What do you miss about your childhood?

August 22, 2011 10:57am CST
My father was telling us a story about his childhood earlier, how about you friends do you still remember your childhood? What games do you usually played with your friends or school mates? My father said on their time Usually it involves traditional games. Unlike children these day… its all about technology games. iPad, Play Station, iPhone and etc. he told us about Agawan Base (Prisoners are being rescued by their teammates)and Patintero. friends do you play the same game when you were a child? please share your stories and opinion with me. :)
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18 responses
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
23 Aug 11
Hehe i miss my childhood a lot!! I wish I could go back :( Anyway the games we played, i miss them a lot too!! I remember playing hide and seek with the neighbours. God it was so fun back then, simple things made me happy. And I also remember playing dolls with my friends and much more. The other things I miss about my childhood is that we used to lazily lie in the sun in the terrace and no worries or stresses :) Life was so good back then!!
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24 Aug 11
hi:) oh yes nice to go back to childhood, hehe times like this I'm sure we both wish for a time machine...LOL!:D oh you must have a happy childhood, that games are all sound great. thank you for your comment friend:)
• South Korea
24 Aug 11
Yes, I really had a happy and carefree childhood
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Aug 11
I don't miss alot of my childhood. I was verbally abused by my father and pretty much ignored by my mom. My mom was to busy trying to keep my father getting pissed off all the time! He had a temper and took all his problems and frustrations out on everyone else! There were some happy moments but I remeber the bad times the most! If it was possible I would go back in time and do it all over again! Now that I know why I was verbally abused and why my mom was like she was! This is why I ended up with so low of sellf-esteem and confidence! Sometime I still am working on after all these years!
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24 Aug 11
oh my gosh that's horrible! oh you should forget about that bad memories, don't let that affect your for life, I'm sure you have something to be proud of about yourself, so cheer up alright? and be confident enough, just think that from now on you deserve better. wish you luck friend, thank you for your comment:)
@chiepao (714)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
Hello flower, As a child I really loved playing those games. Especially the agawan base and the Langit Lupa. :) I used to play a lot outside as a child. I think children today are so different from what we are before. I will surely expose my child to those games for I think they are games that a child shouldn't miss :)
24 Aug 11
hi:) oh yeah that sounds cool. agawan base I think I know that it's like tag race right?I forgot how we used to call that game. that's so cool, I used to play that too when I was in primary school. thank you for your comment friend:)
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
23 Aug 11
We use to take all the blanket out of the closet and build tents in my room. Then hide under them. My parent would come in and just through a fit. Because they would have to clean them and fold them up again. We did that more than once. Sometimes being punished really means nothing if you are doing something you find fun. I was the only girl so I played tag, football, baseball and basketball outside. One of my favorite things to play was soccor with my dog. She always knew her goal was by the big window in the livingroom and mine was in the diningroom. I would kick the little ball and we would go back and forth. She would grab the ball with her mouth and run as fast as her little weiner dog legs would let her. Score. She would get all excited and we would start again. She did more scoring them me of course, because I didn't want to accidently kick her. We were buddies. Fun, Fun, Fun!
24 Aug 11
hi:) oh that all sounds cool. yeah like you I play with my dog too before but it's more of I throw the toy then he will catch it or bite it then bring it back to me. happy memories really are worth remembering, nice to reminisce sometimes yeah? thank you for your comment friend:)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
Boy, oh boy! How old are you flowerfest08? I'm only asking because I used to play the very same street games your father played as a child. Add to that other cool street games like Pepsi-7Up, Piko, Taguan, etc. Kids then were more into active playing rather than just lazying around indoors on the bed, sofa, or anywhere you can get comfy and cozy.
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
Hahaha! It's kind of hard to explain, but I will try: 1 person will be the "it". He will stand with his back facing the other participants. On the opposite end, a few good meters away from the "it", are the other participants. A line will be drawn there, which will serve as their "base" or safe area. The "it" will then shout, "Pepsi" which will prompt the others to move towards him. Once the "it" looks back and says "7Up", everyone must stop. The "it" will keep saying "Pepsi" (he can even elongate it like so: "Pepsiiiii.....") until the others get close enough to tag him. The "7Up" is uttered so he can check every now and then how the others have progressed towards him, so he can gauge who he will tag as the next "it". Sounds simple enough but it is so much fun while you do it. Oh! The other street game I forgot to mention was "Agawan base". Two teams (comprising a minimum of 5 each) set up base, which is usually a tree...yes, there were plenty of trees then, even where I used to live in Quezon City). So 1 tree or base for each team. The teams alternate in that at one point, 1 team sends out a member who is tasked to find a way to touch the base of the opposing team, while he is escaping being caught by the "guard" sent out by the other team. If he is caught by the "guard" assigned to catch him, he will be tied (there's no real tie, you just pretend there is) to the enemy's tree. The 2 teams take turns in sending out offense (the one tasked to touch the base) and defense (the "guard") members. As members get caught, a line (of the "captured" ones) begins to show. So your goal now is to "retrieve" your captured members. If you are able to escape the opposing team's guard and the first one to touch the hand of your captured team member (the one at the very end), then you win (because in effect, you were able to touch the opposite team's base/ tree by virtue of the human chain. I hope I was able to explain this clearly. But if you still don't get it, then I suggest that you ask your father. :D
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
Hi again, flowerfest08! I just dropped by to thank you for giving me the best response rating. I appreciate it so much. God bless!
24 Aug 11
hi:) oh yeah thinking of my father was telling us then I can tell that those kinds of games are way cooler than games nowadays, hehe I know taguan(hide and seek) we used to play that at school when I was on primary school. haha I can't imagine the pepsi-7up is that a drinking race game..LOL coz we do that at Christmas party. thank you for your comment friend:) best of luck!
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
When i was a child i used to play house, and chose a mother and father, chinese garter, patentero, shatong and all Philippine kid games. I love those games, with all the sweats and exciting games. Unlike now, most of the kids are playing through the computer which is not really good because it does not promote body circulation. It makes them exposed in radiation. I will never exchange my childhood to the new generation, i want my kids to experience my childhood because of the fun and true happiness it brings.
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
You're also from the Philippines and why you haven't tried other games I have mentioned?Shatong is like making a whole in the ground and yuo have two sticks, the other was like smaller (4 inches) and the other one is like 15 inches.You'll put it smaller in the ground and try to hit it and make counts how long it takes. Something like that, im having a hard time to explain.
24 Aug 11
hi:) yes I'm from Philippines too, sadly I haven't tried those games, but I wish I did, it sounds cool.
23 Aug 11
hehe yeah when I was a child too I was playing that "make pretend" pretending that my dolls were my children and I would cook and do things for them. but those other games you mentioned I just hope I experienced that too, but sadly not. yeah I think your generation was more cooler than now. thank you for your comment friend:)
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@kaplya (1578)
• India
23 Aug 11
The main thing I miss about my childhood like everybody else is outdoor plays that we used to play with our group of friends! There were many games like dodge ball, football and other local games. I feel I had a lucky childhood with lots of friends and playmates.:) Though I believe every generation have it's way of enjoying their childhood.In my opinion, it's more about what games your friends are playing be it outdoor or indoor or technological ones, the thing is you get company, which is what makes childhood unforgettable.
24 Aug 11
hi:) yes that's true that kind of experiences with friends are really unforgettable. thank you for your comment friend:)
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
23 Aug 11
Wow! I had too much fond memories of my childhood. My best friend who is my neighbour and my classmates often play together. We play cooking, dressing for dolls, cop catch thief, jigsaw puzzle, watching tv and even went out to the city for fun. She is my best friend as we stick together through thick and thin. But when I moved out from the place I used to live, I never see her again. We keep in touch through emails sometimes and wish each other happy birthday. She is a teacher now meanwhile I am unemployed. I wish we could talk like before regardless of occupation and wealthiness. Friendships are forever
24 Aug 11
hi:) oh you must have a happy days when you were a kid, nice best-friend you got there. I play that too with my cousin and friends before, we pretend that our dollies are real and try to cook and do things for them. oh nice to know that you still have communication with each other, yes true friendship is really for keeps. wish you luck friend, thank you for your comment:)
• Philippines
22 Aug 11
yes, your father was right, kids before used to play with other kids. i missed going to the farm every summer and christmas vacation where you would experience life in simplicity.
23 Aug 11
hi:) yes they seems have a happier childhood than us based on what he told us... I just wish I could also experience that kind of things. thank you for your comment friend:)
• India
23 Aug 11
This 19th of August was my birthday, i am 67 now, we had so much fun with my grandkids and their friends, i was back to my childhood days, i miss many things.. particularly the smile.. Thanks Best of luck. Professor
24 Aug 11
oh that's nice prof. yeah that might be a good thing to do to reminisce your happiness when you were a child. best of luck too, and thank you for your comment:)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
i don't have much fun during my childhood days. i have a very strict parents. Now that i have my own child i make sure he will enjoy and cherish his childhood, and let him experience things i never did but with supervision of course hehehehe
23 Aug 11
oh that's sad, children needs to enjoy their childhood. but perhaps your parents love you so much and didn't want you to get hurt yourself from playing. hehe that's nice, yeah make your child experience everything wonderful about being a child. you must be a cool parent then:) thank you for your comment friend:)
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
23 Aug 11
This reminded me of my primary school days. When I was a child, the best classic game to play was tips! In which one person was in and we would run around like crazy trying not to get tagged by the person who's in. Of course, the school had a rule that we're not allowed to run but scrap the rules. We were little rebels trying to run away from the teachers! I miss those days =)
24 Aug 11
yeah me too when I think of my childhood I always think of primary school, well I think that's when we enjoy playing and being a child. haha little rebelious child huh?,that's a great one though. thank you for your comment friend:)
22 Aug 11
I miss my best friend. We used to hang out almost every day and then we had a stupid argument in the last year of secondary school. I miss having friends. Real friends. I miss my grandma too. I used to spend time with her. She passed away about 3 years ago. I still think of her though. the other day i was going to buy her something. and then i remembered that she wasn't here anymore ;( i hate it when that happens.
23 Aug 11
yeah like you I had a best-friend too when I was in primary school,we do crazy things together, but sadly we don't have communication anymore since they migrated to other town. oh that's sad, but you don't need to be because for sure she's happy and at peace where ever she is now. thank you for your comment friend:)
23 Aug 11
Yeah..i love playing those games before...most especially the PATINTERO thing, PIKOBARO, and CHINESEGARTER. I really miss those days. I could really feel that I'm enjoying my childhood that time not like today..everywhere I go kids today always have their cellphones, PSP, iPad, and other gadgets that are in today. Definitely a techy kiddos..
23 Aug 11
hi:) oh how I hope I know that games, I want to try that too... hehe but I guess it's too late for me because I'm not a little girl anymore, I just hope I did, but sadly I even don't know some of that. yeah playing now are mostly on gadgets, where the only thing that's moving is your fingers. thank you for your comment friend:)
• United States
22 Aug 11
When I was about 3, my dad would take me and my brother out to an open field where paratroopers would train. He'd take us out there every so often that it became almost a regular thing. We'd see dozens of guys on parachutes, gently falling to the ground. Then after that, he'd take us in the car and drive to the car wash. Seeing the huge brushes and the soap splashing all over the car was in a way magical.
23 Aug 11
wow!cool father yeah?...that's a great experiences. thank you for your comment friend:)
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
22 Aug 11
I liked the innocence of childhood. When you could sleep and eat when you wanted, you helped your grandparents because you wanted to be with them when in reality they were working very hard on the farm. When the word responsibility was not uttered because things were done because you just loved to be around people and help them.
23 Aug 11
hi:) yes that's true, being a child is perfect, no worries and you are free to do anything you wish... thank you for your comment friend:)
@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
I missed playing those traditional games when i was a kid. Usually when it gets dark, my siblings and i, cousins and including my Uncle (the youngest brother of my mom) would play hide and sick with us and that was really fun! My Uncle would usually save the youngest in the family and that would be me!
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
26 Aug 11
Yes I did missed a lot my childhood. We have lot of outdoor games before. I even played a swimming race in the sea. We have that hide and seek, the catching ball and lot more native games. I really missed the excitement, the thrill and fun during my childhood. The fun is really different when you are already grown up. As what you have said kids nowadays is really different than before, because of these new cool gadgets. I can see that they really forgot the native traditional games of the Filipinos.