it's a real testament..

August 17, 2011 11:03am CST
to my inner strength as a human being, that i haven't put my head through a wall today! .. why on earth is it, that when our partners are ill, and in a bad mood, we get it? we get everything? yet they are nice as pie to their friends and anyone else they happen to come into contact with, but we can't even open our mouths without an argument?? my girlfriend is in agony, she has really bad stomach cramps, and all shes doing is b!tching and slabbering and taking it fully out on me, as if i am the one thats caused the pain, and see to be quite honest with you? i cannot take it anymore. it's too much! .. i can feel myself loosing my temper and just wanting to leave her to deal with it herself! i wouldn't mind if she was just grumpy.. but its the nasty hurtful cruel comments directed toward me! and its the fact she actually expects me to do things for her!! even though shes speaking to me like crap. does anyone elses partner drive them mad when they aren't well?
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6 responses
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
All right, just calm down. I think we are just being natural or true to our selves when we are with the ones we trust and love. Its really irritating to see that they can greet other people with smile but will always have a pointed lips whenever they look at you. To think of it, they are just giving their poker face to other people because they don't know what their problems are and that may not even care if they know. Just look on the brighter side. Your partner is just showing you her true self. You should be happy at some point because she's not making another version of herself just to please you. Now, the challenge for you is to accept her true self. :)
18 Aug 11
ohhhhh, you would so not have left this comment if you knew her!! haha you would be in total agreement with me and handing me a shovel to bury the body!! .. i adore her true self! she is my absoloute soulmate.. but holy cow! i'm actually getting abuse for having my keys, walking home, not knowing she was crying.. like i need to be magic obviously.. she screamed at me via text and phone call the whole afternoon.. then just as i got to the front door i got a "i'm so sorry baby, i just don't feel well, i don't mean to take it out on you, forgive me. i love you!" .. see!! she realised she was in the wrong! any wonder i wanted to hammer her! lol!
18 Aug 11
i can tell what to her personally?? lol and if you ever met her, then yes, you can practically hear her shout through text! lol!
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
You heard her shout via text?haha! Just kidding. You can tell that to her personally. lol!
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
I drive my husband nuts when i'm not well! I blame him for everything and expect him to understand me because i'm going through hell and i just needed him to help me get through it. This usually happens when I'm pms-ing! I don't want to be bothered but i want to bother him! Sounds crazy right? For some reason i understand your partner.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
You're lucky she knows how to apologize. Sorry exists in her vocabulary. It doesn't in mine! I would still keep on blaming and would force my husband to say sorry coz i'm just not feeling too well! I'm such a pain in the butt!
18 Aug 11
lol! i do get the same as her, and i don't mind her "abusing" me if i haven't made her tea right, or i didnt get the hot water bottle quick enough haha.. but she actually started shouting at me because i didn't know she was crying!! even though i was in bloody work!! and she was at home!! and my crystal balls on the blink!! haha!
18 Aug 11
she text me just before i got home saying.. "baby i'm sorry sorry. i didn't mean to take it out on you, i'm just so sore. please forgive me, i love you." and today, shes telling me how lucky she is to have me, and please never leave her, and i'm amazing at how well i look after her and shes sorry for being grumpy yesterday! haha!! the joys of being a nurse eh! lol!
@topffer (42155)
• France
17 Aug 11
I suppose that it is a matter of temperament. If she is very cruel with you, maybe is it the right moment to put an end to her sufferings. Seriously, it might happen when somebody has severe pains, and I know by experience that stomach cramps can be severe. Mines were due to stress and I cured them with herb teas of camomille and lemon balm.
18 Aug 11
i know shes just in pain and i know she doesnt mean it lol, she sent me a text before i got home saying "baby i'm so sorry, i didnt mean to take it out on you, i'm just sore. sorry, please forgive me. i love you" and today shes telling me how lucky she is to have me, and asking me never to leave her just look after her forever haha.. it just drives me mental when people NEED your help, because they aren't well, and expect you to give them it when they are screaming at you! haha!
@koperty3 (1876)
17 Aug 11
Sometimes when my partner got flue so he is not in great mood. If he is grumpy I make sure that he has everything he needs and leaving him in peace. I always got things to do so I don't have to listen to his complains. When he got no audience he is more calm. Little advice. If your girlfriend got cramps put on her belly bottle with hot water. It should help.
18 Aug 11
i gave her a hot water bottle and some pain killers and she dozed on and off out of sleep, so i got some peace!! haha but i might try your advice, give her everything she needs and then run away so she has no audience to shout at! lol!
@koperty3 (1876)
18 Aug 11
My partner got often menflue. There is nothing more annoying than menflue.
18 Aug 11
hi:) perhaps she thinks that getting angry to you make her pain lesser, or maybe she thinks you don't care enough that's why she's doing that so you give her more attention. but why don't you tell her that she's so lucky because you are there to take care of her,and you're doing that even you don't have to, she needs to learn to appreciate you more. or also tell her that she's sick because she is b!tching you, and that's her bad karma haha just kidding:) I still wish her well:)
22 Aug 11
haha she always apologies.. i think shes just in so much pain that she needs to lash out and because she can't lash out physically she lashes out verbally lol!
@Flash2 (347)
• United States
18 Aug 11
I think we've all experienced something like this in our lives. I myself don't have to worry about such things right now. But in the past I was with a woman that would let me have it whenever she good and well pleased. I think it made her feel better to be cruel or mean. She wasn't very much fun to be around at those times.
18 Aug 11
well i will say this, she doesnt "let me have it" when she good and well pleases, because she would get completely tore down. i don't stand for being disrespected and spoken down to when i have done nothing wrong, and it's based on the other person just deciding to be a b!tch. however, i do let some things slide when she isn't well.. however. one of these days i may kill her. haha.