How many of us will not share the 1pc chicken on this kind of situation…

August 16, 2011 8:02pm CST
This story just happened earlier… So my friend, who is also my office mate, was speaking with her girlfriend through her mobile phone when my office mate informed me that it is her girlfriend’s birthday. So I said to my office mate to greet her for me which she did since she is still speaking with her on the phone. Her girlfriend quite knew me and boyfriend since us and them had coffee/dinner together several times before. So after their conversation, my office mate said that we will eat spaghetti later because her girlfriend packed some for us. The girlfriend’s brother who works with us in the company will bring it and then my office mate will just meet him in the pantry to get the food. So there, she met the brother, got the spaghetti, and I see the packed food. Spaghetti’s just okay for 2 and then there is this 1 pc fried chicken… So when we’re eating, she gave me my share of spaghetti, I had her divide it and I wasn’t really expecting that she’ll share the 1 pc fried chicken with me. Though this was what I am expecting, I am still thinking that she might ask me if I like to taste the chicken, or just offer to share… well an offer would not hurt at all since I will decline it seeing the 1 pc fried chicken obviously packed just for her. But all these never happened. She just ate it as if I never saw that there was a chicken… We know that Filipinos are the types who are keen on sharing their food even if the serving is just good for one. I experienced several times before when traveling, in the bus, and the person I am seated with will like eat something such as bread, peanuts, chips or just candy, they will really have the courtesy of asking me to eat with them even if they don’t even know me. I guess most of us are really like this, right? And some say that it is more satisfying to eat when we share it with someone. So, I just find this situation a little awkward, because if I am my office mate, I will feel uncomfortable eating the chicken in front of a friend without sharing it or just even asking if they like some. And if I am the girlfriend, I know that my girlfriend will not eat alone (yeah they’re girls), so I will surely pack everything good for 2 or even more. I don’t know, I just find it indifferent… If you were in my place, will you also think the same way? And I just wanted to know, how many of us will not share the 1pc chicken on this kind of situation… will you, or will you not?
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10 responses
@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
20 Aug 11
maybe she really loves the chicken and so she is shy to share it with the others. if i were her i will explain outright that i ony have 1 chicken and that it is y favorite so i may not be able to share it with the others. it may be veryd aring but at least that is what i really feel inside.
• Philippines
21 Aug 11
Yeah better say how you feel for the food you really like rather than ignoring the person in front of you...
• India
17 Aug 11
What i get from the situation is that you wanted to eat the piece of chicken but you have to say no in any case as it was the only piece. This is the reason why your mind was focused on the only piece of chicken. These kind of situations occur all the time. just do not think about it and everything will be fine. It is just a nature of other that what they share but this is not intentional and it is called as a sub conscious action as if it was not that important. Sharing or not sharing also depends on the mind set at that time but if I had to made a decision with utmost conscious, I will myself sacrifice the piece of chicken but as I say It all depends upon the mind set at that time.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
Hi there my friend. It is certainly an awkward situation, but that situation is of course understandable. I mean, it is expected that the share is the spaghetti, so if there is something more would be a bonus. Unfortunately, the 1 pc chicken is expected that it is for your office mate. No hurt feelings and I understand it if I am at your shoes. Even if he offers it or not.
@ellovire (409)
17 Aug 11
That was an awkward situation! Let's give your office mate the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she noticed that it was just one piece of chicken there and there is no sense sharing it so she did not offer it all together. She just pretended that it was okay with you since you will decline the offer anyways. Though majority of Filipinos are polite and generous by offering whatever food we have to our friends or families, but not all are like that. Maybe she belongs to the minority ;) anyways to answer your question, I wi no doubt share my one piece chicken because that's the way I am and I belong to the majority who have the trait of being generous.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
I think most Filipinos, no matter what the situation or their state is has been trained and taught to make " alok " ( ask if you want, most commonly applied to food), most of the time you don't really need to share the food or have to, it's just like a courteous gesture or a way of being polite. So honestly I think situations speak for themselves.
@pahak627 (5057)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
Well, that's rare. We usually invite our friend to eat what we have even if we know that they will decline. That's our trait but your friend is just different. Well, it's him. Speaking about chicken, I would like to share it with you. I don't eat chicken meat anymore because that is the number one food to be avoided for cancer patients. Cancer runs in my family so I have to avoid it too.
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
Hello January, I don't know perharps i never got into this situation since one piece of chicken is not enough for me. though the only people that has ever shared their chicken with me where my niece and nephew because they mostly ate the outer skin and not the whole part of it. once they are done even though it's not fully consumed they will just give it to me, sometimes i feel akward too, but when i am hungry, oh, yeah it's a blessing. my mom also gives and shares her left overs to our dog. specially when they got home after eating in a fast food chain. have a nice day
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
Out of courtesy I guess she should have at least asked you if you want to share it with her.Maybe she is just too hungry to asked you.I guess it's your office mate's girl friend's fault.Since there are two of you she should at least put two pcs chicken in the packed spaghetti because she had offered it.
17 Aug 11
hi:) I think that's rude. me and my best-friend usually eat with other friends and even if I have my own food and they have their own, we still offer what food we have, and sometimes if I know that they like that kind of food what I do is add additional piece for them and their doing the same too,we Filipino are a natural hospitable and considerate to others so knowing that some are doing that I think it's unusual.
@haopee (493)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
hi my_january. It's in our blood to share everything as hospitality is an engraved characteristic we have adapted from our elders and this story is funny. I'd understand if your friend is a male because they tend sometimes to have no whatsoever sensitivity when their natural body cravings are at work (e.g. hunger, thirst or even... you know what). I will share or at least have the courtesy to ask if my colleague would like some because it will feel awkward that I'm devouring something while the other person doesn't have any. Your friend must've been really really hungry at that time.