$2 a gallon gas. REALLY???
@thegreatdebater (7316)
United States
August 21, 2011 11:42am CST
This week Michele Bachmann claimed that if she was elected we would have $2 a gallon gas again. The ONLY way this is possible is if the world goes into a global recession, or depression. Even if she was to be elected to two terms in office, there is no way we could move to another alternative energy, increase drilling (which beyond right wing belief will do NOTHING to the price of oil unless the government gets involved), or destroy the BRIC countries in that time frame to accomplish her promise. Now, if she is saying that she will destroy the global economy to achieve her promise than I will believe it. But, is it worth destroying the global economy so we can have cheaper fuel?
9 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
21 Aug 11
I got a call from my (major oil company name omitted here) representative, who is a die hard right wing republican, and he said if she is elected we are DOOMED!!!!! Either way we are DOOMED!!!
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
23 Aug 11
I am curious what her plan is. There are a number of ways the government could reduce the cost of fuel, and not all of them are good.
Further, in order to make that promise, it's a bit iffy unless she plans to subsidize fuel prices, which of course I'd be totally against.
And no, we wouldn't need to destroy the BRIC contries, nor would we need to ruin the global economy. Such wackyness.
And absolutely not using alternative energy. That will cause the reverse.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
24 Aug 11
Andy, I am sure that she would be impeached the second she recommended government subsidize on fuel (even if it would make sense). I am in the oil business, and I talk to people with one of the major oil companies every day. They know the only way gas will get back to $2 is if the economy goes in the tank again. The BRIC countries are struggling, but they are still producing, so are we. Supply isn't going up, and and our demand isn't going down. We would have to remove every drop of oil from our land to just feed our own needs if we were cut off from the rest of the world, which makes this a national security issue. I have no idea why republicans are so against alternative energies, but they are the only way we are going to be able to grow in this new economy. The more energy you are replace with renewable energy, the less dependent you are on someone else.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
26 Aug 11
Andy, you contradicted yourself so many times in this post I don't know where to start. First off, you just said that "there is never a time when subsidies makes sense. It's always poor paying for the rich", I think you have that mixed up, but there is one perfect example of what you are saying, and that was $99,000 SUV tax break. That was a tax break in that Bush pushed through congress to extend the amount of money that a business could write off on their taxes on a "truck" for their job. It was also known as the "Hummer tax break" because of the number of people who purchased Hummers because of it.
However, you proved my point that her base wouldn't support the subsidy.
I work with many alternative energy companies, and I can tell you that there are many companies that are turning to alternative energy to cut their operating cost, and it is working.
The largest source of welfare was hedge funds, but Obama is working on taking care of that, although republicans are fighting tooth and nail ( I wonder where they are going to look for money in the next election?). Hedge fund managers have tax breaks that alternative energy companies only dream of. How would you like to make $3 BILLION dollars in one year, and pay less in taxes than your door man?
I find it funny how you think that subsidies are so bad, but if it makes YOU money than it is fine. You get on here and preach about what you believe in, yet go to work everyday doing the opposite.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Aug 11
I highly doubt she would be impeached. We subsidize a number of things. There is no reason this would be different. Further, they have already tried to subsidize housing once. So this would be nothing special.
No, there is never a time when subsidies makes sense. It's always poor paying for the rich.
Because alternative energies don't work. There is not a single alternative energy that replaces oil. And none that come even close to be viable. We've dumped billions into alternative energy, and the result has only been to increase the cost of conventional energy.
Further, the biggest source of corporate welfare is alternative energy funding.
I worked for a company that made electrical systems for hybrid buses. The CEO of the company told us at a company meeting that the reason we were not developing a new system was because we were waiting for a government grant to fund the project. This was a $100 Million dollar company.
Let me explain to you what that means. We had the money to develop this new product. We were purposefully not making this product so that we could get the government to pay us to make a product we were going to sell.
Now you could say "evil CEO" or "greedy company" blaw blaw blaw. But the fact is, any of us in the same situation would do the same thing. Government is going to pay us to make a product we are then going to charge them to buy, why not?
It's corporate welfare, under the guise of 'alternative energy'.

@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
21 Aug 11
Just a bunch of political lies. What is sad is that some gullible people out there will actually believe her. After all, they believed Obama's "promises" in 2008 and look where that got them - still fighting overseas, more illegal immigrants deported than under Bush, there are still unequal rights for the LGBT community, and the economy is really no better off than it was when he took office.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
21 Aug 11
You are correct that all politicians lie. You make some good points about Obama, but I think there are less illegals because it isn't as easy to get to the boarder (the border cities in Mexico are worse than Iraq during the war), and there are less jobs for them here. We as a country are making more progress in rights for LGBT's than past administrations have, but still there is a lot to do. The economy isn't any better for the normal US citizen, but the economy is much more stable than when he took office. Corporate America is doing better than they EVER have, with almost 2 1/2 TRILLION dollars in profits that they have made off of us poor people. Hopefully the people of this country will wake up to the fact that this country is no longer the United States of America, it is the United States of CORPORATE America!!!!!
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Aug 11
Yeah, that was one of the dumbest promises I've ever heard. I remember back in 2008 a guy telling me he was voting for Hillary because he thought she would bring gas prices down to what they were under Clinton. If people were dumb enough to believe it then WITHOUT a promise, they're certainly dumb enough to believe it now.
YOU however, have no room to talk. I remember YOU constantly blaming Bush for high gas prices. Are you now acknowledging that you were completely wrong back then, or does your take on the situation vary depending on how you can use it to criticize a Republican?

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
21 Aug 11
Taskr, I DO blame Bush for the high oil prices, and his policies (or lack of policies). Bush didn't think that the oil prices had anything to do with the economy, and he didn't want the government to step in (by the way, do you want to know how many speeches he has given to oil companies since leaving office?). Clinton was correct in focusing on the effect of oil price on the consumer, and he was tough on the oil companies. Obama hasn't done this, and he should focus on this much more. It is a FACT that when oil prices go down, consumer spending goes up. Want to grow the economy? Lower oil prices!!!
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
21 Aug 11
Taskr, like I said in my post, if she destroyed the economy she could do that. I believe that if you were to keep gas prices around $2.50 you would see a dramatic change in the economy. But, you would have to cut the taxes on gas, and you would have to create an oil company of America that will drill for oil no matter what the price is, keep the oil here, have it's own refineries, and drill EVERYWHERE!!!! All of the middle eastern countries do it, why shouldn't we? The problem for any politician is that the oil companies would fight this idea, and so would MOST republicans. Bachmann doesn't have the ability to deal with such backlash from her own party. But, it would solve this problem, for a while.
@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
23 Aug 11
This IS ridiculous! Everybody knows that would only happen if I were elected President!
Seriously, this is indicative of the problems with our Republican Party right now. Every time the powerbrokers of the party try to find someone capable of getting votes, they don't bother to look for things like intelligence or accountability. These are the same geniuses behind the scenes that got GW Bush elected twice and got Sarah Palin on the ticket in '08. If it weren't for the idiots in the Democratic Party, we'd never get a Republican elected again!
We need truth, justice and strong leadership, not sound bites and whining. Might as well vote for a Democrat the way this is going.
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
21 Aug 11
Yes i am republican no she can't get it back to $2 a gallon she lied all politicians do it's how they get elected...... Duh....... She is not a font runner. Oh and off shore drilling do you have a better idea we either drill off shore until someone cOmes up with an idea or I guess let gas rise up even higher or buy a horse off shore drilling is our only option
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
21 Aug 11
We all know she lied, but you aren't hearing many people calling her out on it. Here is the problem with off shore drilling: No one wants it off their shore!!!! Even republican states like Florida, and Ohio have had their republican governors oppose it. There are millions of gallons of oil off the shores of this country and it is the most profitable way to drill, but states won't allow for drilling there. The other problem is that there is no way that you can guarantee that oil will stay in the US, right now EXPORT oil and IMPORT oil!!! There is no magic bullet, the only thing I can tell you is that we are going to have to find a combination of oil and alternative energies until we find another source of energy.
But, lying to people about this problem isn't going to help anyone!!!!
@lawdude (237)
• United States
22 Aug 11
Everyone should realize that if Michelle becomes President, she will turn around the economy in a year, bring back cheap gasoline, balance the budget, reduce taxes, retire our national debt, rid us of unemployment, end welfare, make everyone prosperous, end the terrorist threat, and win our foreign wars. She is truly a political Wonder Woman.
@way2vision (613)
• Canada
22 Aug 11
There is no possible way to get gas to that price. She has no power even as the president, if she gets there. She can try, but companies, investors, financial groups, will attack her, and all her advisers will be able to do is convince her to do nothing (if she becomes president).
Bachmann is ridiculous, she has no chance of winning this election, I am not sure why she is even bothering. Everyone jokes, that no one could have been worse in the public than Sarah Palin, but Bachmann is surely proving everyone wrong. Notice how Palin wisely been keeping quite in the background. Bachmann surely makes Palin look good.