Earning from squidoo.com help.

@tenrajj (911)
August 19, 2011 10:59am CST
How many of you are there at squidoo.com? How much you are earning there? Well, I joined the site few months before but I did not create any lenses but now I am trying to create some interesting lenses. I have few questions to be asked. We are putting amazon module and ebay module. It says that some body buys from there, we will get a share of money but my question is whether that money will be in our squidoo account or it will be in our amazon and ebay account. What about google adsense. Unlike article submission site like triond, there we are not associating our squidoo account with our google adsense account. Does it mean that it will be in our squidoo account?
1 person likes this
3 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Aug 11
I actually have never used squidoo because of the fact that it seems like a really confusing site to me. Because of that fact, I choose instead to simply use article submission sites because of the fact that I know that I will be getting some residual earnings from those sites. In addition to that, it doesn't require a lot of work to know that you will be earning some money on a regular basis for you. Of course, it is up to each person as to what ways of earning money work for them.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Aug 11
I am with you. I joined squidoo today and wrote a lens. But I am so confused about these modules and the requirements to get the lens published. I have spent way too much time today trying to figure it out. I have a red dash beside my lens meaning that squidoo considers it a work in progress and not ready for publication. I do not understand the modules. It was much easier writing for Associated Content and Triond.
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
20 Aug 11
what is Squidoo? is it like ebay or amazon?? buying/selling portal?? i will later go and visit the site later.. sounds like a good site.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
28 Aug 11
It is not buying/selling portal. It is just something like blogging. We build a "lens" which is like creating a blog and then we write a lot on that particular topic. There are lots of modules which makes it easy for us. The most important think is we should have good knowledge on the topic that we are writing.
@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
23 Aug 11
I joined squidoo today and am very confused by the site. Right now I am also very frustrated. I can not figure out how to get a lens published. I do not understand the modules.