ups, my weakness for older women.

@wiguen (551)
United States
August 15, 2011 2:40pm CST
how do i start? I really, like older women may be because they thing right and know what they want, all I know is all my life I always like older women, why you think i like them? what's the benefit of being with an older person? would you date an older person?
2 responses
• United States
16 Aug 11
I couldn't tell you why you like older woman because i dont know you, and everyone is different, some like older and some like younger, or the same age. i have dated older men than me and it never worked out because tey acted more immature than my 2 yr old. lol but personally thats my experience!
@wiguen (551)
• United States
16 Aug 11
yeah some of them act like that just for the fact they fall in love again and they are scared to lose that special someone.
16 Aug 11
there are many benefits with going with someone older.. as you said, they know what they want from life, they have more life experience that they can share with you, and if you are someone who is very mature for your age, and girls/boys your age seem immature to you, an older person would be your answer. same as on an academic level, if you are very intelligent, and find people your own age not on the same wave length as you, then this could also be your answer. the benefit of a woman going with an older man, is that it is common knowledge, and a proven fact, that women mature quicker than men.. so if you had a 25 year old women, she will be more mature than a 25 year old man, and may be more suited to a 30+ male. but in that same instance.. because women mature faster, if a 25 year old male, went with an older women.. he will be A LOT less mature than the women. obviously this doesn't apply to all males only most.