Do some people need to feel they are better than others????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
August 20, 2011 12:27am CST
This world has all kinds of people with all kinds of needs. Take this example: There are people in the world who do not see themselves as smart in the eyes of others. Often, throughout their lives, they fight and fight to appear smart to others. They seem to know it all and talk a lot. They fight and fight to come up with all the answers for everyone. Often they appear just the opposite in their desperation for acclaim. Do some people need to feel that they are better than others?? These people would see others as flawed or evil. Perhaps they would put down or judge others to convince themselves they are better. Just like the person who tries to be smart, they strut around trying to convince you of their goodness. Like so many, they think that putting others down somehow makes them look good, however, as we all know, it, once again, does the opposite. People who need to feel that they are better than others are in Fertile ground with religion. All they need to do is memorize then follow their holy book to claim their trophee. The claim of righteousness seems to give then the power to be somebody in life. Do they realize those they hurt around them?? In God's eyes, they are no better than any of God's other children. I have found those that are really doing God's work aren't strutting around. Love and kindness for Everyone.
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11 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
20 Aug 11
In religion there are also times those that claim to have some infallible knowledge, relying not on scripture but on their own ego, confident in their own ability to know. Are these not worse offenders? all the best urban
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Aug 11
There was a man who lived in a small town. In a small town, everyone knows everyone. The town people would all laugh and point at this one man saying that guy is crazy. This went on for years until a stranger moved to town. This stranger fit in perfectly with the town people and was instantly part of their group. The town people showed their new found friend the man everyone said was crazy. His reply was: This man is not really crazy. Look closely. There is method to his madness............People tend to see what they want to see. This clouds vision to the real truth. Assumptions can lead people astray. We must be willing to see what is regardless of whether we agree with it or not. One might see an arrogant ego problem when all that exists is a person calmly stating facts that the person viewing does not want to be the truth. AS with all things in life, we must be sure we really see what we are looking at. I appreciate your concern. You have my love and kindness!!
@urbandekay (18278)
21 Aug 11
There was a number of men who living in a small town, pursuing their own inquiry into truth and perception. One day a stranger arrived in the town. This stranger set up stall in the market place loudly proclaiming that their vision alone revealed the truth, that they alone possessed sufficient insight and understanding to realise the nature of things. Yet when some of the inhabitants of that town debated with the stranger, occasionally presenting arguments against what the stranger said that were logically sufficient to refute the strangers claim, that stranger resorted to insisting that they alone questioned, that they alone possessed sufficient insight to understand matters! all the best urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Aug 11
Just who is this stranger?? Seems I need to have a talk with them, the dirty rat!! Urbandekay. You do have my sympathy. You will live..... God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. Sound familiar??? If this stranger makes this statement, he must be looking at every view closely including yours. Does this stranger command your action in some way or does this strange place the knowledge for others to see so they might also search for the truth themselves? Granted people have been taught their religion since childhood and what the strange says does probably ruffle a few feathers, however there is no malice only love and kindness in his heart. The stranger knows that everyone will learn it all in time since we do have eternity. He merely places truth out there for those who are ready to see. Now in the past, there have been many arrogant people claiming to know it all, trying to force their will on others. I think this stranger sees us all as God's children equally special in their own way. This stranger merely shares that which is special about himself with others. Shouldn't we all be doing this???? Maybe the stranger isn't a dirty rat after all. Maybe he's your best friend!! Lots of love and kindness,urbandekay.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
22 Aug 11
Some people are really smart and look down on others, just like some rich people look down on the poorer. Not all of them reflect the reverse...[em]lol[/em Sometime I would do that too, especially when I am fed up debating with the headstrong or when people think I am a nobody...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Aug 11
One thing I have learned in life is the importance of diversity. We all carry our own view. Sometimes a view we have never seen is hidden in a poor lowly streetsweeper. I am always looking for those special pieces of the puzzle from everyone I meet. Since we are all God's children, I value everyone as equals regardless of the special talents they might carry. Whether, filthy rich or poor, I treat you the same. When famous or a nobody, each is just as important to me. As for those hardheaded debates,I try to have lots of patience. Interaction is important whether everyone is hardheaded or not. Move that grain of sand for the light of truth will always find it's way to the top. Now, jennyze, I can't see you looking down on anyone. I see you as one who always tries to bring fun and joy to the spirits of others. Of course, if you are confronted with too much negative energy from say hardheaded people, I can see where you might leave but never to be mean but a survival instinct. You choose to keep joy in your spirit. I might be wrong but that's my take.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Aug 11
I guess we can not always see ourselves as others do. You do have those special qualities. As for weaknesses and failures, they create a learning opportunity for all who recognize them for what they are. As for being like other people in this world, I can find goodness of some kind in most everyone. It's just as easy to point out the goodness as it is to point out the bad. Should what's wrong ever be as important as what is right???
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
23 Aug 11
Wow, you put me on a pedestal...? I don't really know what that means... I am just like the other people in this world, who tried to do the best thing in life but recognize our weaknesses and failures at the same time.
@soulist (2985)
• United States
30 Aug 11
I dont understand why some people think they are better than others. I mean we are all the same, just have some different qualities and personalities. I wouldn't want to be just like everyone else in the world. I think its better to be different and to have our differences. There is no point in seeing others as superior or inferior to ourselves. The world needs everyone and every ability to function.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Aug 11
Yes, it would be a very dull picture if all the pieces were exactly the same. Diversity is what makes this world wonderful. I wonder why so many try so hard to make everyone the same. We are all children of God. We are all equal. I find that even the lowest of people are carrying something unique. We are all special in our own way. In this judgmental world, we must be brave enough to share with others that which is special about ourselves regardless of the drama others might cause in protest. They are merely blind to the truth.
@sid556 (30959)
• United States
20 Aug 11
I agree with you. I know a lot of people like you describe that have spent lots of time reading the bible and they do know their words and pounce on every opportunity to try to make someone feel small or stupid for whatever reason. It's not just in the religious sect...these sorts of people are everywhere. You can't let them get to you, Bird.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Aug 11
You are right. These people are in every field not just religion. Sometimes I feel sorry for them. They fight and fight but can never convince themselves they are OK without all that proof. Keep pointing for one day they might grow tired and actually listen to someone.
@dodo19 (47361)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
20 Aug 11
I really do agree with you. There are those people who just need to feel that they are better than others. Some people just feel superior to others, and also sometimes need to prove it to others. I really can't say as though I'm a fan of people who are like this. They really do get on my nerves, not say that they sometimes make me really mad. I just don't understand how some people can be like that.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Aug 11
Generally, I just let them blow off all that steam then when they get tired, I point them in the right drection. Sure, they probably won't listen but maybe one day they will get tired of the games they are playing. Maybe they will remember the right direction. Sometimes I think these people are the most lost of all. After all very little input gets into them.
• Mexico
22 Aug 11
Hi bird: Unfirtunetly I have met some people that just as you mentioned do things just to appeare better than the rest of their brothers in their churches but also in my profession. In my opinion this shows lack of self confidence. They try to demonstrate that they are better than the rest of the world, something which is negative because they actually need this kind of attention. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Aug 11
Yes, they don't realize that they come across just the opposite of what they are fighting for. It takes lots of patience to be around such people. I usually wait til they get tired and pause for a rest to attempt to get some light in their eyes. Yes, these people are a bit hard headed but move that grain of sand whenever you see them. It will surprise you the day they decide to change.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
20 Aug 11
hi bird123.... How are you today my friend? Do some people need to feel they are better than others?. . . . Yes. . . . and we need them. We need their roles for our spiritual journey to evolve or mature. We have to thank them actually . . . . hahahahaha I know it is hard to accept, I'm one of you. It will hurt our pride and ego. And that is the truth. And, for that we endure or learn the meaning or the consciousness and the awareness about the fruit of wisdoms such as peace, forgiveness, humility, compassion, kindness, humility, empathy, unity, harmony, simplicity and love. Survival is one of our purposes in life, and competitions is one tool to survive. Supremacy is best and powerful and cool. The biggest or largest is the best. The king of the hill. From the smallest life forms of species to a much bigger and larger to humans we all do compete each other for survival. Even with each other different kind of species, the smallest vs the other species vs humans. There are others who compete with us, and that is, this world or this universe itself compete with us also.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Aug 11
Survival of the fittest is an instinct that is necessary for beings with limited mental capabilities. At some point intelligence cures the survival problems and leads us to a much higher level. Just like God is beyond those petty things, each of us will learn to rise above them ourselves.
@pickwick (858)
• India
20 Aug 11
Hi Bird 123 !All are born equal but guess some feel they are more than equal( and some feel they are less than equal)For those who feel they are less than equal here is a wonderful exercise from a book of Deepak Chopra.The exercise is called fire of soul.Its a simple exercise where whenever you see a mirror, pause and look at your eyes in it.Then say to yourself - 1)I am beneath no one, 2)I am not bothered about the opinion of others,3) I am afraid of nothing.Your focus should be only on your eyes.In few days you will be a different person and people will notice a sort of fire in your eyes which attracts everyone. For those who feel they are know-alls, there will be times when they reflect on what they actually are and deep down they find insecurity , vanity and inferiority complex.Yes, those who seems to have superiority complex are actually people who are deep inside not very confident about themselves. And who am I? A UNIQUE person - just like everyone else.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Aug 11
Very good comments In this world of negative comments, people need to hear the truth more often. When we can't get that truth from others, we must tell ourselves. Great comment on fire of soul. Many people need to do this everyday. You are right. Most know it alls hide that insecurity that they feel less than others. They fight so hard to prove otherwise. Indeed, we are all unique. We have the great ability to touch the lives of everyone around us. Somehow, I know that you are doing just that!
• India
2 Jun 12
Some people are actually better than others, just like God is better than the rest of the world.
@sender621 (14893)
• United States
20 Aug 11
I believe that there are many people in this world who need to feel they are better than others. they need that confidence that builds them up to make them stronger. it is just unfortunate that the lives and feelings of others have to be so closely affected for the needs of these kinds of people to be fulfilled.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Aug 11
You are right. These people never seem to realize the people they do hurt. All that is important to them is their own importance. In time, they will learn. Until then, they will try the patience of everyone.
@Argyleb (52)
• Canada
20 Aug 11
I wholeheartedly agree with you. Some people have just a superiority complex and I do not understand how they have come toward to acting / thinking like that. Having a person like that around my life or anyone's life would make their life a bit miserable knowing that there's a person who is a know it all or would like to contradict everything and anything that you would do...I do not like this since I tend to take it easy all the time and I lighten up instead of having stiff shoulders and a stiff attitude all the time....this would just annoy people and people would not like that.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Aug 11
Yes, these people do not realize that they do hurt people. We must all be patient and point them in the right direction. Yes, I know, they don't listen but maybe in time they will remember the real answer to things.