What kind of parent are you?

United States
August 18, 2011 8:14pm CST
Do you spank your children? Do you yell at them? Do you just stick them in time out, or count to 3? Im a yeller...when my children do not listen and do what they are expected to do, I yell. I also spank bottoms. Never any other place on their bodies. I was raised with spankings and raised voices that I didn't DARE cross. BUT today on Dr. Phil, he had a woman that yells at her kids. He told her its wrong, and her children should be taken away. That her husband should leave and take the kids. Do you agree that children NEED a spanking once in awhile? Do you feel that a raised voice is NECESSARY at times? Or are you with Dr. Phil on this one? Do you think its wrong and that a person is a horrible parent if they yell at their children?
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11 responses
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
19 Aug 11
I agree a rise voice is necessary some times so they know you mean business! I did smack my children when necessary[ I had 4]and I don't think did any damage to them[ by the way they are all grown up and doing very well in their chosen field of work]I can not forget the time my youngest [after an argument...she was 12] she screamed at me...just at my face and without any qualms I slapped her hard on her face and I told her never ever scream at me I Am your mother and you mean to respect me! after that she knew to stay at a distance when she screamed at me! To answer your question I don't think is wrong to yell at your kiddos every now and then...unless you are doing it every day and for any little thing...after all they need to know who is boss...and obviously they are not you are! never put the cart before the horses!
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
I am the semi disciplinarian kind where I talk with my daughter if I find that there are things that she needs to do to change for the better. I believe that I should be there to guide her but never to yell at her or constantly remind her of what she needs to do. That must be the reason why she listens to me. There are days when she seems to rebel since she is ten years old now, in a pre-teenager phase in her life. I listen to what she has to say explaining herself but never to answer back at me for I get angry with her when she does that from time to time. I listen to her even when it is just about any story that she wants for me to hear. It is simply she wants to share her day with me.
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@samrat16 (2442)
• India
19 Aug 11
good parent - picture of a good mom.
I am strict & firm, but very much loving. My children mean the world to me and I love them with all of my heart. Sometimes I wonder "Do other parents love their children as much as I love mine?" However, I also expect my children to be obedient & disciplined. I start early so they learn right from wrong early and understand what is appropriate & acceptable behavior and what is not. I use timeout and the dreaded "corner" for the younger one's and I take privileges away from the older one's. (My children's ages range from 9 mo to 17 1/2 yr). I always try to make the "punishment fit the crime." My 17 1/2 yr old says I should be on that new show coming out about "strict Parents." LOL... I don't think I'm that strict, but my duty as a mother is to love, nurture, teach & protect. Even when after my oldest turns 18 in Sept., I will still expect him to abide by the house rules, as he will not be leaving the nest before he graduates HS in 2010. I also expect each child to be held accountable and I assign age appropriate household tasks for everyone to contribute to, for I can NOT do it all on my own
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
i was raised by my parents without spanking nor yelling at me. if i did something wrong they just tell that it's bad and i shouldn't do it again. but for me, as a parent also i do believe that children needs some spanking if their attitude is uncontrollable. like for example if they did something bad and told them to stop and don't do it anymore (telling them how many times) and doesn't listen that's the time they need to be spank.
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• China
19 Aug 11
I spank her on the bottom and yelled to her only when I can't control her.I'm not sure if I did the right thing,so I'm confused and feel guilty after I did that.Older people told me that kids need to be disciplined by force sometimes.But it also broke my heart to see her crying.
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@Jenith (1381)
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
I do time out with my son but its rare to happen since he was still a toddler but it doesn't mean that because he was young I just tolerate him. I punish naughty behavior and speak firmly to him.
@GardenGerty (162685)
• United States
19 Aug 11
It seems to me that there is a time and a place for paddlings and raised voices, but not all the time. A well applied swat when you tell a two year old to stay away from the street gets his attention, and possibly prevents him from getting hit by a car. Kids do need to learn to obey, and do it immediately without question. Yelling the word "Stop" should cause them to stop. Now if yelling is done in a belittling manner, it is not good, but you can also be just as vehement in a whisper. My dad yelled, but not really in anger. My mom never yelled, but I was much more scared of her. At sixteen I babysat a family of five kids, the oldest was twelve. Their dad handed me a belt and a paddle and told me to use both liberally. It did not happen. Time outs were more of a pain to them, and the oldest was actually strong enough to take the belt and paddle away and hide on top of the garage roof. I also learned the one or two times I told their daddy what they had done that they and their mother got beaten. It was not a good scene. I will have to check with my kids, but I do not think I spanked them often, but I also did not use time outs very much. I feel like I had pretty good kids.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Aug 11
I don’t think there is a parent alive who hasn’t yelled at the children every once in a while. There is yelling to make a point and there is the constant screaming that can drive another crazy. I don’t believe in spanking and I have never used that method on my nine year old daughter. We used time out and loss of toys and privileges as punishments for bad behaviours and for us it worked very well. I love my child and I don’t want to be the one inflicting any kind of pain on her so I tend to agree with Dr Phil although I cannot say a mother is horrible just because she is prone to a bit of yelling.. I have yelled at my child on occasions but that is not all she hears from me, there are loving words and lots of praise because they are the best way to change bad behaviour in my opinion.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Hi. There are no perfect parents. Even parents makes mistakes, but if we are willing to improve and change the things we are doing in order to help bring up good kids I think that is what good parents are.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
I am not yet a parent. But my parents never spank us until i reached this age. basically, my mom talked to us one on one when we commit a mistake. But never she spank us.I guess, every parents have their own way on how to discipline their children. But sometimes, spanking a child may cause that child to do the same with his/her children when he/she will be having his/her family in the future.
• United States
19 Aug 11
I do not know any parent who has not raised their voice to their child/ren at one time or another in their life. I do on occasion raise my voice to my children although I do not like to resort to that. Typically I will put them in time out after a few warnings. If that does not solve the problem then I take away a privilege and then may raise my voice or walk away from them until they are ready to be receptive. Is this the right way to raise a child? Who knows? If we had the perfect solution, we would be rich and on TV like Dr. Phil (who I do not watch) =) Needless to say, my mom was a yeller. It just isn't my thing and as a child, I just tuned her out so it accomplished nothing but to make her angry. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and have a great deal of respect for her but yelling at me was not the best way to get results. I am much more receptive to reasoning which my mom is not. This is not to say that yelling is bad, it just didn't work with/for me although it does for others. I just wanted to share my method for working with my children.