Breakup reason: He's interested in another MAN

By K31
August 17, 2011 10:39pm CST
It's not my problem actually. A friend of mine who was in a steady, 2yr relationship came crying to me last night. Her BF broke up with her due to another man. Her ex is now interested in men and he told her "It was thanks to you that I realized that I'm not straight." I think her ex said this to her in gratitude but she took it in real badly. I mean, I would totally understand if I was dumped for another woman but I never experienced being dumped for another man. I don't know how to console her. She kept asking me for advice and told me EVERYTHING she did. She kept asking me if she did something wrong and honestly, I don't know what else to say when she mentioned "what did I do that made him realize he's gay?" So... That's it... I don't know of any possible way of consoling her since she's really taken by surprise. Her ego took a hard and wicked blow.
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15 responses
18 Aug 11
See at the end of the day, if hes gay, then hes ga.. there is nothing she can do to change it. And if hes going through a phase, or experimenting, when hes finished his phase or experimenting, chances are she isn’t going to want him back anyway! .. so either way, theres nothing can be done. If I were you, the approach I would take, is atleast she has nothing to be jealous over! Atleast she will never see her ex with another woman! She won’t ever see another woman in her place! Won’t ever need to compare herself to the other woman, wonder if the other woman is more attractive, better in bed.. nothing! She won’t ever have to imagine him doing the things with the other woman that he did with her!! .. she won’t ever have to be “the ex” because there will never be another girl in her place. That’s a good thing!! I’m sure all of us who have ever been dumped, and then seen another pretty, skinny girl in our place, has thought that we got dumped for a better model. She’ll never have to think that, because no matter who her ex meets, she’ll always be the pretty one haha cuz girls are prettier than boys :)
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Haha that's just so true! Actually I told her: "Instead of thinking 'why he chose a guy instead of a girl', think 'at least I'm feminine than his new lover! Girls rule!' and she somewhat laughed at that :P I kept telling her that if she keeps on feeling bad, it's like being ashamed that she's a woman.
19 Aug 11
awk no, she maybe just feels a little deflated because he wanted a masculine man instead of her feminine charms!! .. BUT.. if she THINKS about it.. she is obviously VERY feminine!! because some women are quite masculine, and if is attracted to the masculine side of things, he could have stayed with her. but she was obviously WAY TOO FEMININE, for him to even pretend :) :)
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
I'm sorry Kei but this really made me laughed! But I think I could understand the frustrations your friend felt! Of all the reasons there could be for a break up, she was so unlucky to have been thrown that. But I think there's a consolation to this, at least she wasn't dumped for another woman. Wait, now I'm confused which is more frustrating. ^^ I guess both is. I'm not helping, am I? lol I don't have any idea either on how you can console her! ^^ To say that there are other fishes in the sea is cliche. Maybe you can tell her that the guy only said that probably because the guy thought it would hurt her more if he said there's another woman. But I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with her or there's nothing that she did to make him realize that he's gay! That's a personal thing I guess. It's just a coincidence that your friend was the one he was with when he realized his true self. ^^ She'll get over it for sure. Good luck!
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Haha that's true. All I can do is lend an ear and be with her. Honestly, I also wanna laugh the first time she approached me about it. I thought she was joking or something but when she burst into tears, I tried to control my urge to tease her _
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
20 Aug 11
It was good that you were able to stop yourself from laughing! If I were you I couldn't have done that.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
18 Aug 11
I've been there and done that... It stinks, but perhaps it is better that he did it NOW instead of waiting until they were perhaps married? I think that would be more devastating. While she may be upset, if she truly cares for him, she will respect his decision and hope for his happiness.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
She's slowly accepting the truth but she still can't communicate with him though he wants to talk to her more :) I think she's doing a great job in moving on and coping up :)
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
18 Aug 11
I am so sorry to hear that, and tell your friend that she will find another man will appreciate her existence as a woman, and not because she make him realize he likes man. She will find another good man for her life though. Honestly, to read this discussion, I found it kind of hilarious though, but seriously, she will get her a good man.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Lol I know. When she told me, I was about to laugh but when I saw the seriousness on her face, I decided to hold it in. I might offend her if I did laugh _
@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Your friend is very young i think. There's a lot to learn in life. She should be thankful the boyfriend was honest with him. Tell her what her life would be if they ended up getting married and the husband is having an affair with another man. That would have been worse right? I would be sad and depressed if the man i think is the man i loved would end up to be liking another man, but i would soon get over it and be thankful. Why? Because the man that i loved no longer exist! He's no longer a man, so why should i continue loving a man that isn't no longer a man. I will try to be his friend instead.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Toni, you just hit the nail on the head! You're right! The man whom she used to love is no longer a man. Yeah, in some way, I also told her that it's good that she knew about it earlier and that her ex's honest about it. It makes the acceptance somewhat easier. Who knows, her ex might be the one who'll help her find a new BF :P
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
hi kei, Well this is really kinda frustrating and insulting one But it happened already your friend can move on though it is not that easy, but now a days women are not rivals with other women but with some men too. happy mylotting
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Hi bhabycatch! Yeah. As I told her, she should keep herself busy and with company as much as possible. She's not that strong and her previous relationship before this one took her almost 2 years before she finally moved on.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
19 Aug 11
What is a girl to think when her best efforts make the boyfriend decide he likes men better? Wow! That is a tough one. Obviously the guy was a selfish brute, and it would have come out one way or another. Once she puts this situation behind her, she will be better off, and able to move on.
• Southend-On-Sea, England
18 Aug 11
I don't think she needs to take this personally. It was probably the situation of the guy being in a steady relationship with a female - could have been any woman - which has made him realise he is gay after all. Chances are high that he was already doubting his sexuality and perhaps hoped that with a girlfriend, he could confirm being heterosexual to himself. He could have stayed in the relationship with your friend trying to bury his homosexual feelings, hoping that continuing with a woman would make them disappear, only to probably discover that his gay feelings became stronger as they weren't being explored then satisfied? It's sad that your friend has had to go through this, but I'm absolutely certain it's nothing she's done wrong. Hopefully she'll recover from this experience soon, and it might be worth pointing out that had they have gone ahead, got married etc., it may have hurt a lot more long into the future if the man had then, years ahead of now, decided that he no longer could suppress his true sexuality and left her then. At least now she's free and presumably young enough to find somebody else. Her pain will heal in time and she's lucky to have a supportive friend like you.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Thanks so much for the encouraging words. Yeah. I kept repeating time and again that it's good that his ex is honest with her and decided to stop the relationship while it's still early. It would take some time moving on but I'm sure she can do it :)
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
hello kei, I can't help to laugh (hehehe) I know that hurts and was kind of insulting eh...dumped for another man. Yes, you are right, i think it would be easier to accept that we will be dumped for another woman..but for a man..(goodness) Well, tell your friend that she should be thankful, imagine if they get married, who will wear the wedding gown then? No offense meant my dear...just make your friend laugh (hehehe) jaiho®
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Haha thanks :D I know what you mean. From a third person's perspective, it was shocking and a bit funny :P I'll throw her some gay jokes soon if she can handle it. As of this moment the word "gay" or anything synonymous to the word is taboo _
@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
18 Aug 11
Bwuahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahha It's a joke, isn't it? Because if is not, then that guy is less intelligent than a pair of dirty socks.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Unfortunately no :P But it's somewhat a good thing since he revealed everything at an earlier time :)
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
She should consider herself lucky and should thank the guy for being honest with her. I have a friend whose father is gay and they only found out about it when the were teenagers already. What's bad is their father even cross dressed and brought men in their house and they can't do anything about it because they all depend on him including his mother. Just let your friend cry it out because she'll eventually move on.
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Well I know how she feels.Being dumped is hurting enough, but in exchange of another guy is just super shocking.But that is better than marrying him and someday discovers that he can outrace her for the eyeliner and the mascara .That's life, just any other break-up , all she needs is time to heal and she will forget about it.It's all an attack at our ego, whether for another girl or another man,hurts just the same.But all wounds heal.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
You're right. The only thing she can do now is divert her attention. Again, it would take some time but at least they ended everything with closure. I think she just can't believe that a guy is much better than her. But then, as I've said to her, her ex changed preferences so there's no need to compare.
@watergirl (567)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Just tell your friend, when she's old and have a family of her own, she will look back to that day a just-out-of-the-closet guy broke up with her. But being dumped for another, man or woman, gay or straight, is nevertheless painful. Convince your friend that there was nothing she did to make the ex gay. A gay guy is a gay guy and it's only a matter of time for his coming out. The best thing to do is not to wallow in hurt and tears. Go out with her and do shopping, have your nails done, eat out at a fancy restaurant, have a makeover. Be happy for the ex because he is now out and free to be himself. And finally, find a man... a real man!
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Haha honestly, she was sooo down that I ended up treating her a day in SPA. Drained my wallet dry but at least she felt better _
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
18 Aug 11
*sigh* you know men... they sometimes don't get things right. It's really sad to hear that and a 2 year relationship is really long. It is possible that the guy wanted to participate in a relationship with your friend because being "straight" is considered the norm. After being with her, he realized that he wasn't experiencing a real relationship he wanted and the fact that he's gay. Knowing that you were just an experiment does hurt, knowing that he truly never loved you that way. Tell her that there's more fish in the sea and it was just bad luck playing it's game. Does she still talk to him? They may need to talk to settle the matter further.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
As of now they don't have any communication at all. The guy wants to talk with her but it's my friend who decided that she's not ready to talk yet. According to her, she needs time to organize her thoughts and sort out her feelings. She's not angry at him. Just hurt to boot. From what I'm seeing, she's coping up quite well. I just hope she'll stay that way :)
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Your friend must be in shock when she learned about the truth. I am in the impression that you have said all the positive things you could to console her. I think there is no need to say anything anymore. Just listen to her though she might say the same things over and over and be with her at all times that are possible for you. Once she is over this, she would definitely laugh at what happened.