What's mine is mine and what's yours is yours.

@AmbiePam (96485)
United States
August 14, 2011 8:36pm CST
I cannot fathom seeing something in someone else's car and deciding I was going to take it. Stealing to me is a concept that I have never struggled with. I think of the person who might have had to work to afford whatever thing it is that I am admiring. My ipod was stolen a couple of weeks ago out of my car. It was one that just played music, but I loved it. It had been a Christmas present from my sister and brother-in-law three years ago. For some reason when I hit the 'lock" on my key chain, it locked 3 of the 4 doors in my car (which I didn't know about or would have manually locked it). So that is how they got in. I had put it in my middle console and I guess they searched through it. Have you had something stolen from you before that it just made you sick to see gone? I know some of you have had your homes robbed and I certainly feel for people who go through that. Adding to my consternation, I had just used a gift card I received this past Christmas for new headphones. My old ones had died, so I used the gift card to buy nicer ones, and they were pink which I just loved. I didn't have to pay a thing since the gift card covered it. I had had those headphones for just 4 days before they were stolen. It made me so angry thinking about someone seeing something and just taking it without regard to the person who owns it. Why they think they have the right to just steal. So I started praying for the thief. I figured that was the only way I was going to be able to let go of the anger. I think people like me who struggle with money (I know a lot of you do.) get particularly upset when something extra nice is stolen. Like I never could have bought my own ipod, but the fact that I had something nice meant a lot. But after praying for them my anger has dissipated. I'm still annoyed and disapppointed, but when I think about the life the thief is living - their life cannot be going well to stoop so low. What goes around comes around after all. In the interest of full disclosure, when I was three I took bubblegum from a supermarket. I showed it to my mom when we got into the parking lot and she walked me back inside where I gave it back and apologized.
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21 responses
• United States
15 Aug 11
I try to avoid leaving anything of any real monetary value in our car. However, I've left various things such as coupon booklets in the car, and they've "disappeared" when my future M-I-L has been around. She's a klepto who takes other people's things and throws them out because they're "trash." She thinks that any piece of paper, envelope, etc. is supposed to be in the trash. I can't wait to be several states away again...
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
16 Aug 11
I can't say that I blame you!
• United States
15 Aug 11
She'll do the same thing in people's homes. Needless to say, the welcome mat isn't out here...
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
15 Aug 11
I'm sorry Ambie, that really stinks, but you are doing the right thing and I pray that you get an even better ipod than the one you had..The enemy is always out to take from G♥d's people, including material things to make us look away from Him... I have had a my purse stolen many years ago and the big problem was I has brand new checks in my purse and you know what happened..Even though we called our bank, and the police, and had a report, (after the determined I was lying about the stolen purse) I had to carry around that report for a while because some place like Walmart, wouldn't let me write a check because we had the checks stopped, some shopping was done and without the payment, it showed on the record to not except checks from me.. But now we don't even use checks, so it's okay now, but it really made me mad the first time I was denied a check because of that.._
• United States
15 Aug 11
Oh I forgot, I also prayed for whoever took my purse and though it was upsetting, I think I would have suffered more if I didn't..
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• United States
26 Aug 11
Thanks for the BR Ambie and I am happy to see you are back again..
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
16 Aug 11
I am so sorry this happened to you...I haven't had things stolen that I cared much about...A neighbor I had at one time would excuse herself to the bathroom and take things from my bedroom..like perfume. I felt sorry for her....my son however had gotten a golden colored bike on his golden birthday from me....someone took that..he was totally crushed. That one made me very mad! It took me a while to save up to buy it for him! They cut the lock and just took it. All guts and no brains...the easy way for someone to have things they want and not have to work for it!
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
16 Aug 11
It's different from when someone steals from you than when someone steals from your family isn't it. When they steal from you it's bad, but when they steal from like say your son, or like my mom, it's on! It's like you want to track down the person and make them pay because they upset your loved one. You know what I mean?
@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
15 Aug 11
I have had something stolen from me definitely. In fact, I have so many things stolen from me, and some of these things I definitely remember. My mobile phone was snatched from me in broad daylight. When I was a student, my classmate stole my pen from me. I had my wristwatch stolen from me when I simply left it on the sink while washing my hands. My new pair of basketball shoes was stolen from me after the game inside the locker room. My piece of hardwork in thesis presentation was stolen from me by my ex-girlfriend. Then, most recently, my wife stole my sanity from me.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Does your wife have any intention of returning your sanity?
@sjvg1976 (42079)
• Delhi, India
16 Aug 11
Hello Ambie, It was sad that you ipod was stolen. It happened to me also. My mobile phone was stolen in the bus.It was so much crowd in the bus and i had kept my mobile phone in the pocket of the shirt and suddenly when i got down from the bus at my destined stoppage and was coming back to home i suddenly realized that my mobile is missing i tried to contact on my number from my wife's number but was in vain as they did not pick the phone.I was depressed by the act but also upset that i could not do anything.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
16 Aug 11
I'm sorry to hear that. It's an awful feeling.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
15 Aug 11
Yeah, it's unfair to the person who owns the property and the thief would simply take it for their own selfish needs. I hate thieves too. During my first week of highscool, my dad bought me a brand new phone so that I could call him when I need him to pick me up. I left it in my bag but because I had no lockers yet, everyone had to leave their bags in the classroom. Some ignorant student looted through my bag and stole my phone. I was so frustrated and angry. My friend got her wallet stolen and they stole all her money. I don't get how thieves don't feel at least a bit guilty of their actions.
@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
15 Aug 11
I agree.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 Aug 11
Personally it makes you wonder why someone would seriously go steal things out of people's cars. Someone I work with had something stolen from their car recently and even had some of the windows on their car broken. And this was right in front of their condo even. So you never know. I know I have had things stolen from me out of my purse, etc. and it is not a Good feeling. Especially when you have a good idea who was the one doing it. All you can hope for is that they enjoyed it at least for a little bit, but in time they will get their due as well. Too bad for you it had to be something like this.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 Aug 11
I dont understand it either why people take what isnt thiers so sd for you. I did the same with my daughter but she had got flintstone Vit. she loved them but I didnt buy for she already had some at home but she never took anything else again!
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
15 Aug 11
I always wanted those Flinstone vitamins when I was a kid. lol
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Is really terrible that people have no respect for other people's belongings. I had my car stolen from the parking lot while I was shopping at the supermarket. This happened when I was pregnant with my second child. Just imagined going out of the supermarket with your toddler son and not being able to find your car and with a shopping car full of groceries.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Under those circumstances, if I had been you I would have cried!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
29 Aug 11
The thing I had stolen that really upset me was my purse with the passport and visa I had just purchased so that I could get to my job in China. I had no money left at that time so I went back with my brother and stayed with him until I got more money. It made me sick to know that someone had the nerve to push open the motel room door (for some reason it wasn't shut tight) and took my purse and my niece's bag as well including her ipod. Fortunately, she was charging her camera so that didn't get taken, but she was still devastated. Oh well...
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 Aug 11
My daughter did something similar when she was very young and I did the same thing your mother did by taking my little one back to the store and making her return the candy she swiped earlier. I would like to think that I’ve instilled the right values in her since then. I am so sorry your precious things were stolen. It really sucks to consider the fact that someone wants something and, instead of working for it like the rest of us, feels as though he or she has the right to help themselves to someone else’s property. Praying for the guilty person is a wonderful thing to you and I admire your strength for doing it. Karma will take care of the thief and hopefully it will work in your favour sometime soon and you will receive a new Ipod and headphones.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
15 Aug 11
I think they probably sold it. I'd like to put out a flyer in the complex that says hey, if you see someone with a small pink ipod and pink headphones give me a call! They might be stolen. LOL
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• United States
15 Aug 11
Ambie I am sorry your ipod was stolen and anything stolen hurts deeply. I have been a victim numerous times before and can understand the awful feeling. Sadly those who steal have no regards for what and or who they steal from. I have had my previous home broken into twice causing me $25,000 dollars in damages and the breaking of my sales contract. Both robberies done in one weeks time. Though I am not a vindictive person sadly I wished that who does damage can live with themselves and know in my heart of hearts that nothing gained out of malice will ever be enjoyed.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Did you have insurance? That would be doubly bad.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
20 Aug 11
Hi dear Ambie, thats really a shame someone stole your ipod and the new nice earphones. I feel for you cause around 4 weeks ago I got me a Tablet PC from the company where I have my contract for the mobile phone and its a lease, means I pay it off in 24 months. I take it with me when I get to old hometown to work as then in the evening I can at least read the discussions and posts and the like. I would be upset too if it was stolen. Mainly as its not yet paid off so to say. You are a real Christian as you are able to pray for the thief, I am not sure I could do that and pray for the thief if it happened to me. Like you I didnt steal anything in my life. I only forgot to return knitting needles to a fellow student but when I noticed I still had them she already was in Tokyo with her husband (she married a Japanese). big hugs to you......
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@pibi713 (187)
• China
15 Aug 11
I was stolen for two times.One time was my purse, the other time was my mp5. My mp5 was almost robbed. I remember I was waiting for the bus and listening to the music at the same time.The bus came, I was ready to get up, then I found the music end. Someone grabbed my mp5 from my pocket and disappeared. I felt sad. Luckily, I was not stolen for some precious goods. I was angry with the theif. They should try to earn money with their hands instead of stealing.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
15 Aug 11
Very true.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
15 Aug 11
So sorry to hear that your Ipod was stolen. I am sure that it meant alot to you as it was a gift and the fact that it was something nice. No one has the right to take our property, but it seems that many humans these days believe that they are entitled to have whatever they want when they want it and however they can get it. Sad!! I have walked my children back into the store as well and made them apologize. If more parents had done this, we might be in a very different society. My daughters' car was broken into the other day too and her boyfriend had all of his CD's stolen. They had went through all of her stuff including the luggage that she had packed for her vacation the next day. So annoying!!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Aug 11
It's terrible that this was stolen from you! I think I'd have been very angry and honestly would not have even though to pray for the person. I know that those who thieve must not have a very good life, as they feel they must, or something compels them to, but at the same time I believe there are those that could do something about their predicament and stop thieving. When I was a lil girl I think I'd stolen a penny from the ground. Not really stealing but I did feel bad about it, I think that same day I saw candy on the floor and took it? gah I believe there was one time I stole something and my mom wasn't very happy with me, but I can't remember what the item was. I don't think the item was that consequential (being that it wasn't high in value)....
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
15 Aug 11
I am so sorry this has happened to you. It breaks my heart. I wish I could send you a new one. I stole from grocery stores most of my childhood and into my teen years. When I was young I stole candy. As a teen I stole make up. These days I'm a lot more honest. There's only been once or twice that I've forgotten about cat litter on the bottom of my cart, or something like that.. and when that happens I feel pretty bad about myself. But your closing story reminded me of something.. this is really funny. Where I work there is this regular customer who comes in every week, sometimes more often. One of the times she came in a few months ago she began talking to me like she knew me.. which actually freaked me out. She kept talking about my father. I kept thinking "You must be mistaken" because I don't have a father. Then she mentioned how he lost his wife last year and that he owns a lot of cats. OMG! She was talking about my father IN LAW!! She recognized me from the little grocery store in town. So anyways, she came in Saturday night and we got chatting about stuff. She's planning on coming to work for Subway a couple days a week.. so my co-worker had asked her how long she's been working at the grocery store.. she said since 2009. She used to work in the one next town up, now she works in this one. Then she told me how she remembered me from the one in the next town up cause that's where we used to live. Then she reminded me of the time I marched my daughter in there, infuriated, because my daughter, who was maybe 5 or 6 at the time, had stolen a pack of gum. I had made my daughter go in and return it and apologize. She had been the cashier that my daughter had handed the gum back to. She mentioned how she thought I was a B**** for doing that to my daughter, and that she felt bad for my daughter. (She wasn't trying to be mean, that was just the impression she'd had of me then.. she no longer thinks I'm a B**** and she says hi whenever I see her outside of Subway).
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@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 11
I have no habit of stealing. I remember I lost money and handphone for 3 times. The robbers are malay people. That's why nowadays I put it in my pocket instead of carrying it with my hand. I don't bring bag also these days.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Aug 11
Hi my sweet Amber Sis~ I'm so sorry that your ipod was stolen. I don't understand how people can steal from others and not feel badly about it, but sadly there are some that just don't care. I have had things stolen from me by "supposed friends" who I allowed into my home! Now that is something that is totally unacceptable and the ultimate disrespect of friendship or just anything! I'm glad that praying for the thieves helped you feel better, but I am not that forgiving. I would never take something that belonged to someone else. To me that is the lowest thing that someone coud do to another person!
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• United States
15 Aug 11
Life is not like it use to be. Especially now that the economy is so desperate. I have had things stolen and things destroyed, and yes, I was upset, but there is nothing I could do but forgive whoever and however it happened. After all this is a materialistic world and it has made me learn to not be materialistic. But, back to your initial discussion. I enjoyed reading it and we can all relate. We are all here to survive together and share our frustrations, stress or whatever and fellowship in any way we possibly can. Sorry about your ipod.
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