Are you thinking of becoming a volunteer?
@S33KER (11)
United Arab Emirates
November 20, 2006 5:11am CST
"Volunteer"As a volunteer, you teach a pre-written, 13-session curriculum full of games, discussions, role-plays, and out-of-the-seat activities.
You and your partner become the teachers in the classroom, working with one sixth grade class for the entire program. You lead them in learning about conflict, cooperation, communication, respecting different perspectives, overcoming stereotypes, and preventing violence.
The curriculum can be followed closely or adjusted to incorporate your own ideas. Before each class you meet with your co-teacher to discuss how you would like to approach the lesson.
At the end of the program your class develops their own Peace Game, using their new knowledge and conflict resolution skills. The class presents their game at the Peace by P.E.A.C.E. Festival.
Being a Peace by P.E.A.C.E. teacher is truly a rewarding experience.
"COMMITMENT"Although Peace by P.E.A.C.E. is a relatively small time commitment, it is extremly important that teachers are responsible, reliable, and dedicated. In addition to acting as a representative of the organization in your classroom, as a teacher, you are responsible for attending:
1. a training session
2. dinner meetings once every two weeks
3. one hour each week of classroom teaching
4. a short meeting with your classroom partner before each session
In return for your commitment, you receive:
1. sufficient training
2. a pre-written curriculum
3. an experienced teaching partner
4. a school coordinator
5. materials for games and lessons
6. transportation (Dwight Hall cars or New Haven buses)
7. support of the entire Peace by P.E.A.C.E. staff
8. the satisfaction of making a difference in the lives of your students.
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