all total freedom to choose. Funny how people choose the physical things when we are all spiritual beings in our true natures. Yes, there is a lot to learn and people are at different levels. I guess that makes it easier for us to teach each other. As for justice, everyone will understand their choices and actions when they return placing everyone on the receiving end. One can never complain getting what one is giving or can they?? That is learning at it's best. We should hold no hate in our hearts for those who have wronged us, however it is our duty to point them in the right direction. I think it is a crime not to let them know that something is wrong. All in all, keep that Unconditional Love in your heart and for others. Life will be much better and you will change those around you for the better. Isn't it wonderful. You don't need any holy book to do that. Pretty simple.
@vandana7 (101505)
• India
14 Aug 11
Yeah those are stories for kids. Kids cannot understand all types of emotions like betrayal, love, hatred etc. Their vocabulary is also limited. They wouldnt even understand why people fight. To make them understand such things, our elders must've created stories and made them realize what is right, what is wrong. But in the process, they didn't cover up the loopholes in the stories. Kids were not expected to be smart enough to find those loopholes. But hey, as adults we can, and we have a right to. In our religion the main substance is in Gita. Now, if you read Gita without other stories around it, you'd feel as you are reading a law text book without cases in it - bare act as we call it. The feelings and emotions that are discussed in this are something that people are made to experience and understand before reaching that content of the epic. Ironically, people get stuck to the stories and dont reach to this main part. Even if they do they memorize it like some kindergarten school kid. Partly our busy lives have to be blamed. We have to fend for ourselves. We have our chores and we have our future to plan for. Nobody is doing it for us. We also have more entertainment tools than ever before, and thanks to some not so spiritualistic priests - a lot of irrelevant and outdated customs and rituals - which incidentally cost in terms of time as well as money. So life is too busy for us to reflect upon our religion, and those who have time for it at their old age feel indignant about it because they've spent their whole life considering themselves to be holy and religious by chanting those verses. Their so called faith is further hardened by politicians and unscrupulous priests for vested interests. Some people do not experience many of the emotions that are available in the stories surrounding the main scriptures. Others are not able to extrapolate things to their real life, but then we all differ in intellectual levels, isn't it? All I can say is god is there. And he will do justice. It may take time. And while it feels as if justice delayed is justice denied, he and only he can make everything right within a fraction of seconds, and remove the feeling of hurt, pain, sorrow, whatever, and make us feel happier. So trusting him is the best policy. Anyway, what have I to lose if I believe in god?
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
16 Aug 11
It is not religion that brainwashes you, but man. As you said, Hitler and not national socialism brainwashed the masses. You talk about Bible School which I assume is Christian. Yet, Christian is Christ-like. Christ "teaches" us how to live. The brainwashing comes in when the religious folks tell you where to read and leave out other things. Thus, we have Christians who believe non Christan things that they have read in the Bible. The Bible, the Old Testament, starts out as a Jewish text. Stoning sinners and war was part of the Old Testament. But Jesus sets us straight on what God wants. And yes, we question and discover the truth by speaking up in Sunday School and by studying the Bible at home. Yet, some folks are brainwashed in church. They don't know what the book says, and then they blindly follow the religious leader like they did with Jim Jones and David Koresh. They continue to blindly follow a man who preaches against homosexuality and after getting caught, pays off the accusers. But these are "men" doing the brainwashing, not religion.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Aug 11
I agree mankind is doing the brainwashing. You claim the bible to be the only true source from God yet it too was written by mankind. Perhaps, it's time to stop following mankind and search for God on our own. Does anyone really need a middleman????
• United States
16 Aug 11
No. It was not written by men. It was transcribed by men. God does not need for us to search for Him. Since the beginning of time, man has been searching for a god and has found many. There is either a god or there is not. But with all the gods out there, I can't see why a true god would want us to "search" for him. Because many will not find him but will find false ones instead. As I see it, there are good people in every religion. But there is only one God of one religion. And many of these good people are missing out on this true god. I just happen to think it's the one I worship.
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• United States
16 Aug 11
I think I'll add that although men wrote what God wanted thousands of years ago, don't forget that it was men who taught these converts. There was no Bible back then. When the Catholic Church took over Christianity, the masses were in the hands of the clergy. Thanks to Gutenberg, some of the masses were able to see what the Bible collection contained and yet the Catholic Church still dictated things. So when Galileo got hold of a Bible and decided that Copernicus was right and that the earth did revolve around the sun, the Catholic Church almost burned him at the stake. The men of the Catholic Church decided that their decree was more important than what the Bible said. No, the Bible is not the word of man.
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@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
14 Aug 11
Religion can be a very positive thing but it can also be very destructive. It can help but it can hurt. I take religion lightly. I use what i can to better myself but I will discard anything that I find too narrow, dangerous or destructive. I study several religions but practice / observe one. However I am a moderate in everything that I do including religion. I guess that I want to say that I take organized religion lightly but I am a spiritual person. You believe that Holy Books were written by man and that may be true. But there are those who believe that God or a higher power worked through the person who wrote the book. I am around a lot of people of different faiths who believe that their religion is the true religion. And that there is no other way but theirs. It is often very difficult to be around these people. And I do not see that this thinking helps them. These persons do not seem happier than others. In fact, they often seem angry and uptight. I am also around a lot of persons who follow non-traditional spiritual paths. Some of these groups are cult-like. On the surface, these persons appear happy but when you get to know them better, they seem really oppressed and worn down by the spiritual path they are taking. I have found that persons with a lot of problems will sometimes turn to religion or spirituality trying to solve their problems. Sometimes it helps, other times it does not help. It makes them worse.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Aug 11
66 and yet with a young mind.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 11
Sounds like you have experienced much yet you choose your own path. This will lead you quicker to God and the real truth than following blindly. Some thing for you to consider: If all the physics of this world add up completely, so does the people factor. With many more variables, the people factor will be much more complicated. God has placed truth all around us. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how??? We must always remember that there is always more to learn. Look around you and discover for yourself. It's waiting for you.
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• United States
15 Aug 11
I have chosen my own path and it is working for me. Everything in moderation. I take life gently and simply and try to enjoy it. I am always learning and looking to learn. I am open to new ideas while holding on to cherished and old ones. It is important to be open to new ideas when you get to my age of 66.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Aug 11
Hi bird, I agree with you 100% on this. All these bible facts and whatnot just don't matter in the scheme of things. All that really matters is how kind we are and how we treat others and the world around us. Nothing else matters.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Aug 11
Yes, life is the education of God's children. Who we become is all that matters. In time we will all learn to love unconditionally. People that value and memorize holy books above all else, can't see the forest for the trees. They cloud their vision with what they want to see rather than what actually is. It's all so simple and stares us all in the face yet so hard for many to see. OK, sid556, always good to hear from you!!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Aug 11
Hi bird, I agree with you and have been saying the same thing for years. Most children are taken to church at a very young age and the churches have always encouraged this. They know that in most cases, what you learn in the first five or six years of your life, will remain with you. It is really only in recent years that many people have begun to think for themselves. There are still some churches that insist on church attendance every Sunday, and make it very uncomfortable for anyone who doesn't go along with it. Surely anyone can see that a person can be brainwashed into believing almost anything. Mormons accept the Book of Mormon, just as they do the Bible, yet other Christians say that it is fake. Both believe as they do because they have been told it over and over again since childhood. Today many parents refuse to attend any church or to send their children and I agree with them, especially about taking their children. Choice is good but we must all choose as adults and not be brainwashed as children. Blessings
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 11
Yes, people should never assume that the path to God must go through religion. Perhaps, people should also teach their children to choose rather than just telling their children what to do.
@pickwick (858)
• India
15 Aug 11
Hi Bird.Religion is certainly the opium of the people so said Karl Marx.Man made religion believing that it would help one reach God.But isnt God within you?Isnt self discovery more important than religion?This relationship with one self and the quest to know ones own divinity is spirituality.So I am a spiritual person and I do not follow any religion.I think instaed of preaching religion one should read books like 'conversation with God ' by Neale Donald Walsch.
@pickwick (858)
• India
16 Aug 11
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Aug 11
I haven't read that book. I'll have to look into it. We are all Spiritual Beings in our true natures. I think you are right that it is important to know yourself. It is also important to be true to yourself. Beyond that is a limitless supply of knowledge. There is always more to learn about God and Life. That is why I think it is so funny when one runs across someone who has memorized their holy book then claims to know it all. What is the first thing a wise man realizes once he becomes wise??? The first thing a wise man realizes once he becomes wise is that there is so much more to learn. I cry that!
• India
13 Aug 11
Well as you have talked in your discussion, I dont agree with the brain washing concept, cause religion is supposed to be very sacred part in our life, Brain washing happens when somebody fills some evil thoughts in other's mind, That can be through various ways it depends it can also be in religion. But when we talk about religion it is the most sacred thing we are talking especially about the bible. Iam a christian and i try to be faithful be reading the holy book and going to churches, I feel that one can improve his understanding and thoughts by reading the word of the God. Because as you said that caring, showing love, treating others well. All such things will only occur when you read the word of God. Because Satan is very intelligent and he knows how everybody acts and knows their weakness and every time strives over there. So i think we should at every hour read at least one para oh bible and reflect on it. In this way it will help us a lot.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
What better way to keep followers than to brainwash them?? That's not saying every church is doing this ,but it is out there. One must also realize that all holy books are written by mankind. They all claim to be the word of God when in fact they are the words of mankind. God is so much more than you can find in any book. We should discover on our own rather than depend all our information on others. WE must all look at stories in holy books for what they are-stories. Satan only exists for those who need someone to blame for their bad choices. Even with bad choices comes learning and growth. Let's all choose to take responsibility for our actions, learning when the consequences return to teach us. God will love all His children Unconditionally regardless.
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
That's right.I think that religion does not mean to brainwash people.It's a sacred thing from God.Everyone has it's own faith in God,no matter what's his/her religion is.I think there's nothing wrong with memorizing verses from the holy books.Problems evolves when leaders of the church are brainwashing people for their own benefits.It's really good to know the teaching on your religion base on the holy books,and not just based on the teachings of the leaders of the church.
• United States
14 Aug 11
I believe that theology is of God but religion is of man. Such is reflected in denominationalism. The differing opinions reflect the people of the religious community moreso than the God of the community. So I follow God not religion. As for believing in propoganda..even the Bible refers to us as sheep with the Christ as the Good Shepard. Regardless of how independent of mind we feel we are one and all followers. We also seek recognition for being a part of something and, unfortunately, it is easier to follow the larger group(s) and accept blindly what that group(s) preach..Enjoy!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 11
Yes, people do tend to group and follow. I've noticed this even driving on the interstate. Even so, it is a Choice people make. People should stand on their own two feet. With the diversity of this world, more ideas will be generated when each of us expresses that which is special about us rather that quietly following the crowd. It would be a path to a much brighter future.
• Mexico
15 Aug 11
Hi bird: I think this is a very interesting discussion. I have to say that religion could be a way of brainwashing but it depends pon the attitude of the church itself and the people who attend to their church. I respect all different point of views. People should be part of the religion they feel more comfortable with their beliefs but at the same time they should keep their right to think and to discuss, to debate and to consider different arguments and not their holy book litterary. I think that my church is open to debate but at the same time, people should be open to different points of views appart from what their pastor, priest or religious leader teach them. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Yes. People should always be open to the possibilities. At the point when one thinks they know all the answers, they just stop looking. There is always more to learn and discover. Those poor souls who follow blindly aren't even on the road. They are in a box. WE must interact when we discover those people. Shine some light in those eyes.
• United States
14 Aug 11
no but many people probably are
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 11
What should we do about that?? bluegemini???
@haopee (493)
• Philippines
13 Aug 11
I'm not. But what you just said is true. Something repeated again and again instinctively gets stored in your brain and often times your brain will recognize it as the truth (as if saying that it was you yourself who said it). Religion was created for the intention of finding a group that can suit your needs and at the same time nurture your growth in loving God but unfortunately, people who are self righteous take it upon themselves to preach the word in a way to suit their purpose and that is where the problem lies. Religion made me agnostic in a sense that I no longer want to go to church because of the things they ask of us... such as not voting a certain president, condemning a person for their beliefs, prohibiting things that maybe for the betterment of a country and so on and so forth.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Aug 11
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Clearly, I don't have to worry about you standing on your own two feet. Good for you. You make God proud. Don't forget interacting with others teaches all. Interacting with religious people can cause a bit of Drama at times, but never allow that to prevent you from saying what needs to be said. Point them in the right direction. Just like all the physics of this world adds up, everything about God will add up completely. Point out when beliefs do not add up for those beliefs will never be true in the end.
@haopee (493)
• Philippines
15 Aug 11
Thank you. I'm glad someone agrees with my way of thought. It is hard nowadays to say what you believe in in a society dictated by the old ways. But I have hope for the younger generation. Information has made them educated in a way that they can learn for themselves "how to think" and not "what to think".
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
13 Aug 11
Its wrong to misuse religion. Religions were formed with the good intentions of uniting people without any geographical boundaries.But today its being used to divide people for selfish ends.I hate and feel saddened when i see evangelists indulging in conversions. I wonder how increasing numbers will qualitatively change a religion or benefit people who are sick and poor.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Yes, I'm afraid GREED is a powerful force in this world. There will be hard lessons for those who value it over people. It's the lesson they desire to learn by their own free choice.
• China
13 Aug 11
I didn't get bainwashed by any religion,but I ever get brainwashed by China communist party.It's true that you tell somebody something enough times.he will believe it is true even if it is actually not.In the textbooks of china,there are a lot of twisted history which is good for communist party,it repeated again and again,you have to pass the examination so you have to memorzie the end,you just believe it is true.But now we are fortunately have the internet,and you can nearly got any answer on the net.But in China,internet is strictly censored,the goverment just block everything they don't wanna you to read.and many sites are blocked also.I have to use an agency to visit those sites.I am learning very hard on English becasue this can boarden my channel to get more information.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Very Good for you!!!! Your Thinking will bring you the truth. So many religions, people and countries want to control others. They don't realize that when there is total freedom, more ideas from the diversity of people will make life better for everybody.
• China
13 Aug 11
The old gentleman talked about if you tell someone something enough times,they will believe it whether what you say is true or not.It was cut from the same cloth with what Paul Joseph Goebbels said i.e. It becomes truth for rumour to repeat one thousand times.It is a notorious theory.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Yes, I think this type of brainwashing does happen all over the world not just with religion. People need to question and think more, rather than merely accept what they hear.
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@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
13 Aug 11
I was once on my way to be brainwashed by religion, but I came out of it after some years. It's simple to break down a human being to have them where you want them to be,do believe with certain type of methods. I'm a survivor of abuse! However it is in my point of view wrong to use power over other people to have your will. I believe in free will!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Mankind's greatest problem is that everybody wants to rule the world. They don't realize that the diversity of people creates many more views bringing more ideas and creativity. We must never allow others to box up potential through control. You are right. The picture is always better when there is freedom for all.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
13 Aug 11
What you're talking about are the fundamentalists. They are people who take everything they believe literally. For example, there are Christian fundamentalists who believe that the Bible is complete truth and take every word literally when really, the Bible can be symbolic. I'm Christian but I'm not hardcore to actually recite each and every word. Like you said, the Bible was written by man. It all depends on the individual and how they perceive life and interpret their religion.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Aug 11
Yes, God is much more than you can find in any book. Understanding takes much more than memorizing. That's in all fields of knowledge.
13 Aug 11
The BNP got in to the European parliament a couple of years back- and got 2 seats. Both seats in the North West. I know people who hinted they voted for BNP. I didn't vote in the European election as I really didn't think they would get in or my vote mattered. I voted in the general election just gone though - I voted green not because I'm that into them but because they are democratic and not corrupt and mostly not Nazi - a blocking vote. No-one ever took the BNP seriously but they did that. Its horrible and scary. I think recently they lost some votes though which is a relief. The EDL were behind some protests to some of the riots this week according to the news but at least the police were there to monitor it. I think I am right to speak out against people when they say Nazi things - even though I'm told not to by some other higher ups. They don't want attention to it all. I don't always say it that loudly though possibly I should but its scary. The riots were caused by scum and some people fighting in EDL also scum - and more so-called ordinary people are making Nazi comments. In the 30s the Nazis were a problem in the North and a bit in London and were defeated - that's not mentioned much. People rooted for the Labour party mainly. Now the Labour party have become nasty and rubbish (in parts and definitely not Nazis) - they've been seen to give up on working class people but in the vacum do you really wonder into extremism? I don't think so. Yet people I know do. Some others are saying that maybe Labour are not that bad and are thinking of going back - which if they steer clear of Nick "Adolf Hitler" Griffin is a good thing and hope. I do disagree with the Nazis on their comments and yes you are right however hard it is when you are in the midst of things yes I do have a choice but its so hard! I never anticipated having so many stupid arguments with pointless Nazis in my own country in my own lifetime. I never thought it could happen here today. Maybe I could cope with knowing about it in the 30s but today its hard and I am looking at having to move down to a quiet part of the South West of England which is such a shame because I love the North.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 11
If you love the North, why should you let a little drama chase you away, besides these people probably need to hear what you have to say.