Would Unfriend This Person?

@ladym33 (10979)
United States
August 20, 2011 3:46pm CST
I have a friend on Facebook who is a friend in real life too, but a long distance one. She lives in another state, and we only see her once every other year. I like her as a person but she is a vegan which is fine there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is she posts several posts a day about animal cruelty on face book, and calls people who eat murderers and the like. Now I don't mind people occasionally spouting about what their beliefs are on Facebook, but I don't want them shoved down my through 30 times a day. I am tempted to take her off my friends list, but I do like her other than this. What would you do?
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10 responses
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
30 Aug 11
I have a friend like that on Facebook too. He is constantly insulting people who don't share his political ideologies. I didn't unfriend him, but I did hide his posts from my view. I was finding myself getting very upset every time he posted and I didn't want to do that anymore. It's not worth it. If I feel like looking at what he says, I just look his name up. He doesn't know that I've hidden his posts, so no harm done.
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
29 Aug 11
I would do what Carmel said to do. This person sounds really pushy to me and I think it is rude to shove your own agenda down everyone else's throat. Since you do like her and don't want to upset her what Carmel said is the best thing to do. That way you don't have to read her nonsense and you can still be friends with her and not offend her.
• Philippines
21 Aug 11
I agree with what they suggest to just hide all her posts so you won't able to see her posts again. If you unfriend her for that reason it means you are not a true friend of her. And if you want to end your friendship with her you can unfriend her anytime. And accept the fact the she might get mad at you and won't consider you as friend anymore even for real life.
• United States
21 Aug 11
I would not upset her by taking her off your list. You should put her on your ignore list. That way you are still friends on there, you just don't see her posts unless she posts on your wall or discussions. HTH you :0)
• United States
29 Aug 11
I'm not really certain how the two of you became friends, since she doesn't really sound like someone you would have much in common with--not food-wise, not in terms of environmental consciousness, not politically. As others have said, you can hide her posts from your feed. However, you may also want to consider what it is that the two of you have in common. What is the bond? Is it that you happened to go to the same high school together? Once were neighbors? Those aren't exactly things that form the basis for lifelong friendships.... not even of the online variety.
@dogs61 (74)
• Canada
21 Aug 11
I don't think you should delete her incase you ever want to talk to her or w/e but you could jsut go to her page scroll down find the block button and hide her posts from showing in your news feed I have used this tool on a few people who jsut spam the news feed with EVERYTHING that happens to them and EVERYTHIN they see or do.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
20 Aug 11
I suppose you could ask her to tone it down a bit? Then, if she chooses to ignore your request, take her off your friends list. That's what I would do, anyway. Having said that, I cancelled my Facebook account some time ago so it's probably all changed since I was on it. Good luck..whatever you decide.
• United States
21 Aug 11
Because you care for her, I would say try and remove the posts and ignore them. If for some reason she continues by other means then I would speak to her on how you feel. I say speak to her because you say you care for her and if she cares for you she will understand. I would not de-friend her without speaking to her first.
@grahzie (42)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Aug 11
sounds like your annoyed or something! i have a friend similar to your story but i just ignore it.. anyway its her belief but if you can talk to her to slows down, its fine! anyway your friends she might listen to you. but if she ignores you, let her do whatever she wants and do your thing, too! that is to delete her.. lol
21 Aug 11
As a friend , you need to advise her on the posts of animal cruelty as it might affect other viewers as well. At the end , no one will benefit except, her ,getting the attention. As a friend, do keep in touch more frequently as well. That´s what friends are for.