Do you think someone can love the person they're with even though they cheat?

United States
August 16, 2011 1:15pm CST
If someone cheats on their partner, then I don't think that they truly love the partner that they're with. To me, love is all about caring deeply for that special person and not wanting to hurt them. Cheating would be the ultimate pain in a relationship. If they person truly loved their partner they wouldn't cheat and hurt them so badly. In my eyes, a cheater does not truly love their husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend. With love, all you need is to be with that one special person. You shouldn't need somebody else on the side. That's not true love in my opinion. What do you guys think?
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12 responses
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
I don't believe people who say they love their partners and will die if their partner ever leaves them. Only for you to find out that they have another one on the side. It's simple really. The reason why you have a lover on the side if you're already in a relationship only means that you want something else that your original partner can't give you. And if you're not happy with what your partner CAN give you and have to look for someone else to complete what you need, then you don't love what you already have. I had a friend whom I had trouble understanding and convincing otherwise about this situation. He's married. He says he's totally in love with his wife and would die if she left him. There will be no one who will be fit enough to fill her place. She's been the love of his life since high school, and now they're married. She's this hot little piece and he loves doing things with her. And because his wife isn't into any wild bed games, he would like to experience that with other women. Which he has. He's gone as far as chatting up women in chat rooms to line up dates every other night, getting it on. He says his wife isn't that adventurous in bed, and he'd like to be able to do things that he sees in movies or videos. He describes the girls he goes out with in a way that would make you feel loved if you were the girl. I felt sorry for his wife which is why I kept trying to convince him that what he was doing was a sin. I tried using reverse psychology on him. I tried making him imagine what he would do if he found out his wife was doing the same thing. But he couldn't believe his wife would do anything like that. After that I gave up on him. I didn't sell him out to his wife in efforts to see that he was losing friends because of what he was doing. I'm afraid I didn't have the guts to tell his wife because I didn't know her well, and anyway she suspected me having an affair with her husband. I wouldn't be surprised, after what he was doing. I didn't even argue so that she could get the hint that the affair part was true, just not with me.
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
I know. I'm hoping for both their sakes that he gets out of his mania and realizes how lucky he is. He's worked abroad for a few years now, and he's been trying to go out with a lot of girls there. None of whom would go out with him, which I though was funny. Eventually he went on a Las Vegas trip where he met a hooker, and that's the only time he ever got any action. Now I think he's meeting up with another girl, and she seems to really like him. Unfortunately now I think he's falling for her too because she's the adventurous kind and what's more, she's really really nice. But the thing is she doesn't know he's married yet, so I'm hoping she finds out soon and ends the relationship. I get headaches whenever he tells me about these encounters and sometimes I ignore him completely when he's trying to IM me to tell me about his latest escapade. I feel like I'm committing some sort of sin just listening to him.
• United States
17 Aug 11
Thank you for your response, you said it perfectly. You're absolutely right when you say if they need something else to complete their needs, they don't love what they already have. It's completely true because the one you love should make you feel complete. That's a really sad story about your friend. If he wanted a little spice in the bedroom, he should've talked to his wife about it and started off doing small things that were new and exciting. Then you work up to the bigger things. But if she's not into, he should've just let it go and maybe she'd someday change her mind. For some reason guys always want what they see in movies, which most of the time is staged and isn't even real. It's sad that they get so caught up in their fantasies that they'll go as far as cheating to get what they desire. Cheating is the worst thing to do in a relationship because it's just complete disrespect to the other person. They're trusting you with their heart and then you just go around and basically throw it away. In true love, there's nobody else, just you and the other person. If not, then it's not really love at all.
• United States
18 Aug 11
I'm sure listening to his crazy stories is hard because you're torn between wanting to tell his wife or just keep quiet about it. I don't understand why he doesn't just tell his wife he wants to see other people. It would be a lot better and less hurtful if he told her before he went and did things with all these other women. Being honest would help. His wife would still be hurt, but not as badly if she found out he was with all these other women. And does he even care about his wife at all? He could be getting all these different diseases and then transferring them to his wife. That's really not fair at all because she has no idea what he's doing...or maybe she does and she doesn't say anything. If she doesn't know yet I'm sure your friend will slip up sooner or later and his wife will eventually find out and leave his sorry butt!
17 Aug 11
hi:) Yes that's true but there are some circumstances that the man cheat but that doesn't mean that he don't love her wife or girlfriend,. There are a number of reasons why people cheat and it doesnt nessasery mean that that reason has many think to do with you, or the way he loves you,well I'm just saying this from my aunts experience.
• India
17 Aug 11
i would agree with u..... just one chance wont change anything....... i would say its just lust not love,so tell me do u think love is more than lust??? if he or she doesnt love he or she why should they cheat?they could publicly seperate from each other,its because they cant seperate from each other,its love
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Aug 11
Personally, I feel that if a person has to Cheat, especially when they are married than they have no Self respect for themselves, and will never be Happy. Some people even if they know one is cheating will stay together for the sake of the kids, etc. and it often is quite detrimental to all. Personally I would hate to be the one being cheated on and it would take a lot of me to ever choose to stay. Because like you said their would be Betrayal and how could you ever Trust?
• United States
17 Aug 11
I think you're very right. A cheater also doesn't have respect for the meaning of a relationship or respect for the person they're with. I would never want to be cheated on, because that would put me in a tough spot. I know that if my boyfriend ever did that, I would most likely choose to stay, just because I love him so much. I would probably hate myself for choosing that but I don't think I could do it. If it repeatedly kept happening I would end it though, just because I wouldn't want to constantly feel bad.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
when you love someone, i personally think thaat you will not hurt them. the moment you start doing so, the moment you start thinking how hot the other girl is.. or start imaging what it would be like to be with other people.. that is a clear sign that you already have lost your interest or love for the person...
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
I've heard the side of my best friend regarding this. It doesn't mean that when the husband cheat, they doesn't love their wife anymore. Maybe, one way or the other there is something that is lacking in the relationship and because of the too busy schedules of being husband and wife, we sometimes forgot to do our responsibility as a wife. I guess it's not love either, sometimes it's just lust.
• United States
17 Aug 11
Even if there is something missing between them or busy schedules, if you truly love someone you wouldn't cheat. Like you said, it's more lust than anything and maybe the person really does think they love when in truth it's just lust.
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
16 Aug 11
There is no question to the fact that when we love, there should only be one. If a person cheat on the one he claim to love, them that is not love. If a person love someone, he or she will not do anything that will hurt that person. He or she will not do something that can make that person step away from his or her life. Cheating means there is no love at all, it will make the other person lose trust and when trust is lost, no relationship can no longer survive.
• United States
16 Aug 11
Thank you for your response, and I totally agree with you. In true love, you only need that one special person. You shouldn't feel the need to be with an extra person. I don't know what you'd call it, but it's definitely not real love.
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
Sometimes people fail and have weaknesses. If a man's weakness is women/easily falling inlove/seduced with women then you can't do anything about that. Some men are just like that.Though their love isn't perfect it doesn't really mean they didn't love at all. But if a man knows that's his weakness and doesn't really do anything about it then maybe he didn't really love you at all.
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
hi court-yea you absolutely right if someone cheat their partner they not in love with their partner .for me if you love your partner then why you find someone else if you really in love right?if still he/she can cheats their partner that is not true love...
• United States
17 Aug 11
I think that a cheater does love the person they are with but not in the way they use to. If the cheater didn't love them or care for them then they wouldn't feel hurt or repentful during. What you are saying is true but it's only the case for certain people. But, sometimes people don't intentionally cheat, it just happens. People fall out of love with people all the time, and instead of being upfront they rather go down the dirty road and hurt someone else in the process.
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
I don't think so... cheating is not acceptable in the land of LOVE... to those people who cheats to their partner... I'll pray for you! If you really love a person, you can't afford to cheat them because you don't wanna lose them... Remember, there is no LOVE in cheating...
@viju0410 (2286)
• India
17 Aug 11
When we build our relations on trust, love and friendship then there is no place of cheating or lying. All the problems can be discussed and sorted out peacefully. But, unfortunately these days people feel cheating as fashionable and do not actually understand the value of a platonic relationship. I have more respect to those who are loyal and true to themselves.
@cow_boy29 (236)
• United States
17 Aug 11
yes the true love is not see what he/she love always cheat, the true love always forgive.