How Can I earn With Mylot?

United States
August 20, 2011 7:04pm CST
i'm New Here And I was Wondering How Do I earn MONEY in My ACCOUNT Says $0.00 =[
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7 responses
• India
21 Aug 11
Am a newbie too. Waiting for 1st day to get over to I can have a clue. They say the amount is variable, depending how famous your discussion was, etc.
@petersum (4522)
• United States
21 Aug 11
Well both bossdonn and you need to understand that you earn by writing QUALITY posts and comments. Generally speaking, one line comments and posts are not considered high quality. So make your comments a little longer and more interesting. bossdonn, try to make your posts different to each other - you are asking the same type of question too much, and mylot isn't a 'Question and Answer' site. Give us something meaty that we can discuss at length. One good post is better than many poor quality posts!
@petersum (4522)
• United States
21 Aug 11
You will get paid for uploading pictures, but not yet. You get various new incentives as you go along. That number after your name needs to clinb a lot higher. After it reaches 100, you will get a star. The posts and comments you make are rated by other members, and the color and number on the star reflects what they think of you! You can read about all these things in the FAQ's and guidelines (links at the bottom of the page), so please take the time to read them. bossdonn: Sorry to inform you that some of your posts are likely to be deleted. Poll type questions are not permitted.
• India
21 Aug 11
Thank you Petersum. Really appreciate your quick response. I understand that QUALITY is more beneficial here. Also, I see people uploading pictures. Do you get paid for the same? Am sorry if its not the right place to ask but am just curious you see.
@zhouxi (1752)
• China
21 Aug 11
It's easy and also slowly.just post and respond.obey the guideline.then your money will come.
• United States
21 Aug 11
thank you,you are really helpful
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
26 Aug 11
The basic principle in earning from mylot is the more you write,the more you earn. So start as much discussions as you can and also respond to as much discussions as is possible for you. You should also keep in mind that the more you become descriptive,the more you earn. So go for quantity without any concern about the quality.
• India
21 Aug 11
Hi frnd, Just make discussions and respond to others discussions...That will increase ur earning and u can do tasks.....Hope u get more money in ur account..Thanx....
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
21 Aug 11
Just start making discussions and commenting on other people's posts... SLowly those numbers will start increasing. It will also be helpful for you if you start reading the rules at the FAQ's or my lot policy. You will earn fast if you enjoy what you do. Good much and welcome to my lot.
• United States
21 Aug 11
tank you, how much do you get paid per discussion post?
• Israel
21 Aug 11
You can profit from by the effort by the Valuation And through the development of many discussions and comments and complete tasks
@petersum (4522)
• United States
21 Aug 11
The earnings update once per day, so you'll see something there tomorrow hopefully. Please read the FAQ's and guidelines. Welcome to mylot! Have fun!