Why so many theists claim that atheism is a belief?
@dayangsumbi2010 (1724)
August 22, 2011 4:44pm CST
In my opinion, atheism is the very absence of faith. (This does not mean that any spirituality must be excluded). Why then atheism is a kind of religiosity attached?
Can you imagine how many believers the world only a mystical fairy tale forest, where there are responsible for everything and everyone monitoring combined with ghosts?
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14 responses
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
23 Aug 11
Atheism is a set of beliefs, which is what a religion is. It is a set of beliefs that shapes how you view your life and the world around. This set of beliefs will also impact your decisions and how you live your life.
Do Atheists have faith? Sure they do. Similar to secular humanists, an atheists primarily has faith in their own beliefs and understanding of things. They can say there is no god because they have convinced themselves of that. They say the afterlife is whatever they decide it is because they have ruled out any other interpretation.
I assume most atheists accept evolution as the beginning of man, even though that takes more faith than just believing God on the subject.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
23 Aug 11
Evolution is certainly not hard fact. It is a theory with a whole lot of holes in it.
What are some things that an atheist believes?
They believe that there is not supernatural dimension to life.
They believe that there is no after life, but they also believe that one can believe in it as a matter of personal choice.
They believe that God does not have any say in their life.
They beleive that their belief system is better than that of a religious person.
and so on. The atheist believes a lot like the secular humanist who says that man is the captain of his own ship and determines his own fate.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
23 Aug 11
djbtol evolution is not a theory and never has been. Where did Darwin ever talk of a theory of evolution? He never did. He only proposed that natural selection was the mechanics of how the physical process of evolution works.
It is true that the atheist sees the world governed by rational physical processes and needs no supernatural explanation but this is based on observation, not belief.
They see no evidence of an afterlife so they do not accept that there is one. Again this is not a belief, only a pragmatic view of the available facts based on observation.
Since they so no observable evidence that there are gods it would be a bit silly to think that some unseen supernatural entity held sway in their lives.
They do not have a belief system so again it is a bit silly to think that they think that their nonexistent belief system is superior to that of a superstitious person.
@rifnee (1713)
• Indonesia
23 Aug 11
I have to agree with you!
Atheism is not faith, because the atheist feels just as the right, which has also been proven! The atheist works with natural laws and rules!
All the examples that are appropriate here believes that it has opened the bakery tomorrow and so are totally idiotic, because it is not faith but simply a law, a rule that has long been recognized.
That means you walk out of the rule that the bakery has opened in the morning, because now the time is.
You do not believe each and every day of the new bakery opened the next day, because you know he's the "law" opens the door for every day!
Atheism is also why there is no faith, because you do not just believe! A non-faith is not faith!
Now there are even no evidence for the existence of God and therefore atheists do not believe that there is a God, but they know it out of their empirical understanding.
Conclusion: Atheism is not faith!
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@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
24 Aug 11
WHITE neither the atheist from "empirical understanding" or for theoretical arguments that there is no God, but he believes he knows it. To know exactly how the theist believes that there is one God. The existence of God can not refute the same reasons as they can not be proved. Neither theoretically nor empirically. At best, one can speak here of absolute certainty, which are of those who have, subjectively perceived as "knowledge" that are not knowledge in the strict scientific sense.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 Aug 11
Cassandrina hit the nail on the head when she said that atheists were looking for "converts". They are some of the most active proselytizers I have ever seen. Even though I would not name their group a religion or a faith, they do have a "Belief" system. It might better be called and "Anti~Belief" system. They believe that there is no Higher Power such as a Creator. They do not believe in any of the current religious faiths, but they become well versed in those beliefs so that they can denigrate them. Many atheists know the christian testament better than a lot of christians. Its a good history lesson for them.
Instead of ignoring the various religious groups, atheists tend to work against them for seemingly no reason. The bit about removing prayer from schools years ago was very interesting. The fight to constantly remove the 10 commandments from city, state and federal property is also interesting. I will never understand how this could ever hurt an atheist. It always surprises me when it comes up at a location near me. I usually have never even noticed that it was there.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
23 Aug 11
If I were to post a copy of Sharia law on city, state or federal property would you object. How is this so much different from posting a copy of the Ten Commandments?
@nakula2009 (2325)
• Indonesia
25 Aug 11
Atheism can never be an absence of belief, because everybody thinks, and if it is the belief that the man of the aircraft in which he is sitting, flying, got his pilot's license.
An atheist who had no faith, would then demand every time a proof from the pilot.
Without faith, life would be somewhat difficult.
An atheist believes just that there is no God.
Or atheism in itself is an idea, a symbol. Then you may see him but only as an idea that has nothing to do with humans.
An atheist believes he knows only that there is no God.
@ If an atheist commits only the knowledge that he would have to question the existence of God can open.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
23 Aug 11
In the same way that God has all inteligence. He knows how to correctly influence and control the events of my life for his purposes. He does not need a quality control program because He does not make mistakes. I cannot see or understand most of what God is doing, but "faith is the conviction of things not seen".
I do not need to understand how an airplane works, I can trust that the pilot knows what he is doing (faith in the pilot) and I can trust in the plane (faith not only in this plane, but also in basic flight principles).
Personally I would probably not draw such a strong distinction between faith and trust.
@Galena (9110)
23 Aug 11
there are a lot of atheists who are just as stubborn in their beleif that there is no possibility of any deity as there are people of a religion who stubbornly state that it is not possible for their religion not to be 100% right.
both of these sorts act as if anyone believing differently is stupid, and MUST beleive as they do.
while I have a religion, and I am secure in that religion, I do appreciate that not everyone beleives as I do. and that as I am only human, I can't expect to know 100% how the universe works, but from personal experiences have come to beleive as I do.
I think atheism is very much a belief. it is not the same as agnosticism, which is simply beleiving that there is probably not any religion that is right, but that we can never know for sure.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
24 Aug 11
Some atheists treat it like a belief system. They cling an absolutist position based on their interpretation of the facts, and defend it with all the vigor of a devout believer. These are the atheists that theists have in mind when they say atheism is a belief.
Most atheists aren't like that, however. They function in their day to day life without need for belief in gods, but don't staunchly believe that gods don't exist.
@prudhvimech (98)
• India
22 Aug 11
Its in your belief that lies that you should believe or not because it is the inner belief whether to do a thing or not. As per me I don't believe in any spiritual or soul or a ghost. But, I believe what I see. I mainly believe science. Most of the people who support atheism are the followers of modern science. For others they might have a belief that there is a super natural power above all other powers.
@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
24 Aug 11
One must distinguish between "believing AN ..." and "believe THAT ..." differ.
When I say that I believe in God, so I set course, assumes that it exists. Religious faith is always "faith TO ..." In this sense, atheism is not faith, because he can feel connected to anyone and logically committed, which he considers non-existent.
Is there a God now, or is there not? The theist believes that it exists, the atheist believes that there is not him. Neither of them can prove to refute their own view and that of others. Both believe something that is - "believe" is not now in specifically religious sense, but only in the sense of a for-true-holding or non-for-true-keeping. An atheist who takes up all claim to be solely committed to the knowledge must, therefore, leave open the question of the existence of God - though it would, strictly speaking, an agnostic.
However, an atheist who claims to KNOW that God did not give differs so from his own principle, the knowledge required to be alone, because he believes in and claims to know something that you as an objective, verifiable knowledge do not know CAN. This means that although its view gets no religious character, but somehow traits of a (non-religious) ideological conviction.
The phrase "everyone believes in something" is wrong. The phrase "everybody believes something," but is - especially on the question of the existence or nonexistence of God based - right.
@kendedes2011 (2712)
• Indonesia
26 Aug 11
They do that?
Atheism is not a religion. While there is no universally accepted definition of the term, but we can probably be agreed that religion always involves a confrontation with our spirituality.
This is not the case in atheism. Atheism as a worldview rejects any form of spirituality. This is true not only for monotheism and polytheism, but also for spiritism, animism, mysticism, new religious movements, paganism and neopaganism.
Believing in something means something to affirm, recognize him / it .... and trust and.
Atheism has no positive basis.
Atheism is not a belief, but refers almost exclusively to the rejection of the faith of others. Closes someone spirituality, most supernatural, spirituality is not full, it can hardly be described as a real atheist.
The term agnostic fits better as well .......
Just about every faith has a theory. We tried to positively assist in our decisions. Atheism teaches nothing. It refers to the rejection of teachings about spirit and / spirituality.
Atheism is not a religion. Atheism rejects religion is not only down, but fear they are in most cases almost (.... wondering if anyone else here, get involved here, just WHY so many atheists in R & S so abundant ....;-)
Atheism is not a new great faith / belief, which helps us to transform ourselves into better people.
We hear again and again by atheists, as they apply the teachings of their great mentor. There, however, almost never for anything better, but just about allegedly false emphasize or condemn ....
It provides no positive responses.
Religion is opium for the people "
...... Is still today a preferred polemics atheist worldview.
For many Christians, atheism has a similar pattern:
"Atheism is as opiates for our moral corruption"
Atheism does not revolve primarily about the people came because of rational / factual findings to the conclusion that there is nothing most supernatural.
For a number of atheists is the motivation of their world view totally different reason:
They do not want God!
You see in the world view of the irrelevance, in the rejection of all higher such thing as liberation. It frees them from morality.
It allows them to reject things / actions / thoughts that they will not refuse to ignore it.
Atheism provides us with something like an "intellectual" Protection for sin ..... we can choose for ourselves what is right or wrong ..... the real motivation behind the refusal of our spirituality is probably one of the biggest indicators of how wrong we are with her.
@najibdina29 (1309)
• Indonesia
25 Aug 11
This is nonsense, because the * faith * religiosity exists as a concept independent of, but man determines what is credible for him.
He believes in every case, if yes or no, and then his faith is for or against. So it is quite indifferent which side we stand, but without faith it is not going. Especially not when it comes to one for God or against God relates to what you see then on to faith as a statutory affirmation or negation.
Is faith but a way to call, then an uphill or downhill, a front and back or to recognize no matter where the person goes, it is the path continues to exist as a faith of.
If faith is focused as a turn-discovery and return to God in religion, simply because His Word is the leading content for the willing, then they aspire to the heights, to the light and follow the Son. For the laggards, legally transferred, the denial and rejection of religion, because they have the same resistance as a guideline.
@saparidiki64 (594)
• Indonesia
4 Sep 11
From Wikipedia:
Atheism means in accordance with current usage, the basic ideological view that there is no God. But there are different uses of the word. Widely used today is a double distinction, both from belief in God (especially in the form of theism and deism) and the position of a sentence contained in the question of the existence of God or gods (agnosticism), but occasionally also be agnostic counted among the atheists .
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
22 Aug 11
I would also like to say that Atheism cannot be proved. Just like religions, it still has a form of faith. They believe that there is no higher power and so forth. But they cannot know for sure.
ie I have faith that when I die I'll just rot in the ground and my "soul" won't exist.